"Maintaining order and military violence are two different things. If Goguryeo uses the police force to maintain order, I think our chief, the prime minister, will consider this matter. Without further ado, I can send a telegram to report this matter as soon as possible. "Hawke said to Li Wending.

"Yeah. Thank you very much," Li Wending said.

"I think the above will deal with it in the same way. After all, you need an order too much." Hawke said.

Yanguo Lone Bamboo.

"Sir, Hawke meant that on the original basis. Let Goguryeo set up a certain number of police forces again. This will help them stabilize the situation of the Goguryeo people." Bai Qi said to Wang Jian.

"What if the Goguryeo people use these police to expand their army?" Wang Jian asked worriedly.

"I think we can make up for this problem through other methods." Bai Qi said.

"For example, weapons and equipment, police preparations are not very demanding. They only have pistols, batons, or other firepower weapons, but they cannot be equipped with weapons such as artillery and machine guns. Under such circumstances, it is difficult for them to have too much threat. "Bai Qi said.

"Yeah." Wang Jian nodded. Indeed, there is a big difference between police equipment and military equipment in essence.

"Moreover, these police can also exist as auxiliary forces to maintain the situation of Goguryeo people. At present, we really need Goguryeo to control the situation. If the situation is difficult to control, it may be very detrimental to us." Bai Qi said worriedly. He worried that if the Goguryeo people were in chaos, or the situation got out of control, it would be extremely unwilling to see them. In this way, Qin Guo had to come forward to control the situation, because Li Wending could not meet such a demand.

"Well, how much do you think this quantity needs?" Wang Jian asked at this time.

"I personally think that it should be at least about 10,000. After all, if there is too little, the situation is difficult to control." Bai Qi said.

"Are you talking too much?" Wang Jian asked.

"Sir, I don't think much." Bai Qi said. The reason why more than 10,000 people are needed is because the army's absorption rate is very low, with only an army of 8,000 people. In addition, the situation in Goguryeo has just settled down. There are a large number of soldiers in Goguryeo. This requires a lot of places to attract and consolidate the situation. Ten thousand people actually seem to be a lot, but it is really very few. But the angle Wang Jian considered was the military combat effectiveness of the Goguryeo people. And not from a political perspective.

"Yeah. I think the police can be handled by the prime minister. After all, the police have become a security force. Explaining your thoughts and meanings may be of great help to the prime minister's judgment." Wang Jian said.

"Yes, sir." Bai Qi said.

South line.

"Bang. Woo." On the 122 high ground, the Goguryeo people stubbornly held their ground. The pretending mountain Qiang battalion was unable to move forward continuously, and they suffered great losses.

"Boom." With a huge explosion, several mountain Qiangs were blown to pieces by the flying explosives.

"Damn it." Sima saw in front of the forward position with a telescope.

"Really, there is no fire suppression, no artillery support, and it is easy to launch an offensive. This kind of casualties is too great. It is the mountain Qiang people, and they are also our Zhao country army. These **** Koreans are too good at fighting. "Sima Teng cursed extremely annoyed by him.

Under the pressure of the Koreans, Sima Teng had to let a mountain Qiang camp in his hands participate in the battle. There should have been a Zhao Jun camp that should also participate in the battle, but Sima Teng knew that even if he participated in it, he could do nothing for the reason. That is, the firepower cannot be well strengthened. Under such circumstances, they are really at a disadvantage.

"Sir, there is no way. The Koreans are eager to take revenge. They are very anxious if they can't take the opponent's position, but they don't have firepower. Attacking under such circumstances is tantamount to suicide." Sima Yong persuaded.

"We know everything. But we just can't do anything." Sima Teng said at this time.

"Order our people to come down. We can't let them die like this in vain. They are the Qiang people in the mountains. We should also cherish their combat power." Sima Teng said helplessly. The mountain Qiang troops of a battalion were divided into two troops to attack. A frontal feint attack, they were attacked by the other side's violent explosives bag, and the loss was extremely heavy. On the other side of the attack from the forest side, the gunshots were extremely dense, and there were violent explosions from time to time. It seems that the Goguryeo people are already prepared. Sima Teng’s original plan was to succeed by sneak attacks, but now it seems , I am afraid they can't do this, because the opponent is defending the main points of the position while occupying a favorable terrain position on the battlefield. If there is no strong artillery advantage, it is difficult for them to win the opposite 122 high ground.

The troops quickly retreated. Many mountain Qiang people showed hatred and anger in their eyes. Sima Teng understood their situation very well.

"Sir, look quickly, Goguryeo sent someone over." Sima pointed at the Goguryeo position on the 122 high ground, and Sima Teng picked up the binoculars and looked.

"What do they want to do?" Sima Teng asked puzzledly.

"I don't know the sir." Sima said with a shake of his head.

"But I think they must have thoughts when they do this. They must think, but I don't know." Sima said with a shake of his head. Sima Teng shook his head, and then left here.

"I'll take a look." Sima Teng said. He knew that the other party would definitely be taken to Zhang Biao. If that guy was among the Zhao Jun, it would be a company commander's material to die.

Inside Zhang Biao's headquarters.

"Damn it, stop when you say it, you are the oldest, if you say it's not big, it's not big. You take advantage of Lao Tzu and it's over." Zhang Biao yelled. But the other party is a little embarrassed.

"Sir, we have just received the order. There is no way, maybe your order will come later." The Goguryeo said embarrassingly.

"Tell your chief, let him wait, we continue to fight, there is no end here." Zhang Biao said fiercely.

"What's the matter?" Sima Teng hurriedly rushed to ask a new South Korean army officer on the side.

"The Goguryeo people said that they had ordered a truce, and they were going to stop the war, saying that they would not fight anymore." The new South Korean army officer explained in a low voice.

"What?" Sima Teng was very annoyed when he heard such news. The Goguryeo people said they would not fight if they didn't fight.

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