"Qin Guo welcomes you." Shang Wen greeted Li Mu at the train station and said.

"Thank you very much for the Prime Minister to come in person." Li Mu said to Shang Wen.

"You're welcome, this is what I should do." Shang Wen replied with a smile.

"The prime minister looks really young." Li Mu took the words and said.

"Oh. Does Prime Minister Li Mu envy our young people? I don't think Prime Minister Li Mu is old at all. And he can accept new things." Shang Wen said. Li Mu is indeed constantly accepting new things, such as wearing, his outfit looks very fashionable, suits, overcoats, and hats of steady colors. Coupled with the temperament of the opposing soldier, it looks very matched.

"Haha. But this time I came to Qin not dressed up, but came to Qin with a lot of questions." Li Mu said to Shang Wen.

"Is it an employment issue?" Shang Wen asked straightforwardly. With regard to this issue, Shang Wen was very clear about the extent of Li Mu's worries, and he also knew that the other party urgently needed to resolve this issue.

"Yes. The employment problem has caused great trouble to Zhao Guo. At present, we can only rely on relief and job referrals to solve the problem. But I think Cheng should understand Zhao Guo's situation. Many employment problems are not. It can be solved all at once. The jobs that can be provided in the city are very limited, and the requirements for the quality of people are very high, but in the case of Zhao people, they are generally not well-educated. Under such circumstances, it is difficult for us to get a good education. Solve this employment problem on a large scale." Li Mu said to Shang Wen. Li Mu once hoped that Zhao's more developed businesses could solve these problems, but the problem was that they could not solve them. Because business needs brains, eloquence, and highly flexible talents. But at present, the Zhao people from the depths of the mountains who are mainly lack of jobs in the society are generally not well educated, and many of them cannot write their names. Speaking is also very straightforward, even though they work hard to adapt to this society. But these innate conditions have severely restricted their development possibilities, because many things are not something they can learn and adapt at once. In other words, the commercial center of Handan, Zhao State, cannot provide more jobs for these people from the mountains. For miners, the possibility of providing jobs from the commercial system is very small.

This cut off the possibility that Li Mu could find a way to solve the employment problem from the commercial system, and there may only be one solution to employment, and that is industry, because only industry needs such a large number of cheap workers, despite their education level. It is very limited, but they can achieve this through simple training. Not only that, but more importantly, the labor intensity of industry is so high that only they can bear it. Therefore, in Li Mu's view, the development of industry may be the only way to save Zhao's labor and employment problems.

"I don't think the Zhao government should worry too much about this. The Qin government has already thought of a good way to solve this problem." Shang Wen said.

"The way that we Zhao Guo thought of was to develop industry, but the development of industry requires a lot of money, and it also takes time to expand the scale of the factory." Li Mu said directly to Shangwen. Both sides understand that delaying time is not good for anyone. Zhao Guo hopes to solve the problem as soon as possible, and Qin Guo also hopes to solve the current problem as soon as possible.

"We understand this. We have also thought of a good way to solve Zhao's financial problems. For enterprises, we only encourage investment as much as possible." Shang Wen said.

"Promote government investment through investment between enterprises. In other words, Qin State not only has to solve the investment problem, but also solves the problem of insufficient financial funds of the Zhao government." Shang Wen said.

"What kind of good method is this?" Li Mu asked Shangwen.

"Issuing a large number of bonds, through the issuance of bonds to solve this problem. Of course. These are secured. The Zhao government needs to take out the mortgage, whether it is land or minerals, these must be issued responsibly. "Shang Wen said.

"In other words, the main content of this service is to consider the number of bonds issued?" Li Mu asked.

"Yes. In other words, it is a ratio." Shang Wen continued.

"Bank of Qin State is discussing various plans, and the government of Qin State is doing the same. We try our best to consider the pros and cons for all parties so that we can properly solve this problem." Shang Wen said.

"Well. Can we look at this information?" Li Mu asked.

"Of course." Shang Wen said. As for Zhao’s request, Qin has no reason to refuse. In Qin’s view, this is a national first-level key area for the important transfer of industries in Qin’s electrification. Therefore, Zhao Guo has a very experimental nature.

