"Prime Minister, this is the telegram we received earlier. Take a look." Chen Ping took the telegram and handed it to Fan Zeng.

"What's the matter?" Fan Zeng asked curiously, he didn't know what would happen. Fan Zeng looked at the telegram, while Chen Ping was just looking at Fan Zeng.

"How could something like this happen?" Fan Zeng said to Chen Ping with an unbelievable look after seeing it.

"Such a good thing will happen," Chen Ping said.

"The telegram was sent from the latest telegram station set up in South Korea. There should be nothing wrong." Chen Ping confirmed.

"Damn, we don't know that there is another country of Bangladesh in the western direction. I need detailed information about this country. The more detailed the better." Fan Zeng said with a frown. Fan Zeng felt a bit tricky or helpless as to how to deal with this matter. There was a big gap in Chu's financial funds, and it was obvious that sending troops required a lot of funds, which made him very embarrassed.

"Prime Minister, I think we should send troops. Judging from the content of the telegram, Western, our merchants have sold a lot of goods there, and they are very popular. As a result, our situation is not good." Chen Ping said.

"You mean that those **** Mengla people have bad intentions." Fan Zeng said.

"Yes, I think so. They treat us badly, and the market there can bring us a large market share. I think we need these market shares, and they can cause a lot of plunder. The wealth that comes, I think this is an opportunity to transfer our domestic military conflicts and pressure.” Chen Ping suggested.

"Yeah." Fan Zeng nodded.

"Before the matter is accurate. We'd better not take action until we have understood it in detail." Fan Zeng said calmly.

"Prime Minister, I think we are a little cautious. But I think we can take some measures to solve this problem, for example, seek help from Qin to make them understand that our current situation is not very good." Chen Ping suggested. . He believes that there are a lot of financial problems that need to be solved at present, and Chu country has also encountered such problems. They need the corresponding support from the Qin government, such as funding and material support. After all, Chu has a large amount of money. Resources to fight such a war, and the war is thousands of miles away in the Western Ocean, obviously it is very difficult for them.

"You mean, let's look for the people of Qin country?" Fan Zeng asked.

"Yes, that's what I mean. After all, only the people of Qin can come up with such a large amount of materials at once. Whether it is weapons, ammunition, or various logistics transportation materials, they can do this, and the more people involved Come, or the participation of Koreans, is also beneficial to us. Obviously, our Chu State cannot rely on the unsound Chu State Navy to win such a war with the Chu State Army. Thousands of miles away, this consumption has exceeded It has our ability to bear it." Chen Ping said.

"You're right, Chu State is still unable to withstand such a big war, and we have just established a new government. We don't understand this situation at all for those local troops." Fan Zeng nodded.

"Call and contact Qin's Prime Minister's Office. We need to take some actions to tell the people of Qin that they can find a way to solve the large amount of funding problems." Fan Zeng said.

"However, Prime Minister, just now, I had an idea, or this idea can meet our greatest demand for sending troops." Chen Ping suddenly stopped and said to Fan Zeng.

"What do you think? Tell me a little bit." Fan Zeng asked.

"Perhaps we can issue more war bonds. I remember that the people of Qin have done this. By issuing a large number of war bonds to expand their financing, it can be said that war may be a huge benefit, that is, if we can If we get huge gains from the next war against the Mengla people, it may change our current situation. After all, the Mengla people’s market is very large and there is a lot of gold there. In addition to these, there may be more For other properties, as long as we continue to expand these properties, we can achieve our war goals.” Chen Ping suggested.

"Yeah." Fan Zeng nodded.

"A very good suggestion. We can do this. What we need to do now is to contact the people of Qin and tell them that we have a big trouble here. Look at the attitude of the people of Qin. No matter what, this is a big deal. We may be going to fight the war outside." Fan Zeng said. Chen Ping nodded after listening.

Inside the Korean Embassy in Qin.

"Is this news true?" Han Shu asked Zhang Liang after reading the telegram.

"It is true. It is true. We have confirmed it. The local telegraph station has sent a telegram report to confirm this matter. I heard that Chu merchants sold a lot of silk and tea there in exchange for a lot of gold. , But the people of Mengla seem to be very jealous of the Chu merchants, and they are constantly looking for troubles from the people of Chu. Many Chu people have suffered serious losses, and there are still a few lives. If the situation is not controlled, in Chu of Mengla. The situation of the Chinese people may be very bad, or in other words, the situation is developing towards an unfavorable situation that the Chu people do not want to see." Zhang Liang said.

