"No, absolutely wrong." Li Wen said, shaking his head. But the two stocks are falling. Such a fall is extremely abnormal.

Li Wen stood up and walked around, did he look at the big blackboard in his office? These big blackboards are used to record market conditions. In Li Wen's view, market trends can be expressed through his own records, and he also relies on such records to make stocks. The mistakes he made began to diminish rapidly. He has a great reliance on records.

The market has its own trajectory. Once this trajectory is unfolded, no one can stop such a trajectory. Today's situation is really the trajectory of the market's unfolding. Such a trajectory is unstoppable. However, the stock has experienced an extremely abnormal decline. This makes Li Wen feel a little confused.

"No, the trajectory of these two stocks has already begun. No one can stop them from continuing to rise. This is a fact, and he is right in front of us." Li Wen said to himself.

"Sir. Do we also sell some, now the price has dropped a lot, we have bought a lot of stocks. If this decline continues, I am worried." Li Wen's assistant is very worried. He knows that Li Wen has pledged a lot of things to buy new shares, and today is the first day of the listing of new shares. But the stock market has such a thing, every minute, every second, there will be a lot of losses in the market of the two stocks.

"Yeah. I see." Li Wen nodded.

"You quote, I need to know the latest prices of the two stocks." Li Wen said.

"Yes." The assistant nodded.

"17:47, 17:50." The assistant quoted.

"17:32." The assistant looked at Li Wen. Li Wen looked at the crowd outside through the window. Those who bought the new shares were already very scared and panicked. They kept throwing away the abandoned delivery orders, and then took the new delivery orders into the trading window, because the price changed so fast that many stocks did not have time to sell. The price has already changed, and obviously it is impossible for them to make a deal at any price. So the greater fear continued to spread.

But Li Wen was watching all this upstairs. He had seen all this before, and he had no response, because at which stage he had gone through, the fear and hope were suddenly reversed for a long time.

"17:17. 17:11." At this time the assistant reported loudly. Because Li Wen looked down motionlessly, he was really worried that Li Wen could not think about it. So he deliberately reported it loudly. In order to remind the other party in this way, pay attention to the price.

"17.17, 17:10." The assistant quoted the latest IDE price. And Li Wen looked up at the cards in the lobby.

"17.17." It was still that number.

"17:11." Then came the stock price.

"Take it back, take it back. Hurry up. Take it as much as you have." Li Wen yelled with excitement waving his arms at this time.

And his assistant was frightened. He didn't know why this happened, and his mind went blank. He didn't know what to say.

"Come. Take it back, take it all back, I need to take it all back, but I can take as much as I have, and go quickly. Don't froze." Li Wen yelled.

The assistant calmed down immediately, and then began to call, buying these two stocks wildly, and receiving them as much as possible.

On the board in the lobby, the numbers of the two stocks seemed to stop there at once. But the people on the floor didn't seem to notice this. Their attention was on their delivery orders, and they were worried that there was no deal.

Obviously, it is impossible to keep the number on the board unchanged, because the price will eventually change, and it will be very strange if the price does not change.

"Look, the numbers don't move. What's the matter?" At this time, some people in the field noticed this. They thought it was very abnormal, so they pointed.

"Is the machine broken? Find someone to fix it quickly." Many people shouted anxiously.

"Hurry up and sell. If you don't sell, it will be too late." Some people responded and shouted loudly after filling out the transaction sheet. And rushed towards the trading counter frantically, because it happened so suddenly. The exchange decided to temporarily add trading counters again. There are 25 trading windows in the trading hall. If the matter is very urgent, ten trading counters can be added. At the same time, other stock brokerage companies also have trading windows, which can basically meet people's needs.

"Ah. Moved. Moved." At this moment, someone shouted loudly. Because he saw the price start to change. The price started to rise rapidly, and the rise was a little weird.

"That's not right, why did it rise?" Many cried out in surprise.

"17:57, this is the latest offer." One person quoted.

And Li Wen smiled at the rising numbers upstairs.

"Buy in, buy in all, today I have a dinner, this is the power bestowed by God." Li Wen smiled.

"This." The assistant was a little embarrassed.

"We have already bought all of it just now, and all the three million funds raised have been bought." The assistant shook his head and said. Because the selling pressure just now was too serious. The three hundred gold funds went in and was sucked up all at once. Many stocks were eaten by Li Wen at once. Some of these stocks were traded near the lowest price. For example, the price of 17 was traded at that time.

"Let my brokerage company provide me with a sum of money. I can give him five times the interest. Ten times can do." Li Wen said excitedly.

"Hurry up." Li Wen urged.

The people on the floor began to stabilize. Some people quickly took back their trading orders, and some of them had already been stamped. The man quickly snatched it back. It caused a commotion, because once it was stamped, it meant a deal. This is obviously not in compliance with the rules. However, the stock price quickly rose to eighteen gold, fluttered at the position of the eighteen gold, and then rose again.

"Sir, we finally loaned 3 million gold with 15 times interest. Now the price has begun to be collected. I am afraid that the final price may be around 19 gold." The assistant said worriedly. He felt that the price cost of 19 gold was too high. And the interest rate is relatively high. He felt that the cost of capital was too great.

"No. No. Not high. Too low. Too low. You did very well. Very well." Li Wen said with a smile.

"When the transaction is over, let's go and have a good meal. I still have some money in my pocket." Li Wen said with a smile. He bought new shares of all his belongings.

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