"We have been moving forward for several days. But we have done something. The people who came in the front are all **** eating meat. We can't even drink a sip of soup. It's really fucking." Old Scar was indignant. Speaking of. They walked all the way and saw the battlefields after others had finished fighting, but they themselves had nothing. They came here to seize the spoils and not to see others fighting. For this reason, Old Scar was very anxious, because they had nothing. If you don't get it, you will really laugh at it if you say it.

"Don't worry, we will have results." Wei Quan came over to comfort him.

"Really?" Old Scar asked.

"I had two hundred bullets when I came out, and I also stole fifty-seven bullets, and now, it's still two hundred and fifty-seven bullets. You said, who did we kill?" Old Scar said with a bit of grievance.

"Well, let's just say a few words, everyone else caught some little rabbits, and the big tiger is behind. Did they catch them?" The thin man said impatiently. He himself knew that following Wei Quan would definitely be able to win the battle and get what they wanted most.

"Who knows if what you are saying is true." Old Scar was very anxious, and the whole tribe placed high hopes on him, because the tribe didn't get many prey from hunting, and the food in exchange for Qin might not be enough for all the tribes. Survival, that is, their tribe desperately needs foreign money to survive the storm.

"Shhh." At this moment, Wei Quan raised his hand to signal both of them to stop.

"Listen, there is a big movement in front of you. Keep your voice down." Wei Quan lowered his body and said. Then step forward a little bit. The two stopped talking. They all watched the situation very nervously. Wei Quan lowered his body and moved forward, like a tiger, slowly approaching his prey. Thin and Old Scar did not follow. They knew that Wei Quan was a good scout, and even if he was close to the tiger, the tiger might not have spotted him.

Soon, Wei Quan issued a team of Goguryeos. They looked very nervous with guns on their backs. But the defense is very tight. Under normal circumstances, the tighter the place, the more important people exist. Wei Quan knew that he might have encountered such a situation, and he suppressed his breath. Try to stay as still as possible. After that group of patrols passed by, Wei Quan continued to advance, and then there was another patrol team not too far away. Just like that, there were five patrols in front and back, which greatly exceeded Wei Quan’s expectation. It seems that they This time I really met the big goal. Wei Quan looked very calm, but he was extremely excited inside. He knew that his big deal was coming. Wei Quan then climbed up a big tree, and then used his eyes to check the situation in the distance. Although he had a telescope, he was worried that the telescope would reflect light to expose himself, and he was already very close to the other side. It is better to be careful. He quickly found out the situation here, and then returned carefully one by one.

"This time we met a big man. The defense here is very tight. I don't know what those Goguryeo people are doing. If we do it, the bonus will be doubled." Wei Quan said.

"Great." The thin man exclaimed excitedly.

"Hush." ​​Wei Quan looked around quickly. The thin man stuck his tongue out, and Old Scar was already smiling from ear to ear.

"Now we have to arrange a plan. You two must be a certain distance apart. You must change a place every three shots. You enter from here." He said that Wei Quan began to arrange his plan. Wei Quan's plan was very simple. Occupy the high point, shoot cold shots, and he lie in ambush on the side. When shooting cold shots, he will definitely protect important tasks, and he waits for such a moment to attack, knock out the opponent’s key figures with a shot, and then take the opportunity to cause more He has a grenade. It is easy to create more chaos, but what is not easy is that he has to chop off the opponent's head. Only by cutting off the opponent's head can we do more.

After the arrangements were made, they began to enjoy their pre-war meal, and when they were full, they were about to work. This is what they should care about.

On the other side, Hawke, Li Wending and others have already entered here, but because of the tight defense, only 30 of them can enter. Hawke can only stay outside with the team because of Qin’s identity. He doesn’t have anything to happen inside. Knowing, he can do nothing about it. Li Wending said that he took thirty people to enter, but every time they entered a level, they lost a group of people. When they finally entered the camp, there was only one person beside Li Wending, Dahu. Hawk holding the telescope to see this scene, he could only shook his head helplessly.

"Officer Huo, what should we do?" The guards staying outside were very anxious.

"You spread out a bit. If there are gunshots or other movements inside, you shoot immediately." Hawke said.

"Okay. Fifty people with spears." As one of the team members waved, they quietly dispersed. After all, this is the core area. If the spread is too large, it will be extremely unfavorable to them. .

"The rest are ready. Whenever there is a situation, we will split into two groups and rush in." Hawke decided. This is a typical two-wing outflank tactic. This tactic is widely used in the Qin army, especially in a defensive posture. If a side attack is launched from the two wings, it can cause a lot of casualties to the opponent. Such casualties are extremely cruel.

In order to attract the attention of the Goguryeo people, Hawke has ordered the gunner with the hand cannon to prepare and fire it at any time. This is a coup that concerns the strategic focus of Qin. He decided not to let such a thing happen to a big accident.

And on the other side. The three Wei Quan, who were filling their stomachs quickly, acted separately.

After spending a while to enter, the two people, Tianzi and Laoshao, were about thirty steps apart. The thin man chose a hidden dirt bag as cover. And Lao Scar had long thought about where he would hide, a dense tree, his body was covered with various tree strips, his head was also covered with linen pieces, and the gun was also treated like this. It looks like he And the tree has become one. He likes shooting prey from a commanding height. It is not only high, but also not used to move back. The opponent hides and has fewer dead ends. This is the most conducive position for shooting, but the thin man thinks it is safer to run back and forth. After all, Wei Quan said Over. After three shots, you must change places. If you shoot in one place, it is easy to be shot by the opponent. He was unwilling to do such a thing because it would be unlucky to be shot.

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