"With land, it is possible to develop plantations, but it is impossible for plantations to use our Chu people. We can use a large number of slaves like Qin. Bangladesh can provide slaves, and we can exchange industrial products from Qin and South Korea. Slaves, and then transported the slaves to our plantation, and then transported the raw materials to the factories in Qin and South Korea. In this way, we have completed the triangular trade, and we can make a lot of money in every trade. In this way, we Chu Hasn't the country completed a large fiscal revenue. Taxation can also increase rapidly." Fan Zeng said with confidence. He has long known that South Korea trades like this. Since Koreans can do it, they can also do it for Chu people. In this way, triangular trade can be formed.

"Okay. Very good, and widows like this way of trade. Such a triangle trade is of great benefit to our country of Chu. Good." The king of Chu applauded with excitement. For Fan Zeng to come up with such an absolutely good way, he felt that he was really useful.

"My lord, this triangle trade requires a large amount of naval power. I am afraid that from the current naval power of Chu, we cannot constitute such a triangle trade at all." Xiang Yan on the side agreed with Fan Zeng's idea, but he felt, Chu's naval power may not be able to do this, the reason is that their naval power is extremely weak. Although the scale is huge, everyone knows the actual situation, and it is not as good as the South Korean naval power.

"Yes, Prime Minister, how should this matter be handled?" Chu Wang asked.

"My lord, don't worry about this matter. I think we can invite the South Korean navy to participate, and this war will have to cooperate with the South Korean navy in depth. With the support of the South Korean navy, we can be more than 90% sure of victory in the war. Now." Fan Zeng said.

"How to do it?" asked negatively.

"My lord, you only need to involve the Korean Navy or Korean businessmen. After all, Western trade is difficult for our Chu family to eat. And the participation of Koreans will help us learn and make up for our shortcomings. For the South Korean Navy, we can divide our spheres of influence, and then expand separately." Fan Zeng said. What is the situation for Western countries? Fan Zeng himself didn’t know. For example, he didn’t know where Bangladesh was at all. I’m afraid he didn’t know how far it was. Not only him, but many Chu aristocrats and members of the legislators didn’t know, because there was no such thing. A detailed map shows this country. They just know that it takes a long sea route to reach this place. As for the other specifics, they don't know at all.

"Well, if we don't give the South Korean navy or some benefits to the South Korean side, I am afraid we will not be able to accomplish such a thing ourselves. The problem of funding can be issued by war bonds, and the South Korean navy can give up part of the benefits. As for how much, We still need to discuss it with South Korea," Chu Wang said.

"Yes, Majesty, there is another thing, infrastructure construction. We need to build a railway to connect the railway from Qin State to Pengcheng, and then a railway from Pengcheng to Wuyue, and then build a railway along the coast. Railway. Only in this way can commodities flow to our country of Chu better, and the raw materials from our country of Chu to Hong Kong can be transported to the country of Qin." Fan Zeng said to King Chu.

"Well, yes, you can figure it out. As for railway matters, widows believe that shipbuilding is also the key, but it is best for us to replace ships as soon as possible. These prime ministers should do better." Chu Wang Instructed.

"These are natural. King." Fan Zeng said.

At this time, Xiang Yan had already begun to think about how to cooperate with the South Korean navy and what kind of cooperation could reach.

Qin State Xianyang.

"This Xianyang Railway Station is big." Li Wending looked around after the train. On the way, the sights he saw had already surprised him. He didn't expect that after coming to Xianyang, he felt that this place was the most eye-opening place.

"Why don't those lights go out? Li Wending looked at the lights curiously and said.

"That's an electric light. It can't be blown out. It uses electricity." Hawke explained to the side, but because of the weird attire, many Qin people cast weird eyes. But they left in a hurry.

"Electricity, oh. I know electricity. It's a weird thing. It's numb. You can let him send information soon. I know, I know." Li Wending looked at the electric light strangely.

