The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 2360: Over the offense

"The meeting is over, I just don't know how to solve the problem next?" Fan Zeng said to Zhang Liang in an embarrassing tone.

"Hehe, Mr. Prime Minister is too worried. Chu State does not need to consider how to develop, as long as it takes out a part of the bond ratio, Chu State can fully develop." Zhang Liang said.

"Oh. Don't understand what Prime Minister Zhang meant?" Fan Zeng asked. There is still no way to develop Fan Zeng in Chu State. Although the people of Qin State gave a certain bond ratio, in Fan Zeng's view, the government is still short of money. The problem of financial funds has not been completely resolved. The most important thing is that military reforms cannot completely solve the huge army size. Qin is very concerned about this, and they eagerly hope that the Chu government can take positive measures. But Fan Zeng couldn't start at all.

"Railway construction. There is also port construction. As long as the government grants a certain bond replacement ratio, many companies will participate. At the same time, the Chu government liberalized the financial access system, allowing Qin State Bank to enter and allowing banks to participate in Chu State Bank’s During construction, your funds will be revitalized first. With funds, there must be investment projects. Banks will naturally enter where this project is located." Zhang Liang explained. The South Korean government has already done so, and the South Korean government is negotiating a bill that allows private funds to enter or set up commercial banks through a mix of bond capital, and then these banks are facing the construction of infrastructure through loans and investment, the most important of which is , That is, Jiaozhou Commercial Bank is in the process of planning, and Qin Guo has several banks that have expressed their willingness to invest. In the same way, Koreans can use it, and Chu people can naturally use it.

"That way, very good. Very good." Fan Zeng understood at once that the Chu government does not need to manage the Chu economy too strictly. You must know that the Chu government implements a new state government system. How the state government is produced is based on the state assembly, and how to develop, the nobles are more concerned than him. And what the Chu government has to consider is how to mobilize the enthusiasm of these nobles in the Chu Kingdom, or in other words, find an opportunity to get rich quickly for the nobles in the Chu Kingdom, so that they understand that only can quickly get rich.

"Thank you very much for the guidance from the Prime Minister to Chu State. Without you, I think our Chu State might have to take some detours." Fan Zeng thanked Zhang Liang.

"Mr. Prime Minister, don't need to thank me. In fact, the position of the Prime Minister needs to guide the country's economic development, and he should be more sensitive to the economy." Zhang Liang said with a warning. Fan Zeng just nodded, and Fan Zeng accepted it with no emotion at all. Because these are the things that the state of Chu is currently facing.

Under the city of Karachi.

"Bang. Boom." "Ah. Puff. Boom. Boom." The tragic fighting sounded continuously, and the outer walls of the city wall that the Yues blasted open were piled with corpses, and the attacking Yues, Indians There is no place to go. The soil has long turned red, then red to black, blood is sprinkled again, and then brown again. What a terrible color.

The offensive people have no place to step, they can only step on the corpses of the previous offensive team and move forward, then they fall, and then step on the corpses of other people to move on, the gap becomes the biggest meat grinder.

The Yueshi people have the advantage of firearms, and they keep firing. The Karachi people were frantically blocking this open gap. A big hole was blasted open in the city wall, but now, the hole was gradually raised, and most of it was caused by the accumulation of corpses. The Karachi people knew that if they couldn't close this gap, Karachi would perish, so their army, men, and sometimes women all participated, and they frantically blocked this opening. However, the Yueshi people and the Indian coalition forces can only rush in through this hole, and they can take down the entire city-state. With the wealth of the city-state, women can become their best trophies. One is for survival and the other is for profit. They have struggled to the death and the life. Can't stop them at all. They can only fight like this. This is a result that no one can stop.

"Damn Karachi." Li Guo said with the telescope in his hand.

"No way, if this goes on, the casualties will be huge." Ma Biaoxin said with lingering fear. It was the first time he saw such a brutal fight, and the corpses were piled up so high. It still didn't open a gap.

"Now that the gap has been opened, but no entry is possible, it seems that the Karachi people are very clear about the situation they are facing." Li Guo said worriedly.

"It's true, and many Indians are very timid, they can't go any further, because the Karachi people are frantically retaliating against them." Ma Biao said.

