The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 2343: Looking for iron ore

"Have you seen it? Such a strait is very narrow. If there is an important place over there, this place is absolutely important." Han Shi pointed to the northern part of the strait, which is today's Singapore.

"This place, we must occupy, the position is too important." Han Shi was a little excited when he said this.

"It's just. Captain, look over there. It seems that there are still a lot of ships going through there. We go there like this, it seems, some are not good." The first officer said worriedly.

"Don't worry about so many, this ocean is full of nameless islands and landless land. Whoever occupies it, who builds a large number of fortresses, it is whoever, with guns and cannons, no one can do you. Brothers, get me ashore. Take over there. Hurry up." Han Shi shouted loudly.

With the development of Nanyang, it is getting more and more south, especially for some sea-going ships to travel for half a year, which is too high for the cost of navigation. In order to save costs, some sea-going vessels had to refocus their targets on the limited but undeveloped west. Because if you go eastward, no islands have been found, and ocean currents are not right. As a last resort, some people look for new development sites. Western has become the main point of their attention.

"Come on. Hurry up and take this land. Hurry up." The first officer rushed to the unoccupied land with a navy officer's knife in his hand.

"Sir, look over there." At this moment, a crew member saw a sea boat docked over there. The people on the boat docked on the beach to rest. They were already cooking.

"Go, go over and take a look to see who they are?" the first officer said.

"They are from the Chu country." A seaman saw the Chu National Flag on the ship.

"Well, we have to figure out why they stay here. If they live here, we absolutely can't agree." The first officer said fiercely.

Soon, the first officer brought his hands down to the place where Chu people stayed.

"Who is talking here?" the first officer shouted loudly.

"I. I." A middle-aged man walked out with a short beard and said.

"Well. You can only stay here for a short time. You can't live here. Here, we Koreans have occupied it. We are going to build a fort here." The first officer said unreasonably.

"We don't stay, oh, no, we don't live, we don't live." The middle-aged man saw these Koreans, all fully armed, they all had flintlocks and navy swords on their waists, maybe , There are artillery not far away. For these heavily armed people, they can't afford to provoke, and they don't want to provoke. So they can only say this passively.

"We just had a meal here and took a break. It was too bumpy all the way." The middle-aged man said with a smile.

"Well. It's up to you, you want to be fast, we are going to build a fort here." The first officer said. Then waved and said.

After the group of Koreans armed to their teeth left. The middle-aged man sighed.

"Oh. When can I find a piece of my own home?" the middle-aged man said. They originally had a piece of their own homeland on the Indochina Peninsula, but they didn't know what was wrong. A large-scale plague was spread there all at once. The plague could not be stopped, and many people died for no reason. In order to make their families safer, some Chu people gave up their homes. They decided to find a homeland that belonged to them further away without the plague, where they could live well. The Chu people don’t know where they know it. After crossing a strait, they can find a suitable place for planting along the coastline. There was no one in this area, it was completely developed by themselves. After hearing this news, many Chu people had to abandon the plague-stricken area, and then take a boat to develop further afield. This is the second migration of Chu's population. They had seen the East Coast of the Indochina Peninsula before, but had to move again because of the plague, but they were still on the Indochina Peninsula, only this time they went to the West Coast.

Queen's Island. A meeting of captains convened by the government.

"Let's look for iron ore. This iron ore is so heavy, and we don't know how to look for iron ore. It would be better to let us look for gold ore." A bearded captain could not see that the age captain was dissatisfied. Speaking of.

"That is, how good it is to find a gold mine, to be able to make a fortune, and to make a fortune. I heard that the thin man found a gold mine and brought a ship of gold mines." Another middle-aged man had it on his arm. Tattoos, tattoos are a large piece of scary skulls. This may be the influence of the island’s culture, because the ethnic minorities in the south have tattoos and the custom of tattoos. He himself thinks it is very fashionable, so he also tattooed one. But the skull is used as a sign to scare those ethnic minorities.

"Is it true? If he can find gold, I can also find it. This gold mine is very good. Unfortunately, I can't find the gold mine." said the beard.

"I said the skull, did you find it? Don't tell me the news without finding it." The bearded man said to the man with the skull tattoo.

"This, I also listened to others." said the skull.

"You don't know, this iron ore can be found with magnetite. But this gold mine is not so easy. This requires a geologist to find it, or you can find Yin Yang's house, they may know this. You Spend some money, please come. Maybe you can find it all at once." Skull and Crossbones suggested.

"Well, I think, I'll forget it, I'll find iron with that magnet." The beard shook his head and said.

"I don't have any money anymore. How to hire someone and return the money to the Yin Yang family? I'll save it." The beard shook his head and said. Most of the goods transported by Korean ships are local specialties. They are very eager for gold, because gold is hard currency. What they need is this kind of gold to promote trade. For mineral development, and how to find it, Many of them are still unable to do this. After all, this requires professional people to do it. They have not yet been able to do it.

And this meeting of captains actually solved this point. Compared with gold mines, iron ore is easier to find in people’s understanding. Maybe you can find it by holding a magnet. This is the consciousness of everyone in the upper class in South Korea. , The above seems to be equally important for gold and iron ore. This is the purpose of this meeting. Let the captain actively use their advantages to find iron ore for development.

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