The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 2390: Chen Pinghe Cabinet System

"Is there any way? Come and listen." Fan Zeng said helplessly at this time. He now has to urgently solve the funding problem. It is not enough to rely solely on investment. At the very least, Chu State must have start-up funds. Otherwise, there will be a lot of problems.

"In short, just two words, bank." The young man said confidently.

"Bank?" Fan Zeng said while looking at the young man.

"Yes, banks, banks can solve this problem." Fan Zeng said. He suddenly remembered that Qin’s people solved financial problems in this way. Bonds and banknotes were all financial tools. What Chu Jun lacked were financial institutions. To accomplish such things, he would naturally set up financial institutions and look at the past. Didn't Qin solve the problem first? Then came South Korea, and all the problems were solved in this way.

"You are right, the bank. Indeed, we need a bank at the moment. What is your name?" Fan Zeng was suddenly very interested in this young man at this time.

"Under Chen Ping." The young man replied respectfully.

"Oh. Young man, there is a future for development." Fan Zeng looked at the young man.

"Sir, what we should do most now is to quickly establish a bank and inject capital. My idea is this." Chen Ping immediately began to introduce his plan.

"Talk about it, young man." Fan Zeng heard with interest.

"First, all military expenditures will be drawn by the bank. Soldiers can get a lot of interest when they save money. This is a good habit to attract soldiers to save money." Chen Ping said.

"If you do this, you can reduce the need for funds, and at the same time help us pool a large amount of funds." Chen Ping said.

"Secondly, our bank needs to cooperate with Qin State Bank, especially for the introduction of investment projects. We must obtain financial support from Qin State Bank. Otherwise, the whole matter will be difficult to handle by itself." Chen Ping continued. To.

"Well. It's feasible. Is there any more? If so, it's best to add some. If not, just implement it according to your ideas, and you will be directly responsible for this matter." Fan Zeng admired Chen Ping's talent very much at this time. Chen Ping is at most a clerk who manages logistics affairs in the army. There are many such clerks, as long as he knows a few words. However, it is very different to be able to propose the establishment of a financial institution such as a bank to solve the problem. Because this requires a lot of financial knowledge, at least you have to read a lot of newspapers before you can think of how to solve this problem.

"Well, there is one more point, but it has nothing to do with this matter." Chen Ping said after taking a look at the surroundings.

"Well. You all go down." Fan Zeng understood what Chen Ping meant, and the next question he was going to mention was very sensitive. After Fan Zeng waved his arm, everyone understood, and then withdrew one by one.

"Now I can say it." Fan Zeng said at this time.

"Sir. There is a big problem with the development of Chu State at present." Chen Ping said first.

"Hmm. What's the problem?" Fan Zeng asked.

"Well. It can be said directly, Chu State, especially the current son, lacks an effective cabinet." Chen Ping proposed at this time.

"Cabinet?" Fan Zeng looked at Chen Ping puzzledly and asked.

"Yes, the cabinet is the cabinet. Qin's prime minister system allows the prime minister to allow the establishment of a cabinet. The same is true for Zhao, South Korea, and even the Northern Wei Dynasty. Why can we not have such a cabinet in Chu?" Chen Ping asked very puzzled.

Hearing this, Fan Zeng nodded, and his thoughts on this young man rose to a high level again.

"Go on." Fan Zeng was not eager to express his views. He felt that he needed this young man to explain his thoughts.

"The son's goal is to ascend to the throne, but ascending to the throne requires more than a large number of troops. The current number of troops is enough. The Qin Army may not have so many troops involved at once. But the situation does appear now. In this situation, the number of troops is increasing, and the reorganization work is getting bigger and bigger, but our working state is not capable of such a workload. This will inevitably cause problems. In order to solve these problems, I personally think that we should A cabinet must be established, and the ministers of the cabinet must effectively solve the problems that occur. Only in this way can everything function normally." Chen Ping said.

"Yeah. You are right." Fan Zeng nodded.

"It's just that I don't understand, why do you have so many ideas?" Fan Zeng asked puzzledly.

"Hehe. Sir, these are just some of the imitation learning things I have seen in the newspaper." Fan Zeng said.

"The content published in the newspapers of Qin State is not available in Chu State, and the speed of Qin State's development is faster than ours. The road that Qin State has traveled is the road that Chu State will take in the future. I just copied it." Chen Ping spoke very modestly.

"No." Fan Zeng shook his head.

"This is definitely not copying, this is, this is a change in the way of thinking." Fan Zeng said to Chen Ping at this time.

"As you know, I once served as the Secretary of State under Prime Minister Qin. During the time I worked in Qin, I saw a lot of things, but I couldn't understand some of the connections. Prime Minister Qin Shangwen Tell me, this is a change in the way of thinking. This change has great revolutionary significance." Fan Zeng said to Chen Ping.

"Young people like you have this kind of thinking. This way of thinking cannot be changed." Fan Zeng said.

"Young man, do things well. If you have the opportunity, I will let you visit Qin State. Maybe there will be greater feelings there." Fan Zeng said to Chen Ping. For Chen Ping's talent. Fan Zeng admired it very much. Such young people have great potential for development.

Immediately Fan Zeng asked Chen Ping to do something, and he himself went to tell Chen Ping's thoughts to Negumi, and he wanted to promote Chen Ping. Such a young man should be placed in an important and honed place.

"How do you deal with banking matters specifically? You can handle it, I believe you." Negative nodded and said to Fan Zeng.

"In addition to this matter, there is another very important thing." Fan Zeng immediately put forward what he wanted to say at this time.

"Yeah. Tell me about it." Ning Chu nodded and said.

"Establish a cabinet system." Fan Zeng proposed.

"This was put forward by a young man named Chen Ping. His ideas are very constructive." Fan Zeng said.

"Cabinet system?" Hou asked.

"Yes, the cabinet system, the son needs a cabinet system." Fan Zeng said.

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