The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 2806: Send news in time

"Ding Ding. Ding Ding." Li Mu excitedly took a small hammer and beat on the newly forged steel rail, touching it with his hand from time to time.

"Good. Good. Great. This steel rail is great." Li Mu said excitedly. These rails were used in the expansion of the Western Region Railway in accordance with the requirements of the people of Qin. On the Western Region Railway, some rails were used. With the passage of time, these rails were mainly unable to withstand the increasing freight volume of the Qin State and began to withdraw. Taking advantage of this opportunity, Qin Guo Wenyang Railway Company proposed a method of replacing steel rails. Wenyang Steel does not forge this rail by itself. They forge more steel to build bridges. There are still many areas in the Western Regions that require a lot of steel. Wenyang Steel plans to use these main steels in these directions.

"Prime Minister, we can use such rails ourselves. The rails are heavy and can adapt to larger locomotives to walk on. Not only that, we have such technology, and we can also make more things in other things. Locally, for example, for heavy beams, Koreans need larger load-bearing beams." An engineer said to Li Mu.

"Are they used to build ships?" Li Mu asked.

"It seems that they have always had such a plan. I heard that their scientific research department has jointly obtained a welding technology with Qin Guoren, which can weld iron plates, but steel plates do not seem to work." The engineer said.

"Yeah. Did they have any movement in the construction of the iron factory?" Li Mu asked.

"This, I don't know, but they are actively exploring the major islands, and many people have died. Anyway, the compensation is quite generous, and many people are willing to do this. After all. The profit is huge." The engineer said. To.

"In this matter, we will cooperate with them sooner or later to establish a large number of steel enterprises, but we have to think about what else we can do with these steels. Now there are many places where steel is used. Don't be limited to one area. Future development. The demand must be large." Li Mu said.

"This. Prime Minister." At this moment, an apprentice next to the periphery whispered.

"Oh. What's the matter?" Li Mu asked.

"If you have a good opinion, you can say nothing," Li Mu asked.

"Well, I heard that people in Qin can use steel to cast cylinders, that is, engines. They can cast them to be more portable. This requires steel to be made of very high temperature resistance. We can produce some special steels to produce such cylinders. I heard that the Koreans invented the tricycle, a single-engine diesel locomotive, and now we can also manufacture such a locomotive, but it takes a lot of effort to cast such a thing." The apprentice said.

"Diesel locomotive?" Li Mu asked curiously.

"Yes, that's the engine, airship, and the kind of internal combustion engine on airplanes. The people of Qin country seem to have used aluminum alloys, but we also have steel castings. The requirements are very high, I. I just heard others say." The apprentice said .

"Have you been to Qin State?" Li Mu asked.

"No, I haven't been, I am not qualified enough, Prime Minister. I write too few words. No." The apprentice lowered his head and said. If you want to study abroad in Qin, you need not only learn a lot of basic theoretical knowledge, it is not just a matter of experience, but also a culture, that is, they must learn to read and write. This usually blocked many opportunities for Zhao people to learn. Many aristocratic children are unwilling to learn these things. They study more politics, news, and history in Qin. Many apprentices with technical backgrounds learn technology. However, this opportunity is relatively small and the competition is fierce, with an average of 200 per cent. Only one of thirty people can appear. This requires a lot of people's ability to learn. After all, the Zhao government’s financial funds are very limited, and the funds invested in education are also very limited. Although Qin people provide as many opportunities as possible for those school-age children to learn, most of them have the responsibility of supporting their families. Many children They have to come out as child laborers when they are less than eight years old. In Zhao Guo, newsboys can be seen everywhere. This may be their first stop in the society. Only by great chance can they enter the factory as apprentices. These apprentices will seize every opportunity. Studying, from scrapped newspapers, or listening to others, one can imagine that it takes a lot of effort for them to complete their studies.

"Your suggestion is very good, but unfortunately, you didn't learn it well. However, you must hurry up and try to study in Qin. This young man is an individual talent." Li Mu said to the people around him.

"But. Forget it. I'm already very satisfied." Li Mu thought for a while and wanted to say. Then Li Mu visited other factories. Then I drove back to my office. In the car. Li Mu said nothing.

"The prime minister, is it for the apprentice?" Li Zuoche asked worriedly.

"Yes, I can see that the apprentice is a good apprentice. He has a very strong learning and acceptance ability. Unfortunately, they have too few opportunities to learn. Our education system." Li Mu said worriedly.

"This is something that can't be helped. The situation we can provide is already like this. The prime minister can look at other places, us." Li Zuoche said. He knows what Zhao Guo's situation is like. Many people may not even have the opportunity to learn.

