Within Dawan. Inside a secret warehouse of a Dawan merchant. A large number of Qin products are stocked here. And those so-called guerrillas, or the army formed by the Dawan riots, are extremely sensitive to Qin products. They will forcibly requisition them if they are useful, and they will not use a cent. On the other hand, these people especially need weapons and ammunition. These Dawan merchants had weapons and ammunition in their hands, so the so-called guerrillas or the Dawan militia forces forcibly expropriated their weapons.

In addition, a large amount of money, food, and various materials were collected from them, which made these Dawan businessmen feel very dissatisfied.

The Dawan merchants are a special group. They are special because they do not belong to any of Dawan’s city-states, or they do not belong to the Dawan king. Some of them are attached to the nobles, and some of them are developed with the people of Qin. Active cooperation, with their keen business acumen, they first realized that cooperating with Qin people can obtain a lot of benefits, and these benefits can make a lot of money. They will not be loyal to Dawan, but they are loyal to money.

However, with the upsurge of the anti-Qin movement in Dawan, this quickly expanded their losses. Their property was forcibly expropriated by these people, and their weapons and ammunition were also taken away. Money and various properties were also expropriated. For them, they lost everything, of course. Some lawless Dawan people took the opportunity to plunder, and their wives and daughters, sometimes the family’s lives are hard to forgive. For a time, the order in Dawan is still chaotic. As long as they have guns, they can make a lot of big things. Buying and selling. Dawan has not taken effective measures for this. The troops sent out are all involved. As long as there are enough benefits, they will absolutely suppress it. Free levy.

Inside Zhao Kaizi's office.

"Mr. Zhao, although my cooperation with you is not great, the situation is very chaotic at the moment. We need your help from Qin people." Mo He looked at Zhao Kaizi helplessly. He came to the strongholds defended by the people of Qin alone, because the strongholds defended by the people of Qin were very strong, especially those with heavy firepower, and with the arrangement of defensive facilities such as barbed wire and landmines, the Dawan people could not defeat them at all. They could only The siege took a long time, but the Dawan people retreated by themselves. However, for safety's sake, the Qin people did not go out. There was a commotion when Mohe came, and they thought that the Dawan people had launched an attack. Mohe was almost shot. Fortunately, the bullet flew past his scalp.

"I'm sorry, but we can't do anything about it. In this situation, we have lost contact with Qin. It's not just that, the reinforcements sent by our army don't know where they are, and our current situation is not very good. "Zhao Kaizi said truthfully.

"I am very willing to cooperate with you people of Qin. Really, the situation of those Dawan people and the rioting Dawan people is very bad. They robbed our goods frantically. My wife, and several daughters, are all I was insulted and killed by them. My son also died in their hands. I have nothing left. I want to fight the **** rioters." Mo He said excitedly.

"I sympathize with this, but we really can't do anything." Zhao Kaizi said.

"Please, Mr. Zhao, help us, I can do anything." Mo He said excitedly.

"Okay. What can you do?" Zhao Kaizi asked.

"This." Mo He hesitated. He couldn't remember for a moment what he could do, or he couldn't do anything. He is just a businessman, a businessman who has nothing and no capital. This is very bad for him.

"Okay." Seeing that the other party hesitated like this. Zhao Kaizi suddenly thought of a way.

"Perhaps you can do one thing." Zhao Kaizi said.

"Can you get into those Dawan people?" Zhao Kaizi asked.

"This?" Mo He didn't know what the other party meant.

"I mean, if the people in Dawan don't doubt you, you'd better help us send a letter to our Qin army. After they get this letter, they may take some actions. Then you can Be protected, and we can help you, restore your property, or continue to do business with us." Zhao Kaizi suggested. Zhao Kaizi didn't know anything about the outside world. They didn't know how many reinforcements the Qin government sent, what they would think, what they would do, and most importantly, where their reinforcements were. He didn't know these. He needs to restore contact, and the Dawan people cut their telegraph cable, which leaves them very helpless. At this time, Mo He was from Dawan. He had a special status. Who could have imagined that a Dawan would send a letter to Qin. Thinking of this, Zhao Kaizi decided to start Mohe.

"This." Mo He hesitated, he was worried that there would be great danger along the way.

"My friend, this is an opportunity. If you can send a letter to our troops, I think your situation will change a lot. This is a transaction without any principal. This is an opportunity." Zhao Kaizi said. To deal with merchants, we must use merchants' methods.

"Yeah. Okay, or you are right." Mo He nodded.

"Wait a minute. I'll take some letters. You'd better find a place to hide them. This is important." Zhao Kaizi reminded.

"I will." Mo He nodded. He has no choice now. The rioting Dawan took everything from him. Qin people might give him everything, but he needed to do some life matters, so he decided to do so. Anyway, there is no choice.

In this way, Mo He changed into an ordinary Dawan clothes. The clothes were very shabby, and his whole body was very messy. This situation is very common among Dawan people. He only has some dry food, water, and that’s it. He is on the road. No matter how much money, it will become a burden during a riot, and he knows that it is safe to do so. This is the merchant.

On the East Ocean. In fact, this place belongs to the Bohai Sea. But in the ideology of the ancient people, they did not say Bohai, they just thought that it still fell within the scope of the East China Sea.

On the Chu State Navy Ship Ping An.

"How far is it to get to the destination?" Jing Yue, commander of the ninth company and the first regiment of the Chu State Marine Corps, said very dissatisfied.

"I don't know the sir." Chai Biao replied looking at the sky.

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