Zhao State of Handan.

"They are all good workers." Li Mu said after looking at the report. Because of the rapid development of iron smelting in Zhao State, coal mining in Zhao State is developing very rapidly. Zhao State needs coal workers everywhere, but the death rate of coal workers is also relatively high. Especially after explosives were used for mining in some places, gas explosions, landslides, and various disasters occurred, causing the death rate of coal workers in Zhao Guo to be unprecedentedly high.

If the casualty rate of soldiers fighting on the front line is relatively high, it is nothing compared to these coal miners.

"Prime Minister, such things are inevitable. We all know the demand for coal. It can be said that the growth of these coals is bloody." Li Zuoche said helplessly. Li Zuoche is also very aware of such things. Zhao Guo has such things every day, but the lives of the workers are very cheap. As long as a certain amount of money is given, their lives can be bought.

This is not a good thing for them.

"But I heard that a considerable part of coal mines have begun to use Goguryeo prisoners of war. These prisoners are from the unfinished Goguryeo. There are also Qiang people from the mountains in the southwest. They are also the main force in our coal mining, but they I don't seem to know how to blast." Li Zuoche said.

"Yeah." Li Mu nodded.

"We should encourage these coal mine owners to use more slaves in these dangerous industries, instead of using our Zhao nationality, let these Zhao nationality, let them engage in iron smelting, in this way, talents can also develop rapidly. To get up, iron smelting needs a lot of people. For example, Handan Iron Works, if new steelmaking equipment is added, the number of people needs to be at least 30,000 or more." Li Mu said.

"Recently, Handan and other counties in the north have established iron plants. These iron plants require a lot of manpower. In the future, Zhao will solve a large part of the labor problem." Li Mu said worriedly.

"I think I can only find a way from the Goguryeo people and recruit a large number of extractive workers from them. Some dangerous industries can only be handled by them. Otherwise, the casualties of the Zhao people will be too great. Moreover, the nobles are now They also began to instinctively improve these laborers, or in other words, adopt the policy of redemption to release their Zhao slaves, and then use the money obtained to purchase a large number of slaves to solve their labor shortage problem." Li Zuoche said.

"Yeah. It seems that the solution of Goguryeo's problem is the key." Li Mu said.

"Yes. Prime Minister. In this regard, the Qin people sent us the same conditions as us, except that it looks very nice in name. It is labor. Let Goguryeo people come to work here. We call it Goguryeo labor." Li Zuoche explained.

"Haha." Li Mu laughed after hearing this.

"Qin people really think that every time they do something, they think of a good name. It looks good. We are here to make them work, but who knows that we are trading in slaves. Forget it, let the people of Qin do it, When the time comes, we Zhao Guo can follow the people of Qin State." Li Mu said with a smile. Li Mu believes that Qin people should not interfere too much. Zhao Guoren has sent troops out. They only need to get the final benefits in the end. Regarding the others, Li Mu didn't care too much.

Qin State Xianyang.

"On this issue, I personally think that Goguryeo labor is a means of making a living for you Goguryeo people." Deputy Foreign Minister Qin Kai explained. Guo Fengxue still couldn't understand some of the terms, so he took the initiative to find Qin Kai for some explanation.

"Think about it, what do you Goguryeo people have?" Qin Kai said.

"Once the war is over. You didn't have anything to eat or wear. I heard that the weather in the north is very cold. How do you live." Qin Kai asked disapprovingly. For him, this explanation is very reasonable.

"It's just that I'm worried that once our people are sent there, will they have life safety problems?" Guo Fengxue asked worriedly.

"Fear of life, we Qin people can eat them, bah." Qin Kai cursed.

"Are we Qin people like that?" Qin Kai asked.

"We don’t care about you Goguryeo people. We have beef, mutton, all kinds of delicious food, but we also rare you. Really, we just give you a chance to rebuild after the war. You have no money, only labor, so many troops, If you disband all at once, one summer, what are you busy with? You think it is impossible for the materials you seized to be brought back to Goguryeo. In the end, you have to pay to take it away, or in other words, you have to work. There is something for work. Now our country Qin kindly provides you with such an opportunity to give you a chance to do such a thing. In fact, it is to give you the opportunity to make money and live well." Qin Kai was full of anger. Scolded.

"If you Goguryeo people have a better way to live, that's okay. I don't care if there is any way to get a lot of food. But if you don't have a good way, you'd better sign and draw on it honestly. "Qin Kai said unceremoniously. In his opinion, the negotiator of the Goguryeo has become a criminal who has committed a crime, and then he can accept any punishment as long as he signs and detains him.

"Yes." Guo Fengxue nodded. He was also very angry about the arrogance of the people of Qin, but he still had a lot of dissatisfaction with these treaties, but the people of Qin were not willing to explain too much, and he could only passively accept these treaties.

Outside the city of Jimo. Fan Zeng and Chen Ping are taking a walk. This habit comes from Shangwen, but Fan Zeng believes that such a walk is extremely beneficial to him. Therefore, it was adopted and retained.

"Prime Minister, it is very inappropriate for the son to do this." Chen Ping said worriedly.

"Yes, too much number is given, but the appointment letter has already been sent out and cannot be recovered." Fan Zeng said.

"Next, it is estimated that we will return to Chu State." Fan Zeng said helplessly. After receiving the news from the aristocracy of Chu in the south, the son decisively handed out a large number of numbers, and planned to return to Chu as soon as possible all the way south. The news came too quickly, and neither Fan Zeng nor Chen Ping were very good at it. Preparation, not only these, but there are many things to deal with. If they can’t be handled properly, there will be big problems. For example, the Qi people’s land occupied by them will be returned or given to the Koreans. The Koreans obviously cannot take over such a large piece of land at once.

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