"I won't go back to the office. Go to schools in the poverty-stricken areas around Handan, the suburbs, especially the suburbs. I want to see what the situation is like." Li Mu said solemnly.

"This." Li Zuoche didn't feel very good. It's getting dark now.

"Don't be fussy. Go ahead." Li Mu said anxiously.

"Okay." Li Zuoche then let the car go to the suburbs.

South Korea, suburbs. To the southeast, because there is a large industrial area, nearby workers have to go to work, they build temporary shelters here to live here, the living facilities here are very simple, after the rain, the roads here can’t be walked at all. People, people defecate here casually. The smell is very unpleasant. Li Mu, Li Zuoche and some guards were walking here on their toes.

"The front is their school. I heard that they still have the opportunity to study at night, mainly because of the children here. They work during the day." Li Zuoche said.

"The prime minister, the situation here is not very good, if necessary, we can arrange some for them." Li Zuoche said in advance of the vaccination.

"I know, but I want to know how bad they are. If they are really bad, I can't say anything." Li Mu said. Soon they arrived at the school. it's getting dark. There are no street lights here, only the moonlight. Without moonlight, they themselves didn't know how to leave.

"Da da da." At this moment, a little boy quickly ran into the school. The school looked very rudimentary. It was a small wooden house made of small wooden boards. Such a wooden house can only accommodate one or two people. , But here, there are a dozen children, some of them sit on small wooden benches, and some sit on the ground. Without benches, they can only put a wooden board on it.

"That's their textbook." Li Mu said distressedly. The blackboard is made of a slate, and the top is processed with black pot bottom. It looks very simple, with a few words on it, some children copied with scraps of paper cut from waste newspapers.

What Li Zuoche saw was that the children wrote the words they recognized on paper, pens, not pencils. Using a pencil is a very extravagant act. They use a small sharpened wooden stick dipped in some ink to write on it. It can be said that their condition is very rudimentary.

"This." Li Zuoche said, shaking his head.

"Kerosene is getting kerosene. I need to pour some." said a child.

"Well. I work here. Get some. But it can only take a while. Besides, that's it. I'm late. Can you tell what the word is written on it?" the little boy asked just now. He was a little anxious, because he knew none of the words above.

Some other children explained. And their teacher is a young man who is less than eighteen years old. It seems that he is studying desperately. If the kerosene lamp is too prosperous, a lot of kerosene will be wasted. The children spend their own money to buy this kerosene. The tuition fee is kerosene.

After coming back. Li Zuoche gave Li Mu a series of explanations.

"Those children’s tuition is kerosene. In addition, their teacher does not have it, and is an apprentice. His salary is that kerosene can be used every night. He only needs to teach the children what he knows. It's okay." Li Zuoche said.

"They don't have textbooks, they are booklets copied by them. In addition, they can only study at night, and the study time is one and a half hours. Because they need to work during the day, and some work in nearby factories. They work twelve hours a day. . Often work overtime. It is common for them to work three hours of overtime. Apart from sleeping and eating, they only have that little time." Li Zuoche said.

Li Mu followed his brow closely.

"What a difficult situation this is." Li Mu said helplessly.

"But such a situation is unavoidable, we all know. The Ministry of Finance cannot provide more funds. We also exempt those companies for large-scale tax exemptions to encourage them to learn. We really can't spare some funds. In remote places, or other places, one can only rely on the strength of the people of Qin to do such things. As we saw there, the apprentice was taught by the people of Qin for some time, and he turned to teach those students." Li Zuoche Speaking of. He then investigated some situations.

"Huh, we must get a sum of money to solve these children's learning problems." Li Mu said. Li Mu is very clear that to open up the people's wisdom, this is the path that must be taken. The people of Qin have already walked in the forefront, and South Korea is close behind. Although Chu is also catching up, they still haven't done well enough. The situation of Zhao State is not as good as that of Chu State.

"However, we don't have a place, and the bank is unlikely to lend us so much money." Li Zuoche said.

"Well, I want to find a way. The money will be settled." Li Mu said.

Li Mu suddenly thought of taxation. In other words, a large tax can be levied to solve this problem, but how to levy the tax and who should pay the tax.

In the prosperous area in the center of Handan, there is no night here.

"Good wine, not wine from the Western Regions, come on. Give it to me, give it to me, Lord, I have money." The well-dressed young man was full of alcohol and was beside them. Two revealingly dressed women are persuading wine. Those who come here are rich masters. As factories expand production, many factories have branches. As long as those branches produce things, they can be sold. For them, money is like blowing up the wind. Many of them have noble backgrounds. Even if they don't, many businessmen contact them because Zhao Guo encourages factory expansion.

