"Oh my God. Look at the sky." A second-class soldier of the Qin State Marine Corps looked up in surprise and saw that a very badly damaged airship barely flew to their position. The airship was not flying very high. It is only about twenty feet high.

"My God, this is the airship of the Army Aviation. It's our airship." A sergeant looked at the sky in surprise and said.

"How did they become like this?" the sergeant exclaimed in surprise.

"I don't know, I don't know." A soldier next to him shook his head and said. It was the first time he saw such a situation.

"Hurry up. Hurry up, everyone is ready to save people." At this time, an officer shouted loudly. All the people put down their weapons and tools for digging trenches to save people.

The airship landed slowly, and it seemed that the pilot's skills were very good. They effectively control the height of the airship.

When everyone was watching the airship landing, suddenly the airship jittered, perhaps due to strong winds, or other reasons, in short, the airship faltered. It makes people look scared. They also don't know why this happened.

"Wow." At this moment, there was a huge shaking. Then the airship made a hard landing. The airship's head landed, and it could be seen that the pilot had better control of the airship's attitude. If it weren't for some special circumstances at the end, I'm afraid the airship will land safely, but there is no way, the pilot has tried his best.

"Hurry up and save people. Save people." The officer shouted loudly. Then everyone started to run crazy. The tail of the airship had been pierced by a shell, and the damage was relatively serious. Fortunately, the power system was still there, relying on part of the lift. They barely flew to their own territory.

"Damn it." Soon, the Marines dragged the pilot out of the hard-landing airship. Then came the other personnel of the airship.

"Damn it." The pilot Zhang Lun was the first to be rescued. Because of his serious position, people always hope to save a brother.

"Damn it. Goguryeo." Zhang Lun cursed in the first sentence after he came out. Fortunately, he was not seriously injured, just a bump on his arm.

"Brother, how is it?" a second lieutenant officer asked, holding him up.

"It's okay, **** Goguryeo, there are wounded on it, just behind, you are trying to save him, his arm was knocked out by a cannonball. There is too much blood loss, he needs a blood transfusion, it is type A blood." Zhang Lun shouted at this time. Shouted.

"Okay. We know. We know." The ensign officer hurriedly comforted.

"Very good. Thank you, thank you Marine Corps." Zhang Lun said, waving his arm. The second lieutenant looked at him helplessly. Because his arm was injured.

"How did you do it?" the ensign asked curiously.

"Don't mention it." Zhang Lun shook his head and said.

"Our situation is very bad." Zhang Lun said.

"We are a firepower airship with twelve .50 machine guns on it. They are very powerful." Zhang Lun said.

"We know this, we also have such a machine gun equipped." The ensign said.

"Yes, we are very powerful. This is what our airship does. We have to reduce the altitude, and then fly very low. We use the machine guns we equip to shoot the enemy continuously. The enemy simply can't lift his head. Those **** Goguryeo people It’s as cool as hitting those grassy targets. One after another. The bullet hits the head, as if hitting the melon. The head hits. Bang. It flies out of the brain and blood, not to mention it’s cooler. It’s more enjoyable than slashing the head." Zhang Lun said with a smile.

"Hehe. So are we. We like to order 50 machine guns the most. It's more enjoyable than using artillery bombardment," the ensign said.

"Me too." Zhang Lun said.

"It's a pity that we flew too low. Our other shielded airship did not come down. Then, the Goguryeo people used cannons. They used several cannons to aim at us, all of which were five-inch-caliber guns. As a result, My airship was shot. My Flame was shot in the tail. Our left machine gunner dodged faster. The solid bullet knocked out his arm. We stopped the bleeding, and then quickly, barely. When we flew back, we couldn't get up. Those damned Goguryeos, fortunately, their artillery didn't catch up. Otherwise, we would be dead." Zhang Lun waved his hand and said. When he said this, his face was a little ugly, as if he was about to cry.

"I feel it." The ensign didn't know what to say.

"It doesn't matter, we can continue to fight." Zhang Lun said. Soon the injured machine gunner was lifted out and his arm was knocked off. The wound was treated urgently, but blood stains were still visible. The ambulancemen immediately stepped forward. Take out the rope and tie the other arm tight. They need to give him a blood transfusion. The blood bottle has been taken out. After refrigerating treatment.

Qin Jun has discovered the importance of blood transfusion on the battlefield, especially for those soldiers who were seriously injured. Many people died without timely blood transfusion, in order to reduce such mortality. This kind of blood transfusion is widely spread among the Qin army, and many ambulance soldiers have to learn, but the equipment is not much, because there is no rubber tube, Qin army can only use metal tubes.

"Do we need to report to it?" the ensign asked.

"Yes, but I need a glass of wine. I feel a little tired." Zhang Lun said after watching his brother being carried away.

"Okay. A glass of spirits," the ensign said.

Yanguo Lone Bamboo. Wang Jian sits quietly in his place, he wants to take charge of the overall situation.

"Sir, this is the latest battle report. From the air force." Bai Qi took the telegram and handed it to Wang Jian.

Wang Jian looked at the telegram quickly.

"We lost an airship. The telegram we just got. No one was killed, but a shooter was injured. Another airship was hit by a shell and its engine was damaged. Fortunately, no one was injured." Bai Qi said To.

"How was the bombing effect?" Wang Jian asked.

"It's not ideal. We only launched a bombing of Xiangping City. However, the Goguryeo people took refuge, and they were not concentrated, the effect of the bombing was not ideal, and there was no ideal bombing target. The situation is not very good." Bai Qi shook his head and said.

"Yeah. I see." Wang Jian put down the telegram in his hand and said.

"Sir. Don't you say a few words?" Bai Qi asked curiously.

"No. They themselves know what to do? Don't tell me, we have to focus on the overall development now. Understand?" Wang Jian said to Bai Qi at this time.

"Yes, sir. I understand." Bai Qi nodded and said.

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