The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 2403: End of market adjustment

Qin State Ministry of National Defense. Wei Liao saw a report.

"Can salt be used to remove snow from the road?" Wei Liao asked curiously.

Speaking of Wei Liao, he pressed the call bell and asked his assistant to find the Director of Transportation.

"Is it all right to sprinkle salt?" Wei Liao asked this question directly, because in the future, the Qin army will have to face the transportation of logistical materials in the extremely harsh natural environment of the northern borders of the Western Regions.

"It should be possible. This is a chemical experiment." The Director of Transportation said.

"Experiment?" Wei Liao asked.

"Yes, if you sprinkle salt, the snow water will melt, they will melt faster, and the temperature requirements will be reduced." The Director of Transportation said.

"Moreover, the price of salt is very cheap now, which has little effect on our transportation cost." The Director of Transportation said at this time.

"You are talking about road transportation, not rail transportation." Wei Liao said after reading the report.

"Salt spreading can only be used for road transportation, and it can only be done by road transportation after the railway construction stops." The Director of Transportation said embarrassingly.

"Yeah. Well, this may be our only way." Wei Liao felt that such a way was indeed the only way.

"Try it, it's better than us doing nothing." Wei Liao said.

Inside the Qin State Trading Floor.

"Did you see? Newly listed stocks. Western Region United Trading and Western Region United Railway." A stockbroker is promoting the newly listed shares.

"Their performance is very good, and the scale of capital is strong, the scale of listed capital exceeds 10 million gold, second only to Wenyang Iron and Steel." The broker waved his hand and introduced.

"It's better to buy some. You can hardly find such stocks." The broker further persuaded. Although they tried their best to persuade. However, there are still many people who are unwilling to buy such stocks, because such stocks have no trading time and no trading history. If you buy such stocks, if there is a large-scale decline at the beginning, the loss will not be great. This is a kind of gamble. , No one can be sure, just because of this uncertainty, some people who are prudent in insurance are unwilling to buy such stocks.

Inside Li Wen's office. Lee Wen went bankrupt before. But he soon borrowed money to regain some principal, his life became better, and he had his own office. He also found an assistant.

"United Railway Company, United Trading Company." Li Wen looked at the poster. For these two newly listed companies. Li Wen is also very concerned. In his opinion, Qin's stock market has just gone through a round of adjustments. Such adjustments are nearing the end. At this time, there are two newly listed companies. Li Wen wants to try, after all, the performance of these two railway companies is still relatively good.

"Sir, this is the information you want." His assistant handed the collected information to Li Wen.

"Yeah." Li Wen began to look carefully. He felt that he could bet on this stock.

"How long are they from the final suspension?" Li Wen asked at this time.

"Sir, there are about fifteen days left, and the stock price is relatively cheaper. Their pre-sale price is 15 gold per share. If we buy in large quantities, the price may be around 13 gold and a half. "The assistant reminded.

"Yeah. Just buy 10,000 shares." Li Wen decided after thinking about it.

"Is the number a bit less?" the assistant asked at this time.

"There are still fifteen days, we have to gradually increase the size." Li Wen said calmly.

"Okay. That's it. We have to pay close attention to these two stocks." Li Wen said. Li Wen's instinct told him that these two stocks will rise rapidly.

On the other side, Qin Guo was in a securities brokerage company.

"After a round of adjustments, the market is now at an end stage. In other words, the market will rise a large part in the future. We also understand that there is less liquidity in the market. It was the last time the stock market shook sharply. Reason.” A stock analyst said at the meeting.

"But this time, we got reliable news that the Federal Bank Reserve Board has agreed to the government's bond mortgage plan. Once this plan is passed, there will be sufficient funds in the market, with a huge amount of funds in circulation of 150 million gold." A stock analyst said very excitedly. There are some discrepancies in the figures due to different sources of information. However, in general, people believe that the government will invest more than 100 million gold, and the investment of these funds will bring great prosperity to the entire economy of Qin. This kind of prosperity is the previous one. Never before.

"Therefore, for the stocks of the two newly listed companies, I personally think that they should be bought with all their strength. Anyway? We should do this," the stock analyst said.

Having said that, many famous stockbrokers present were a little confused because they had certain difficulties in selling this stock, but their stock analysts strongly recommended buying. In this case, the company will spend a lot of money. Where did this money come from? They are not clear about it themselves.

"It's just that this money. Where did it come from?" an agent asked.

"Bank." The stock analyst replied very simply.

And in Wenyang Bank.

"The news has been confirmed. The government mortgage bond plan has been implemented. But they will be divided into six installments. Each installment is 20 million gold. First, most of the funds are used in the Western Regions, and some of the funds will be purchased by the government. In order to further solve the bank’s financial problems." Yingyu said to Xiao He. Because of the relationship between the princess and Shangwen, she can get news that others want to know but can't know.

"It's just that now that we have the funds, what should we do?" Yingyu asked. On the issue of allocating funds. There are big differences within the banks. The main point of the differences lies in whether to invest in industry or the stock and securities market. Because the stock and securities market can reap huge profits in an extreme period of time, it is difficult for them to have new projects at this point because they will face a winter relationship if they invest in industry.

"My personal opinion is that only if they have money, can they further promote the rise of the stock market. At the same time, the market can be further active. The market adjustment has come to an end, and we must invest in substantial funds. , Give them a lot of support." Xiao He thought for a while and wanted to say.

"Yeah." Yingyu nodded and considered for a moment.

"I think it can be done this way." Yingyu said.

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