The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 2430: Business trip to Qin

Inside Wang Ben's headquarters.

"This is the meaning of the above. Sir." A staff officer reported to Wang Ben. And Wang Ben carefully looked at the telegram in his hand. The last telegram also came from King Qin.

"It means. We can recruit soldiers by ourselves, as long as we control it at 30,000?" Wang Ben asked.

"Yes, sir, and you can recruit more than 30,000 defensive troops. They come from the Western Regions who are not strong in combat effectiveness. Of course, there can be a small number of mountain Qiang people if needed." The staff explained.

"Yeah. I understand." Wang Ben looked at the telegram in his hand, then looked at the map on the wall and said.

"The above is for us to use these troops to defend the Yueshi people's land we took over." Wang Ben said.

"Sir. In this way, time is a little tight." The staff officer said worriedly.

"Don't worry, we can train quickly. I remember that the training report sent by the Ministry of National Defense mentioned the method of dismantling troops trained. We can do the same. It's just that the recruitment work is about to start, and we mobilize quickly. When the two regiments enter the area controlled by the Yueshi people, we need to build a series of defense projects." Wang Ben said.

"These need to be fast, fast." Wang Ben said.

"Yes, sir. I understand." The staff officer saluted.

Wang Ben didn’t care about how to recruit manpower. This is a question that staff officers should think about. The question he considered is whether these newly recruited troops can hold such an important place. In this important place, their opponent is The Tocharians, and the rest of the Tocharians are behind the Tocharians. On the contrary, the Yue people have a great affection for them, and the arms trade makes the relationship between them very close.

Outside the city of Jimo. The Chu army is actively preparing for battle. Everyone is making final preparations for the war. The navy from Changsha became the early navy and marine force of the Chu Army.

Fan Zeng’s camp.

"South Korea is generous, they agreed to let their ships lead us. In this way, our people can be sent to the battlefield of Liaodong." Fan Zeng said to Chen Ping. Chen Ping took the telegram and looked like. But his face was extremely ugly.

"What's wrong?" Fan Zeng asked puzzledly.

"Financial problems." Chen Ping said, shaking his head.

"Military expenditures are very high. The Navy’s ships need large-scale repairs. Not only these, but many ships are already unusable. They need to buy a large number of warships. This cost is too expensive and I can’t give them. There are still a lot of ammunition supplies. These people use new-style rifles. One bullet is to make money. They didn't fire a shot in training. I trembled in my heart. I saw a lot of money flying out. "Chen Ping said to Fan Zeng.

"Haha." Fan Zeng just smiled.

"The position of the bank minister is not easy, and most of us need a lot of money. Now Qin State Bank can provide less and less funds. On the other hand, our expenses are getting bigger and bigger. There are almost 30 military establishments, and each establishment requires a lot of money." Chen Ping said with a wave of hands.

"I want to go to Qin State and look for money. If this continues, we may not even have the military expenses for sending troops." Chen Ping said to Fan Zeng.

"Yeah. Recently, the financial expenditure has indeed increased a bit." Fan Zeng said. Their situation is indeed very bad. Recently, because of the Marine Corps' expedition, they spent a lot of money. These troops are elite. Their equipment and training for new weapons consume a lot of bullets, and their habit of new weapons is not enough.

"The funds provided by Qin State Bank are not much." Chen Ping said.

"In this way, you really should go to Qin State." Fan Zeng said.

"Go to Qin and see if there is a solution." Fan Zeng said to Chen Ping.

"Okay." Chen Ping nodded.

"I'm going now." Chen Ping said. Then he was ready to go to Qin State.

Yanguo Lone Bamboo.

"Can Li Wending really play such a big role?" Wang Jian asked rhetorically.

"Sir. I don't know, but Hawke's report says that. And Li Wending's strength is too weak. There are only two thousand people." Bai Qi said.

"We Qin can't put all our bets on this person." Wang Jian said.

"Sir, I personally think that this kind of thing is a try. Judging from the current situation of the Goguryeo fighting, they obviously have not realized their plight, and if they continue to stick to it, how will we face Dawan in the future? Although we can solve the situation of the Goguryeo people, the time needed suddenly exceeded the scope of our commitment." Bai Qi said.

"Yeah." Wang Jian nodded.

"Tell the prime minister, or we can give it a try." Wang Jian thought for a while. He felt that what Bai Qi said was reasonable. The military would definitely solve the problem, but it took a long time. Moreover, the cost of the war will force the coalition to retreat. In order to solve this problem, Qin must finally choose peace talks, or in terms of future political needs, Qin also needs a political spokesperson who can represent the entire Goguryeo.

Qin State Xianyang.

"This matter is very difficult to deal with." Shang Wen said while looking at the report in his hand.

"The compensation has not been negotiated yet, but there is no object of the peace talks." Meng Yi said to Shangwen.

"Haha. The chief of staff's telegram also told us that they were very dissatisfied with the tough attitude of the Goguryeo people. We need the Goguryeo people to have a pro-Qin faction who can cooperate with us." Shang Wen said.

"Is this Li Wending?" Meng Yi asked suspiciously.

"The most important point is that I personally think that if this Li Wending relies on our Qin power to complete their internal power changes, the entire contract will be difficult to complete in the end." Meng Yi said worriedly.

"Yeah." Shang Wen said a little bit.

"I thought about it a little bit, maybe someone can accomplish this kind of thing." Shang Wen said at this time.

"Who?" Meng Yi asked.

"Feng Jie. He can do this." Shang Wen suddenly remembered that Qin State also has the intelligence department, and they are most comfortable with such things.

"These are two different things." Meng Yi reminded.

"Oh." Shang Wen nodded.

"No, it should be one thing, they have a great relationship." Shang Wen said.

"We need to investigate the current situation of Goguryeo people." Shang Wen said.

"After being clear, we can act." Shang Wen said to Meng Yi.

"Yeah. Okay." Meng Yi nodded.

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