"Tell your chief, let him use explosives to blast another hole. As long as one blast hole, I don't believe those Karachi people will continue to guard." Li Guo said.

Li Guo said seriously.

"This, we probably don't have much gunpowder." Ma Biao said.

"Sir, you know, we consume too much gunpowder. A lot of it exceeds the limit of our tolerance." Ma Biao explained to the side.

"Is there no explosives anymore?" Li Guo asked Ma Biao, he didn't expect that Yueshi people would consume so much gunpowder.

"This, it's just that Qin's gunpowder transport vehicle is still behind, and our consumption offense is very powerful. So." Ma Biao explained to him.

"Oh my God. This is definitely not good news." Li Guo whispered to himself. Ma Biao said innocently. Continuous artillery firing, plus blasting gaps. As well as the firing of soldiers' muskets, the most important thing is that the Yue people have always maintained a non-stop offensive posture, and they continue to launch attacks. The consumption is faster than the replenishment, and the situation of Yueshi people is not so good. Li Guo was not only a little worried, he was a little scared.

"Look at these, these are the latest information sent back from the front line. The situation of the Yueshi people is very bad." Wang Ben handed Meng Tian some reports.

"What did the above say?" Meng Tian asked directly. He is quickly browsing some of the contents.

"The Yue family's offensive is basically in a state of stagnation. They attacked a river. In the report, we called it the Indy River. The Yue family couldn't build a bridge to attack there, and their supply status was also very bad. Especially gunpowder, ammunition is scarce, and a considerable part of the weapon is seriously damaged, mainly because they will not be maintained. The gunpowder transport vehicles we provide cannot keep up with their steps in time. The most terrible thing is the speed of their consumption. Far surpassing the speed of our supply, one month’s mountainous area will take a long time to transfer, and it will take one and a half months to reach them at the fastest, and the quantity provided can only be used by 10,000 troops.” Wang Ben said To.

"How those **** Yue people use muskets, I think you should understand that the artillery fired indiscriminately, it was impossible to shoot at all, aiming at one is probably fine. On the other hand, their muskets are shooting too fast. This war hasn't The law goes down." Wang Ben told Meng Tian pessimistically.

"Huh." Meng Tian let out a sigh of relief. The report came from the Yueshi Eastern Alliance and the Central Alliance. As for the West, the news may not have been delivered yet. Judging from the latest news, they may also be in trouble. This trouble is Karachi. It was a well-defended fortress. In the absence of a major siege weapon, the Yue family tried to take this fortress. Meng Tian worried that the other side would take some necessary countermeasures. In that case, things in the Western Conference would be very bad.

"We should think of a way to solve this problem, instead of adopting a negative attitude toward this problem." Meng Tian said after reading the report.

"It is impossible to need supplies, unless there is a railway, otherwise, we can not accomplish such a thing." Wang Ben said.

"No, do I mean to solve it like this? If the people of the Yue family are facing a huge disaster according to the report, if they don’t take the initiative to withdraw their troops, the other side will have defensive forces and take a counterattack. It may cause a huge collapse. I think that the Yue people should take the initiative to withdraw their troops. At least they should talk to the Indians to see what the other side thinks. They must retreat until our logistics supplies can reach them. Locally, in this case, the preservation of troops is far more reliable than continuous offensive." Meng Tian said.

"The people of the Yue family have only alliances, and they cannot accept such conditions." Wang Ben said.

"If we send a special envoy to lobby like this, or tell them to retreat in order to provide logistical supplies, they might understand our thoughts." Meng Tian said.

"After they retreat, we can integrate their strength and let them understand the importance of building a railway. In this way, the railway can open up the entire main road." Meng Tian said.

"Well, I admit, your idea is very good, but it is difficult for me to do this. It seems unlikely that people from the Yue family will accept such a condition." Wang Ben said.

"They have already attacked once. Maybe they will come a second time, but if they are beaten back this time, the Indians will beat them back a second time. We can't let them do this, we must give them a lot A degree of help, the military actions of the Yue family are related to the future development direction of Qin." Meng Tian said to Wang Ben.

"Try it. We can only do this." Wang Ben said, waving his arm.

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