The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 2418: Mediate for peace

On the Menggla Harbour.

"I think you should think about it carefully. The interests of our country of Chu are consistent with the interests of your South Korea. You South Korea also want to open up a piece of its own market in Bangladesh. You have your own goods, and we also have them. Neither of us. Hedging. You can sell the goods you need here, not only Bangladesh, but in the future, there may also be Champu, but at present we must defeat Champu, as long as we defeat this Champu country, all of us It's all there," Huang Jian persuaded. Because this morning, he saw a South Korean armed merchant ship heading south. He was very anxious. He was worried that the Koreans would leave and not participate in this good thing. He anxiously asked the Koreans to discuss what they found.

"Yeah. To be honest, we can open up another market. There is no need to stir in such muddy water." Han Fa said.

"No, no, no, no, you Koreans have common interests with us. We can sell them a lot of goods and exchange for a lot of gold. With gold, your government and yourself have their own benefits. Not only these, but also a large number of commodity markets, these are all you need." Huang Jian persuaded.

"This, to be honest, Zhanpu is a bit troublesome for us." Han Fa shook his head and said.

"No, we all know the Mengla and Zhanpu people, they don't know how to fight, they don't like to fight, and many times they don't know how to fight." Han Fa said.

"I know this, but you have to be clear that we Koreans are unwilling to participate. If we participate, we may have greater troubles. The Korean government has been avoiding such things from happening." Han vowed. Speaking of.

"This, this, this, it's better to be like this, we might as well take a step back, just take a step back." Huang Jian said. In order to be able to drag the Koreans in, Huang Jian has been trying to find a way, because at present Chu does not have such a large force to develop inland. They are only armed by merchants, not the regular army of Chu. The Koreans can, and they are keen to open up new colonies. For them, these are the places they have been pursuing.

"How do you tell?" Han Fa asked.

"I think we can mediate this war. We all know that war will break out, but we don’t want war to break out. Not just us, I’m afraid the Zhanpu people and the Mengla people are unwilling to do this. If we can use one This kind of force bomb suppresses both sides, which means that it can restrict each other. For example, we can hold an exercise as Qin Guoren learned. I mean similar exercises. For example, let’s demonstrate our arms and weapons, etc. The ordinary people know that if we fight with us, we will not be able to fight at all. And it will cause a lot of loss and cost. On the other hand, if we can prevent them from fighting, we have our own benefits, and the Mengla people will give us More wealth, gold, because we have made a major guarantee. At the same time, Zhanpu needs our goods. We can greatly satisfy them and let the wealth flow to them.” Huang Jian suggested.

"Mediating the war?" Han Fa asked in disbelief.

"Yes, as long as we mediate the war, we can achieve what we need." Huang Jian said.

"Well. Such a proposal. It is very constructive. We Koreans are also peace-loving." Han Fa said at this time. In fact, he is weighing the pros and cons of his own interests. It doesn't cost much to mediate the war. The most important thing is to show off their firepower, as long as Zhanpu realizes that one of the opponents it faces is a very powerful character. Moreover, in order to avoid such a huge loss, the other party will accept war mediation. This is the best way. This is also a condition acceptable to everyone.

Thinking of this, Han Fa felt that he could give it a try. After all, if the mediation failed, the people from Mengla and Zhanpu would be hit.

However, Huang Jian’s idea is that there is no alternative, because they need time. It takes about three months to supply a supply from the Chu country. If they can fight for three months, their material reserves can reach A certain number, they have the strength to speak. At that time, even if the Zhanpu people did not accept it, they had to accept their own terms. This was the idea of ​​the Chu people.

"In this way, even if your South Korea and our country of Chu are united to resolve foreign disputes. This is also a record in the world." Huang Jian said with a smile.

"Well. We Koreans are also peace-loving people. For the peace of these Mengglas and Champus, we in South Korea are willing to do such a thing. After all, we don't want to see more people bleed." Han Fa said . In fact, this is a step for Huang Jian. He knows that Koreans are not profitable, but he can only accept such conditions. There is no way. This is the country of Bangladesh, which is thousands of miles away. Chu people of business. They are all bold Chu people.


"Twelve more ships have been launched today. This is the fastest speed we have launched." Engineer Liu Ma said with a smile. In order to speed up the progress of the project, Korean shipyards invented the division of labor. That is to say, in some places, they no longer use certain process methods, but build separately. In this way, they can effectively speed up the progress of ships, such as weapons. As well as the buildings above the upper deck, they can be successfully constructed in another place. Then finally hoisted and assembled. This is a method that Qin people have invented before, and this method comes from the gantry crane. It was originally used for hoisting goods and used to build ships, which can speed up the overall progress of the ship.

"Very good, very good. Can you speed up again?" Zhang Qing asked.

"This, I am afraid it is a bit difficult. There are not many raw materials. Especially wood, many shipyards have a large amount of wood, and the supply of iron beams is also a bit tight." Liu Ma said at this time.

"Yeah." Zhang Qing heard no more words here. What he needs is a lot of raw materials. South Korea’s shipyards are starting frantically, and more and more, because too many businessmen are aware of it. Shipbuilding will make a lot of money, so the shipyard built a lot along the coastline. However, the raw materials did not increase a little bit, but were rapidly consumed, which made Zhang Qing crazy. But no raw materials arrive here at all, which makes it possible for the shipyard to stop work at any time, and stop work means loss.

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