"Let's go, sir, there are still many things we need to know. If an electric light keeps us here, our business will not be done." Hawke said. They are here to participate in the meeting. If they don’t have a meeting, they may have to wait a long time, because Dawan also needs to send people to attend, not only from Dawan, but also Tocharians who need to be contacted, as well as the month. Everyone from the Clan will participate. There may be only one content of the meeting. How to build a railway and develop their economy is something that the Qin government is worried about. If they do not have a pillar of economic development, they may not be able to form an effective help to Qin. .

The Palace of the Prime Minister of the State of Qin.

"Just now there was a call from the train station. The representative of Goguryeo has arrived, but only Goguryeo. Representatives of other countries have not left. For example, in Dawan, they are still noisy. I don't know who to choose. Maybe it's too democratic." Meng Yi said to Shang Wen funny.

"Yeah. It seems we need to wait more." Shang Wen said.

"It's just that, in this regard, I think it should be resolved as soon as possible, and they can't let them wait like this. It's just that I don't know how you plan to solve this problem. You must know that they have big problems. The biggest problem comes from the difficulty of funding They have quite a lot of foreign debts, and they mainly come from war indemnities. I think it is impossible for Qin and other countries to give up such indemnities as you know." Meng Yi said to Shangwen.

"It is true, but if there is no capital, their economy cannot develop. If this is the case, they will never develop. I think you should understand this." Shang Wen said to Meng Yi.

"It's true, but we can't issue brand new bonds for them because they have a bond problem. I think this is a tricky thing. At the very least, it takes some time for us to deal with this kind of thing. We can't imagine." Meng Yi said. Regarding the issue of Goguryeo, Meng Yi believes that solving this matter is more complicated. The complexity comes from the fact that Goguryeo is not a Central Plains country. Qin cannot give too much assistance, but without assistance, Goguryeo’s economy cannot develop and Goguryeo is only one of them One, the same is true for other countries, such as Dawan, Yueshi, and the newly joined Tocharians. Although they have no such requirements, Meng Yi believes that they will soon have such requirements.

"Yeah. You are right, these things are really difficult to solve." Shang Wen said.

"However, we still need to solve this kind of thing. After all, there are still considerable difficulties that we need to solve by ourselves." Shang Wen said.

"I think we can provide a certain amount of government loans, and we can set a slightly higher interest rate. The mortgage comes from part of the income from those minerals. So I think this is very possible. With the loan, they can build the railway, Introducing foreign capital for development, foreign-funded enterprises will have to pay taxes. Once they have fiscal revenue, they can return our funds." Shang Wen thought about it.

"In this way, the Federal Bank Reserve Committee will be very stressed. I think you should be very clear about this." Meng Yi said to Shangwen worriedly.

"It is true, but we can only do this. If we don't do this, we may not get anything." Shangwen said.

"Yeah. I think I understand." Meng Yi said to Shang Wen.

"The plan is like this for the time being. The specific situation depends on the specific situation of each country. We know too little about the situation in each country. Qin has collected too little information in this regard. The few are too pitiful." Shang Wen Complained.

"There is no way. Our people and their people are too different. Many times we can't understand some specific situations, and our telegraph system can't reach these places." Meng Yi said to Shangwen.

"Well. Next, we have to change things like this. After all, if we go on for a long time, it will be very unfavorable for us, such as the situation of the Yue people. I heard that the Yue people have three different tribal alliances. If we can let the Yue people If a new government is formed, I think this matter will be better resolved." Shang Wen said to Meng Yi.

"Yeah. It's just that this is just a country formed by a tribal alliance. I am worried that they still have big problems within themselves. Can our Qin state unite them together? What are the benefits for us when they form a country? "Meng Yi asked.

"May be able to solve more problems." Shang Wen said.

While Shangwen and Meng Yi were discussing the issue of the Yue family, the Yue family followed Qin’s arrangements, and they quietly left from various fronts, but the Indians did not even notice that the movement of the Yue family was originally mysterious. The Indians are totally unpredictable. They can only passively accept the orders of the Yue people, which will help the Yue people to leave the battlefield. On all fronts, the Yue people have reached a tacit understanding. They quietly leave. After retreating from the battlefield, they followed the instructions of the Qin people and took the initiative to retreat to the best location for the logistics supplies that the Qin people could provide.

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