After being rich, many people have learned to enjoy, don’t they want to enjoy it? The people of Qin have satisfied their greatest hobbies. Women from the Western Regions became popular. Many wealthy people and nobles from Zhao have become representatives of the wealthy by having Western Region women. They also like Western Region wines. They have higher requirements for wine glasses. They must use the jade cup from Hotan. Such consumption is not something ordinary people can afford. But they have such financial resources. After a period of time, the gap between the rich and the poor has appeared in Zhao Guo. It's just that Li Mu didn't notice it.

Zhang Shi's office.

"The Seventh Infantry Regiment is quite interesting. They only have three infantry battalions. Two came at once, and they also supported an artillery company, which is enough." Zhang Shi said with a telescope. The supported 7th Infantry Regiment has arrived, and now all they have to do is launch a counterattack. but. Zhang Shi felt that he shouldn't be anxious, he should mobilize some elite troops, or in other words. He still needs those native soldiers to complete the combat mission.

"Sir, only the first four of the native regiments that we can use are still barely capable of combat. The rest can only perform defensive tasks. They are unlikely to provide us with more support." A lieutenant officer reported. .

"I know this, but we still need those native soldiers, but we need to select some outstanding officers and non-commissioned officers from the native regiments, let them strengthen the combat capabilities of these native regiments, and we want them to participate in the battle." Zhang Shi said.

"Yes, sir. However, sir, we still lack a lot of artillery. If we can have a lot of artillery, the situation may be very beneficial to us." The lieutenant reported.

"The artillery will have them, they are on the way, and you can recruit some from the armed merchant ships that have docked, or buy them. Anyway, you can solve these problems by all means. I want to hurry." Zhang Shi said.

"Sir, are we? Borrowing the military power of some other countries, such as Chu State, there are some people in Chu State who have their own private armed forces. We can use them as our combat military force. After all, if they exist, we have a lot of things. All can be done well. They can help us exert greater combat power." The lieutenant proposed.

"Well, if they can solve and solve all the enemies head-on, I won't waste this opportunity. Yes. Tell them that the spoils are theirs. In terms of salary, we will consider it. But we need heads to calculate." Zhang Shi thought about it for a while.

The rebellion of the goddess has brought great troubles. Especially for the Korean interior. Because of the news of the rebellion of the goddess, the South Korean stock market plummeted, and the queen personally sent a telegram to seek a solution. She eagerly hoped that the new South Korean army in Bangla could exert their great combat capabilities. To solve this problem quickly, Zhang Shi could only do so in the face of domestic pressure. He quickly assembled his troops and re-solved the problem here. After all, this place has caused him a lot of trouble. If this trouble is not resolved, it will be difficult for him to fall asleep. Not only him, but also the Queen of Korea, it is also difficult to fall asleep. This matter is related to the future of many people.

The country of Seth came to the refuge area established by the Koreans themselves. Because of the protection of the rest of the people, the Seth people here did not get more harassment. In contrast, it has become the best refuge place.

"I said, how come a large number of Seth people will come here these days. It turns out that Basra was shot down by the rest." Guo Xiang said to Zhang Bi.

"There are still many problems. The Parthians themselves cast cannons. Although there are many problems, I can see that they have the determination to attack Baghdad." Zhang Bi said solemnly.

"Baghdad. By the way. I know. Those who learned also told me a place called Baghdad, which seems to be the capital of the Seth people." Guo Xiang said.

"However, our biggest problem at the moment is the language. It would be great if we could have people in peace as translators. There are many places and customs here. We don't know anything. It would be great if we could know these." Guo Xiang said. He has worked very hard to solve this problem. But there is still a lot of trouble, the area they crossed is really too big.

"This is not a big problem. The Parthians plan to rebuild Basra, which will become the largest trading city. We need to provide them with a lot of weapons and equipment. They have the money to buy these things. Therefore, we need to solve a lot of problems. ." Zhang Bi said.

"However, at present, we must tell the country about the situation as soon as possible. If the country does not know such a thing, nothing we do will be of any use." Zhang Bi said worriedly.

"Yes, we don't know anything about China now. The most important thing is that we can't send the news here in time. This problem. I think it can only be solved when the submarine cable is laid here in time." Guo Xiang was helpless. Speaking of. Laying submarine cables requires a lot of money, and no one burns money like this crazy.

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