"In other words, if the Chu people don't give those **** Mengla people a good look, maybe the Mengla people will cause great harm to the Chu people, right?" Han Shu said.

"Yes, that's what I meant." Zhang Liang nodded.

"If I were King Chu, I would send troops mercilessly and kill these Mengla people." Han Shu said annoyedly. Zhang Liang on the side looked up at Han Shu, but didn't say anything. After all, he saw such things a lot. It's just that he doesn't know why his queen would make such a fire.

Chu State, Pengcheng.

"This is a naked provocation, provoking the authority of our country of Chu. The little barbarian actually used such despicable measures against the merchants of our country of Chu." Chu Wangfu immediately became angry after reading the telegram, and a military meeting was being held at this time. The content of the reform is military reform. One of the goals of the reform is to find ways to reduce the size of the army, select some elite troops, and re-designate the organization, and some old and weak troops will retreat to the militia sequence. The militia can retain their own weapons. But it is not the national army, so the national burden will be less. This is a very important military meeting, but now. Ning Chu started to get angry. Xiang Yan sitting down wanted to know what happened.

"Damn Bangla." Ning Chu cursed extremely dissatisfied. Uncle Xiang just shook his head slightly. He felt very speechless for the person who controlled his temper like Ning Chu, but he was the King of Chu, so he couldn't say anything. He just felt a little dissatisfied.

"Master, master." Xiang Yan felt that King Chu was a little gaffe, so he reminded it carefully.

"The King." Xiang Yan reminded.

"Yeah." Suddenly at this moment, Suzu realized that he might have done too much.

"Let's take a look at the telegram, this is the latest telegram situation." Ning Chu controlled his emotions a bit, and then handed the telegram to the attendant who was aside. Xiang Yan finally saw the telegram he wanted to see at this time.

I learned about the state of Bangladesh from the telegram, and then Xiang Yan handed it to Xiang Bo, and then Xiang Liang. They were in charge of Chu’s main naval power and dispatched troops overseas. With their presence, they can go further. Take military action, and what they want to mobilize most is their forces.

"I don't know how the king will deal with this matter?" Xiang Yan asked such a question very cautiously.

"Send troops, they bully our Chu merchants, we Chu will naturally send troops, and these Chu merchants can bring great taxes to Chu, they have made great contributions to our Chu, we Chu will naturally want Help them." Pay said.

"But, Majesty, we need to think carefully about this matter. We must know that this country of Bangladesh is thousands of miles away. Although our Chu army can defeat the country of Bangladesh, it is extremely difficult to provide supplies thousands of miles away. It also takes more than a month for our ship to arrive. The supply of materials is extremely difficult. The most important thing is that the current state of Chu is extremely scarce, and many things are not ready. Faced with such a war situation, there is a future. Unknown." Xiang Yan analyzed rationally.

"What these generals said, the widows understand it, but the determination to send troops is not changed by the widows. The Chu merchants have provided a large amount of tax revenue to Chu. They are now in difficulties. Our Chu government can't just leave it alone. If this is the case, the widowed overseas state will become independent. Therefore, widow thinks that we should send troops and send troops resolutely. This is the widow’s will and determination." Said Suzu resolutely.

"My Lord, I am very fortunate to Chu State." Xiang Yan said. Hearing what King Chu said, he knew that many problems could be solved, and this war would definitely be fought, because King Chu's will was here.

The Palace of the Prime Minister of the State of Qin.

"This matter sounds very tricky." Shang Wen shook his head and said after reading the telegram.

"Thousands of miles away in the West, Chu has never fought such a war." Meng Yi on the side shook his head and said after reading the telegram.

"Yes, it's very difficult. I think Chu people might not be aware of this." Shang Wen said.

"But if the Chu people don't fight this war, I don't think they will stand in the West at all. The most terrible thing is that they may never be able to stand in the West." Meng Yi said to Shangwen.

"It seems that Chu's financial problems have become more serious." Meng Yi said.

"Yes, Chen Ping meant the same. They need to issue a larger number of financial bonds to solve the financial problem." Meng Yi said.

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