The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 2423: I want to end the war

"I'm afraid Chu will not do this." Shang Wen said.

"Chu's situation is a serious financial situation. In my opinion, this war is easy to end. The Chu people entered at this time, obviously it is robbery, or they are using war to solve financial problems." Shang Wen Speaking of.

"This. That means we can't stop it anymore?" Wei Liao said.

"Yes." Shang Wen nodded.

"However, the problem of Chu State is also a difficult problem for us. We used financial means to solve part of Xin Chu's financial funds. This gave them an army and a corresponding domestic scale. But if we want to continue, I am afraid it will be more difficult, because The financial problem cannot be resolved." Shang Wen said.

"But I am worried that if the conditions are too harsh, the Goguryeo people will still choose war. We are forcing each other, which is not conducive to peace talks." Wei Liao said worriedly.

"Moreover, the situation in Dawan is continuing to deteriorate. Our reinforcements have been delayed. If the delay continues, it is still unknown whether the people of Qin in Dawan will stick to it." Wei Liao worried.

"We need the decision of the Goguryeo people. Or the real intention." Shang Wen said.

"Keep in touch with the Goguryeo people," Shang Wen said. For Shangwen, the only thing they must do when negotiating with Goguryeo people. But to continue, we must wait.

Outside Jimo city, inside the Chu army barracks.

"Good guy, the all-copper bullet used, how much does this bullet cost." The newly formed Marine Corps soldiers looked at their new weapons very strangely.

"This is the fixed ammunition rifle allotted by the Qin Jun. The ammunition is very expensive, and one bullet will cost one-third of your daily salary. And the base number of ammunition each of you allotted is sixty rounds. "An ensign of the new South Korean army introduced with a new rifle.

"My God, with such an expensive rifle, the son is still rich." A soldier who had just changed into a second-class military uniform touched his new rifle and said excitedly.

"It's not the son's money, it's the bill that the people of Qin brought to you. The people of Qin will provide you with more weapons." The ensign said.

"It's good to fight with the Qin people. Use the best weapons for everything." The soldier said excitedly.

In the distance, Xiang Yan and Xiang Liang, who were checking the situation, were discussing matters.

"If we want to transport a large number of soldiers to the Goguryeo's rear to fight or to reach the Liaodong theater, we must first solve the problem of ships, but our ships are not enough." Xiang Liang said.

"In addition, there are a lot of logistical supplies. There are big problems in this regard. After landing, how to maneuver? We can only rely on our legs, and the transportation of horses is relatively small." Xiang Liang said.

"In short, there are many problems. The most terrible thing is that we don't know the route, even if we transport the troops up, I am afraid we don't know how to transport it. This is very unfavorable for us." Xiang Liang continued. He is the new Secretary of the Navy, so naturally he has to be careful about the affairs of the Navy.

"I can solve the airlines. The Koreans know the specific airlines. They also have the navy. We can cooperate with each other to find the airlines." Xiang Yan said.

"But for the prospect of such a task, I am personally not optimistic. I hope that the transportation volume at the beginning should be less, and the number of people should be controlled at about two thousand people." Xiang Yan said.

"Okay, just do it. I agree with your plan." Xiang Yan nodded in agreement. He has no objection to this Yan. His task is to complete Fan Zeng's plan.

Yan State, outside Xiangping City.

"Damn it, why let us collect the corpses. These corpses look slimy. I don't know how long they were dead, especially those people who were burned to death. It smells really bad." A second-class soldier from the Qin State Marine Corps wore a mask. Speaking of, although the help of masks can make them resist some odors, they still feel very sick. Coupled with continuous rain, the whole situation looks very bad. But they must be cleaned up.

"Wow." Just then there was a loud noise.

"Who?" A vigilant Qin Army soldier raised his rifle and shouted loudly.

"Don't shoot, I'm from Goguryeo, I'm looking for your Lieutenant Colonel Hawke." A voice came from a distance.

"Who?" A soldier asked loudly at this time.

"Hawk, he is responsible for contacting us." Li Wending came out and shouted loudly.

"Raise your hand, don't move." A corporal raised his gun and leaned in slowly at this time.

"If there is any movement, shoot at any time." The corporal ordered. Then he walked over slowly, took off Li Wending's weapons, and then checked all the weapons. Although Da Hu next to him was very dissatisfied, the Qin people had their weapons fired, and then they were tied up. Brought to Xiangping City.

"It's okay!" Hawke came in with a smile. Then untie Li Wending.

"Why are you here?" Hawke asked.

"Come as a guest." Li Wending said.

"Yeah. Drink tea? I have good tea." Hawke said with a smile.

"You go ahead, and I will follow. I thought about it." Li Wending said.

"We Koguryo people are unlikely to accept your conditions. We may continue to fight." Li Wending said with a very worried mood.

"I understand this, we can't do it for us," Hawke said.

"So, I want to end this war as soon as possible. I am willing to talk to you, but I have no capital." Li Wending said to Hawke.

"What do you mean?" Hawke asked at this time.

"I can agree to all conditions, but I must get your Qin State and the support of all parties. Only in this way can I end the war." Li Wending said to Hawke.

"Yeah." Hawke nodded.

"What you said is beyond my purview." Hawke said.

"But I can transfer your ideas to Qin and they will consider it." Hawke said.

"Well, as soon as possible. The sooner the war is over, we will be able to save more Goguryeo people." Li Wending said.

"But we must first assess your political situation in Goguryeo, that is, what is your political dynamic?" Hawke said.

"This. Simple, I can tell you what I know, or do what you want to do. I listen to you." Li Wending said.

"Well, you come with me, I will take you to send a telegram, and in addition, I will buy you a cup of tea." Hawke said.

"Okay, thank you." Li Wen nodded fixedly. He thought he could get the support of the people of Qin. As for the Goguryeo people, he had to find a way to persuade them.

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