The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 2783: Inside information

South Korea, Xinzheng, stock market. It hasn't opened yet. Many people are talking about yesterday's stock trading situation.

"How much did you earn?" the young man asked the middle-aged man aside.

"Not much, which is about two million yuan. If it rises by three points today, I think I might become five million yuan. With this five million yuan, I won't do it. I think, This business is too risky." The middle-aged man said.

"Not a lot. I made seven million. Today I want to exceed 10 million." The young man said with a smile. His face is very shiny. It seems that he is in a very good mood.

"Oh my God, this is indeed the world of young people." The middle-aged man said with a smile.

"Hehe, I am optimistic about a villa, it is very good, and the scenery there is good, I plan to take my wife there, it is very well decorated, huge bathroom, very spacious, there are tiles, The stairs are made of marble slabs. It is very comfortable to step on. There are also large glass chandeliers. Leather sofas." The young man said.

"Young people really enjoy it." The middle-aged man admired.

"Of course. After all, we do different things. We can make a lot of money in this business. Don't we?" the young man said.

As the stocks in South Korea’s stock market rose, a lot of hot investment tasks appeared, but they were all very young. In some people’s eyes, they were very aggressive because they usually bought a lot of stocks and held them for a long time. It’s also very short, buying and selling frequently. In their opinion, this is a very overheated move. This move may cause great trouble, but the fact is that in the face of a crazy bull market, this Crazy behavior has brought rich returns. The rise in the stock market has made them a lot of money. Their money is enough to buy a lot of luxury goods. Their lives have suddenly become rich, and many people are already floating. For stocks, this is their money machine, no. It should be a banknote printing factory. They have no respect and look very impetuous. In the stock market, they are not discussing stocks, but more luxury goods, hand-made exquisite leather shoes, clothing, and their gorgeous ladies. ,beauty. But all this is a danger signal, and they don't know it.

Inside Li Wen's office.

Li Wen walked back and forth, his heart beating very hard today, maybe because he was too anxious, or for other reasons, he looks very nervous now.

"Wait a little longer, wait a minute. Wait a minute." Li Wen thought of the various market quotes in his mind. At the beginning, he fell on a large scale, but this is unlikely. It may rush up all at once, and then fall on a large scale. This is the only way that can be explained. Li Wen thought.

"Dangdang." Just then the opening bell on the stock market rang, and everyone was busy.

As soon as the stock market opened, various stocks began to rise wildly, and many people laughed. Their expressions are very relaxed, and there are many people shouting to buy. They want to buy more stocks. Because they believe that such a market will continue to rise, rising to an absolute high. They are convinced of this, and many people are almost crazy to buy a lot of stocks from the bank.

Inside Li Wen's office. After hearing the assistant's first offer, Li Wen was a little surprised sitting on the sofa. It was not that he didn't want to stand up, but that his legs could no longer feel standing. He felt the blood in his whole body was drained. They couldn't tell what kind of situation it was, but he knew that he had to calm down now, and this time, he might be wrong. It may be right. He needs to make a decision.

"We." The assistant wanted to say something, but he didn't know how to say it.

"Ding Ding, Ding Ding." Just then the phone rang. Li Wen's assistant had no choice but to answer the phone. On the other end of the phone is the securities company. They asked Li Wen for a margin call because they knew that Li Wen had a lot of short orders and most of the short orders in the market were in his hands, but today’s rise has completely exceeded his expectations. . His margin is not enough.

"Sir, I think you know our strength, and we will give you sufficient funds. We are fully capable of providing sufficient margin." Li Wen's assistant continued to explain. Li Wendai sat motionless on the sofa. No one knew what Li Wen was thinking at this moment, but Li Wen's assistant saw it. Li Wen sat motionless like a statue. He didn't know what Li Wen would do next.

"The market's rise and change are very big, I can't guarantee that your order will be able to, oh no. Wait a moment." At this time. The securities manager on the other end of the phone suddenly changed from a serious attitude to a flustered state, and his tone was a little surprised.

