"Li Xin's report is too extreme for Dawan people." Meng Yi said to Shangwen.

"But I think that one thing he said is more correct. Dawan people are fickle, which is not good for our cooperation." Shang Wen said.

"But for the moment, I think Dawan needs a new order. In other words, Dawan needs a brand new government so that we can get out of trouble in time." Shang Wen said.

"However, in my opinion, I thought of another way to solve the situation in Dawan, or a good way to delay the war in Dawan." Shangwen suddenly had a whole new idea.

"This idea may come from Goguryeo people." Shang Wen said to Meng Yi.

"For example, Goguryeo wants to establish a brand new country. This country is not of a kingdom nature. Therefore, their leaders do not exist or are difficult to fix. This is very beneficial to us." Shang Wen said To.

"Because they do not have fixed and unified characters, the country will be scattered. The power will not be concentrated, and it is difficult to form a great suppressive effect on our Qin State." Shang Wen said.

"Similarly. In the situation of the Dawan country, we have also established a corresponding country. This country is in contrast with the current old country. In this way, the country of the Dawan people will be transferred to their opposition to the new state power. And we also have a certain amount of time to fight this war." Shang Wen said.

"Just as Tu Sui said in the report." Shang Wen said.

"Not all Dawan people support Dawan's decision-making, and there are people who sympathize with and support our Qin country. Why don't we gather them together to form a brand new country. This is of great benefit to us. ." Shang Wen said.

"I'm worried." Meng Yi said, shaking his head.

"The situation of the Goguryeo people is very different from that of Dawan." Meng Yi shook his head and said. He did not agree with Shangwen. Or partly opposed to Shang Wen's views.

"To the Goguryeos, we are just military brutality. If I were a Goguryeo, I might still accept this kind of brutality. However, it is different to Dawan. From our point of view, we are the perpetrators and support The number of people may be very small. Also, some people who support it will have great difficulties if they stabilize or ease the situation of the Dawan people.” Meng Yi pointed out the most difficult point to Shangwen.

"Yeah. You are right." Shang Wen did not expect it.

"But this is a plan that I think can be implemented at the moment. Because Li Xin mentioned in the telegram our logistics problem, if we can split into two countries. In this way, our combat difficulty will be on the scale. A certain amount of control, and the support of some Dawan people, is very beneficial to us." Shang Wen pointed out the constructive side of his ideas.

"Yeah." Meng Yi nodded. Meng Yi also believes that Shangwen has a very positive effect on this point. At the very least, the Qin government can effectively control the scale of the war. If war starts, Qin will need to invest a lot of countries to deal with Dawan. For the interests of trade, Qin does not need a large-scale war. , The larger the scale of the war, the more chaotic the order will be. The damage of interests is more unfavorable to Qin, and Qin naturally hopes that the time of war can be controlled in a limited way.

"If this is the case, we must control the killings and absolutely cannot allow a larger-scale war to break out." Shang Wen said.

"Yeah." Shang Wen nodded.

"The question is, how to establish a new government, how to negotiate, who is our opponent?" Shang Wen said.

"You know, there are various classes in Dawan. According to our understanding, the high-level people in Dawan don't want to go to war with us. On the other hand, the bottom-level people in Dawan don't want war, but the war has happened again." Shang Wen said.

"Therefore, we need to push the scale of the war to another type of person. In other words, who is the last person to be responsible for this matter." Shang Wen finished.

"Well. I think we should form a simple idea, which is a constructive idea. We need to sort out this idea, and then send a party to study whether it is feasible." Meng Yi said to Shangwen.

"That's right. First, we need a new Dawan government. Let Dawan divide the country into two." Shang Wen said.

"The second is that we need to negotiate with the current Dawan government. In order to further resolve, or in other words, delay time." Shang Wen said.

"Third, we must have targets to strike. It is difficult to accomplish things without targets." Meng Yi added.

"Yes. That's right, write this out. Is there anything to add?" Shangwen said.

"It should be gone. We can also use the same thing for Goguryeo people. We need a government that Goguryeo can negotiate with. Let this government sign a contract and everything will be easy to say." Meng Yi said to Shangwen.

"Yeah." Shang Wen nodded.

Within the Ministry of Defense. After reading the report summarized by Shang Wen and Meng Yi, Wei Liao found it very constructive. He believes that this point has great reference value for Qin's future combat style.

"This telegram should be forwarded immediately." Wei Liao instructed. In fact, Shang Wen has been forwarded.

Yan Guo Guzhu, Wang Jian looked at the telegram sent by Shang Wen. Wang Jian felt refreshing in the content column of the telegram.

"Things that cannot be resolved by military means are left to political means, and peace talks can indeed bring us a lot of time." Wang Jian said after seeing it. Then handed it to Bai Qi, who was aside. Bai Qi has the right to read this telegram first.

"Sir. I think this move by the prime minister can make our state of warfare rhythmic and controllable. The scale of the war is also in a state of control. This has great advantages and disadvantages in resolving the situation in Dawan. When the time comes, we can negotiate, and when it is advantageous, we can continue to expand our advantages, and then eat the other side a little bit at the negotiating table." Bai Qi said.

"Yes. That's right." Wang Jian said.

"The prime minister's move can greatly solve many problems." Wang Jian continued.

"But we need to understand our opponents. At this point, our situation in Qin is very bad. This also greatly shows our lack of intelligence on the issue." Wang Jian said.

"For example, in this war, we set the size of each other at 100,000 at the beginning, but now it is 200,000. Therefore, we need intelligence support. Otherwise, this matter will be difficult to accomplish." Wang Jian said.

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