"The above has given us the greatest satisfaction, let's think about how to complete the task." Chen Na said.

"There are challenges, but we do the best." Chenna said.

Both of them nodded. They knew very well what kind of situation they were facing. They felt that they might not be able to complete the task. After all, such a task is still very difficult.

The Prince's Mansion of Yan State.

"This is an order from the South Koreans. They need a lot of wood for construction, but they don't pay much freight." The Minister of Finance said.

"Do you think such a business can be done?" Prince Dan asked.

"Yes, it should be possible, because there are other places that can meet such needs. I heard that Chu has such needs. There are a lot of trees in the upper reaches of Chu and other rivers. Chu people are thinking of a way. To meet this demand. If we don't do it, the people of Chu will do it. At present, our finances are extremely difficult. It is still possible for the country to solve this problem through logging." The Minister of Finance said to Prince Dan.

"Yeah." Prince Dan said.

"It's just how to transport. You need to know that for transportation, you need railways, but we don't have such railways at all at present, and railway transportation is very complicated, and you need to have a good relationship with Zhao Guoren, but if you do this, the freight is still huge "The Minister of Finance said.

"But we have our own solution, which is to take water transportation and sea transportation. We still have a few icebreakers to do, and we can be reinforced. Zhao Guo has a lot of cheap iron for us, as long as we increase the weight on the bow, or This can be achieved by re-covering the armor," the Minister of Finance suggested.

"The most important thing is that the cost is very low, which is very suitable for our current needs." The Minister of Finance continued.

"Well. Very good, it can be so. In this way, the demand for wood can be solved." Prince Dan said.

"The other thing is that we still need to cooperate with Zhao Guo. Zhao Guo plans to continue the project of Xiangping Iron Factory. They want to build a larger iron factory in Xiangping. In doing so, I personally think it is very Cost-effective. Although Zhao Guo has a large share quota, we have an iron factory." The Minister of Finance said.

"The most important thing is that the current demand for iron is very strong, especially in South Korea. Chu has a large number of shipbuilding plans. They need tens of thousands of iron beams, and Zhao cannot meet it at all. If we can produce it, we will also Can make a lot of money. This is a lot of income." The Minister of Finance said.

"Well, the bonds sold by the Qin people gave us some money. Isn't it cost-effective for us to do such a thing?" Prince Dan asked.

"I think it should be cost-effective. After all, there is a huge demand for iron in the future. Shipbuilding is not only needed. Railways are also needed, as well as locomotives, etc. These all require iron." The Minister of Finance said.

"Not only railways, but also weapons. We need a lot of weapons to manufacture. I think we can do this. Just do it. Cooperate with Zhao Guoren to develop such a Xiangping railway project. Develop those iron ore mines." Dan said.

The southern part of the Korean Peninsula. The Goguryeo policemen, wrapped in white cloth sheets, moved forward slowly. The heavy snow gave them a good cover, but they felt cold. It was bitterly cold because they were all crawling on the ground. The people of the southern tribes put their strongholds on the mountains and deep in the forest. This made it difficult for the Goguryeo police to find their tracks, but Goguryeo is also a jungle nation. Based on the captives of other tribes they captured, as well as the coercion and lure, they finally knew where the southern tribe's stronghold was.

"Squadron, it's freezing to death. Are we going to launch an offense. Our hands are almost freezing." Sergeant Li Shu said with a stiff hand. I'm afraid he can't even pull the trigger with his hand.

"No, I don't know." Li Hai, the squadron leader, said with a neck down.

"Sir, sir, the upper sir, let us attack." A second-class soldier crawled over and said at this time. His lips were blue with cold. The nasal mucus in the middle of the person has long been frozen into rigidity.

"Order, order toss, go up, give them some vitality, hold the machine gun and rush up, everyone kills casually, all the women in the tribe, stay, and then everyone is warm and warm." Squadron leader Li Hai said.

"Yes, yes, it's the sir." Sergeant Li Shu received the order.

Soon, the Goguryeo police force’s grenadiers came forward. There were not many, only six. The Goguryeo police force should not be equipped with grenades. However, their missions are a little different. Therefore, considering the actual situation, the Goguryeo policemen They have been allocated some from above, not many, only two for each squadron, they can't do too much. After all, this is the Goguryeo police force. They are not combat troops. If they exceed a certain level of heavy firepower, they will be sanctioned by the State of Qin, or dissatisfied by the State of Qin. They didn't want to offend Qin, but they needed heavy firepower, so they temporarily transferred some from the army, and then used some illegal methods. It was mainly through the hands of the Qin Army's Huns cavalry. They had a large number of grenadiers in their hands. Because the Huns were not good at maintaining their weapons, their weapons often showed various damages, and they were used to them. So they took advantage of this loophole and sold it to Goguryeo people, of course. Countries also have their own imitations. Not much is left on the design.

"Boom. Boom. Boom." A few hand artillery sounds came, and the shells intensively fell outside the wooden walls of the tribe, and the shells could easily blow up those wooden walls.

"Boom. Boom." The hand gunners fired continuously, and their hands froze. Fortunately, the throwing barrel gave them some heat, and they felt a little warmth.

"Kill." After the gunfire stopped. The Goguryeo police launched an attack.

"Tututu. Tututu. Tutu." The portable machine gun in the front fired fiercely. They did not hesitate to buy the bullets, and blasted the southern tribes that appeared.

"Kill." Followed by the crazy Goguryeo police in the brigade, the cold made them numb, and their desire made them more enthusiastic, and they rushed into the southern tribes frantically.

"Kill." Li Shu rushed in with a bayonet and killed a half-year-old kid who was only a teenager. The kid waved the stick in his hand.

"Puff." Li Shu stepped on the opponent's stomach and pulled out the bayonet in his heart, and the opponent looked at each other stubbornly. Hateful eyes.

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