"No. I'm sorry. There has been a lot of movement in the market just now. Your margin seems to be sufficient, but I don't know if you will choose to continue to buy. If that is the case, there may be some risks. However, I think we should be bold at this time." The securities manager’s attitude has changed drastically, and Li Wen’s assistant suddenly didn’t know how to explain his situation.

"What's the situation?" Li Wen's assistant asked puzzledly. He doesn't even know what happened. Has the market fluctuated? At this time, Li Wen's assistant glanced at the quotation machine, and by this look, he dropped the phone on the ground in shock. Just now, the market as a whole rose on a large scale, and in an instant, the stock market fell a lot. It used to rise by 3%, and now it has fallen to 1%, and the situation is further expanding.

"I. My goodness." Li Wen's assistant looked at the market quotation machine in surprise. Perhaps it was only then that I realized what happened just now. The violent rise made the securities managers feel very worried, but it was just there. In an instant, the stock market suddenly plummeted, falling down like a cliff, and everyone went crazy. They have never encountered such a thing.

"This. This." Li Wen's assistant didn't know how to explain this phenomenon.

In the stock market, all the ease at the beginning disappeared. Everyone was very anxious. Some people had filled out sell orders to sell their stocks. Telegrams, telephones, and transaction orders were flying around the market. Many people were acting anxiously. But there are still a few people who can't believe their eyes.

"Damn, I don't want the yacht. I want to sell those stocks. Those stocks are too hot." The middle-aged man shook his head and said. He loves fishing. He heard that the scenery in Qingcheng is good. He planned to buy a boat and run around. As a result, he encountered such a thing. He felt terrified. The market was going up frantically just now, but now it is falling violently. Moreover, the magnitude of the decline is still expanding. He knows that the situation may not be very good and may expand further. This immediately made everyone feel worried. Now he is also very flustered. The fear brings cold hands and feet, and his hands and feet are in a hurry. , Many people have become extremely crazy.

"It succeeded. It succeeded." It took a long time for the assistant to explain what had just happened in the market. But Li Wen only glanced at the market quotation machine to understand what had happened, and the market fell. Finally fell. He knew his chance had finally arrived.

"Okay, very good, I succeeded." Li Wen shouted excitedly, waving his arms.

"Now, what I have to do is to sell short again after the market rises. We must increase the position. We did it right this time. We did it right." Li Wen shouted excitedly. The assistant felt a little aggressive, but Li Wen insisted on doing this. In desperation, he could only do it. Regarding what happened in the market, he himself didn't know what would happen, but he knew that the market might face a problem. A huge disaster. This disaster has finally come.

The disaster continues, but many people have become ostriches. They are unwilling to sell the stock in their hands. They have lost more than one million yuan. Many people are facing the risk of bankruptcy. Bank staff kept walking around, telegrams and telephones kept ringing, and they asked about the safety of funds. But many people are reluctant to answer this question directly. Fortunately, on this day, the market did not see a broader decline. It seems that the market is also hesitating. However, a high price is

"Tomorrow, tomorrow will fall, look, the market has made the most wise choice. This is the market's choice, if the choice is wrong, they will be crazy." Li Wen said excitedly after seeing the closing price . His prices are relatively high, which will bring great profits, how high is this profit. Li Wen himself didn't know, but he knew. The Korean stock market has gone up too much.

At nine o'clock in the evening, in a hotel.

"I know an inside story, which is definitely a big inside story for today's stock market." said a somewhat drunk young man.

"Qin, Qin's biggest short trader. Li Wen, already holds quite a lot of short orders, you know? That's a god-like existence. This guy is very good at short shorts and is a big short. The Korean stock market is too high. . This is definitely an opportunity, this guy, absolutely not letting go.” The young man said.

The reporter on the side was a little shocked when he heard the news. He knew financial matters and knew more about Li Wen's ability. This guy's judgment was absolutely amazing and he was always bold. If short. The news is amazing.

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