Inside Wenyang Bank.

"The general direction of investment has been set. Chu, South Korea, Zhao." Yingyu said.

"These are not surprising at all." Xiao He said to Yingyu.

"It's not surprising, but for us, the determination of the investment direction means more concentration of funds." Yingyu said.

"The government's plan is to expand investment by means of bond collateral. First, the government will carry out a large number of infrastructure facilities and issue bonds in the form of government investment. We invest in the purchase of bonds, then enter these companies, and then further complete the financing of funds. With these bonds, we went to Qin’s Federal Bank Reserve Committee to exchange funds. Of course, they were just pledges. After that, we still need governments to buy gold to exchange their bonds back. It’s that simple and complicated, but But many problems have been solved." Yingyu said.

"For now, we can only do it. Financial difficulties are common in all countries," Xiao He said.

"It's just that, as far as the current situation is concerned, Wei, Yan, and Qi are in the second line of development. I think they will definitely disagree with this. This has formed two different stages of development. In addition, there are two different stages of development. It is in the development structure of Chu, South Korea, and Zhao that the three countries cannot get the same proportion of investment. For example, Zhao and South Korea are relatively small, and they cannot get the same bond collateral as Chu, South Korea There are fewer mortgages, and so is the state of Zhao. On the contrary, the state of Chu is larger. On this issue, all countries must have their own opinions. I heard that the Korean government and the Chu government are very close. I think they might We will reach the same view on this issue. As a result, the Zhao government will get a smaller proportion. I personally think that the current three countries should all invest, but the proportion of investment is really still very large. Problem." Xiao He analyzed.

"Trade and industry?" Yingyu said.

"Yes. It depends on the level of Zhao Guo's development?" Xiao He said.

"I think the government must also be considering this issue. For them, how does this ratio mean the degree of import development?" Xiao He said.

"Yeah." Yingyu nodded. With regard to this ratio, the bank has its own consideration. However, in terms of long-term profitability, industry has more potential than trade. However, from a time perspective, trade is more advantageous than industry, because industry requires capital investment, especially continuous investment. Its production can be stabilized, but demand must be developed. From the current point of view, This demand is merely satisfied with domestic construction.

Inside the prime minister's house.

"Industrial demand is currently met, and we can meet it. Moreover, the industry mainly produces part of the steel. This part of the demand is not very large. The biggest problem at present is the market. Therefore, I personally think that the proportion of trade should be increased. Industry can gradually submit higher levels. After all, the capital needed by industry is too large. If all of it is invested in industry at once, I am worried. The problem will be very big." Meng Yi said to Shangwen.

"Yeah." Shang Wen nodded.

"You have a good idea." Shang Wen said.

"For now, we do need a large market to meet our needs. As for the large-scale expansion of factories, some funds require intensive investment. If the financial problems of various countries are not solved, it will be difficult to solve the problem of stimulating domestic demand." Shang Wen Speaking of. These are two interrelated issues. In terms of proportions, Meng Yi believes that the industrial level should be slightly lowered, and trade should be increased, because the market is currently needed, and because of the war, the market is relatively narrow, and production capacity has already met market demand. Only expanding market demand can further stimulate Production, that is to say, the country of Zhao is a production type, Qin, Korea, and Wei all have factories, mainly producing light industrial products. Although heavy industrial products are also needed, the demand is not very large. In this way, Qin State does not need to continue to invest in heavy industry. In industrial production, steel and cement are especially special. Products in this area are very special. Construction has something to do with it, but countries generally cannot provide funds to build public utilities. Therefore, investing in industry in a short period of time will not increase the obvious effect.

On the contrary, if you invest in trade, because there is a large trade deficit in trade, many commodities are uncertain. Moreover, the expansion of trade areas of countries is getting larger and larger. This difference is very obvious, which is extremely easy to cause a large number of Influx of gold. Therefore, investment in trade is more effective than investment in industry.

Although everyone knows that the industry has a very broad future, it takes time, long-term investment and capital occupation, which will seriously affect the profitability of the capital. This is an extremely unfavorable situation for capital development. Therefore, what Qin needs to do is to invest in investments that can bring great benefits within a certain time frame. Trade is such a choice.

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