The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 2817: if that's the case

"Why did you suddenly enter a state of trench warfare?" Zhang Bi asked such a question immediately after coming to the front line of the rest.

"Explain the trench battle? This was done by the Seth people first, and we only did it later." Hazabi told Zhang Bi helplessly.

"In the beginning, the Seth people dug trenches and the Prime Minister dig trenches in Baghdad. I don’t know how they did it. They used these trenches. Our cannons were useless for them. Besides, our muskets couldn’t penetrate those trenches. , There is no way with any weapon. Then they approached us little by little, and then one night, they launched an attack, they first attacked our artillery position, a lot of artillery was attacked by them, and then There were still quite a few shells ignited, and then we were killed by them crazy, our entire formation became extremely collapsed." Hazabi said helplessly.

"So, now you also dig trenches?" Zhang Bi asked.

"Yes, it seems that we can only do this. The current war has suddenly returned to the previous state, and we have no way to solve this problem. We have already told the people of Qin that maybe the people of Qin are also trying to solve this problem." Hazabi said.

"Oh." Hearing this, Zhang Bi also fell into a state of thinking. Zhang Bi has not experienced many such wars, but what he knows is that such wars will not last long, because it is a kind of The Parthians who consume and fight quickly will be in an extremely disadvantaged state.

"I don't know if these Seth people are really smart, they still did this accidentally. They are really good at fighting." Zhang Bi said to himself.

"Are you complimenting those Seth people?" Hazabi asked.

"Oh. I don't know. I just think their condition is too good. That's it." Zhang Bi explained. But Zhang Bi is not a real soldier, and the soldier will come to the correct analysis.

Qin State, Xianyang. Qin State Staff. Wang Jian and Yang Duanhe discussed the battle of Seth and the rest.

"It took us a lot of time to get the exact news." Yang Duanhe said to Wang Jian.

"The Seth people used trench tactics to form a confrontation at the beginning. This is consistent with the speculation we got before and the situation on various battlefields. In the age of firearms, the use of trench tactics can effectively prevent soldiers from being killed by a large number of firearms. The other party, unless they have heavy artillery. Or mortars, there is no other way than that. Now they do it. The Seth people dig a lot of trenches." Yang Duanhe said.

"In addition, I also got a supplement that the Parthians actually cast artillery. They imitated our weapons in reverse. In addition to the high technical content of the guns, the artillery they have already cast some of the Parths own cannons." Yang Duanhe was right. Wang Jian said.

"Continue to talk about the battle." Wang Jian waved his hand and said. he knows. The development of military industry is not as simple as that. The Parthians obviously walked very quickly. Although it was unexpected, it was expected. After all, anyone can imitate some combat weapons.

"Yeah. They used the trenches. They prevented a large-scale attack by the Parthians, and the artillery was ineffective against them. The Parthians used ricochets and solid shells. Then their infantry could not form an effective suppression, in the narrow trenches. On the contrary, it was beneficial to the enemy's infantry deployment, so their situation became more and more unfavorable. Through the night attack, the Seth attacked their artillery positions, and then launched a large-scale counterattack. After the chaos of the artillery positions, the Parthians attacked. It collapsed in an instant. Such a large-scale counterattack made the Parths suffer a lot. They lost most of their artillery. There are also quite a few muskets. In this way, the Seth people themselves have artillery, musket troops, but The number of them is not very large. But they can get something like this through the Shabbats. Judging from the current situation, the Shabbats, the situation is not very favorable." Yang Duanhe said.

"If my guess is correct, the Parthians are now digging trenches and confronting each other?" Wang Jian said.

"Yes. It seems that trench tactics can be effectively used as a defensive weapon." Yang Duanhe said.

"If this is the case, they will use new weapons. It's just that, I don't know what they will do? And will the rest have money?" Wang Jian asked.

"I don't know this, but I think they will have it. After all, I heard that the bank has already received information about lending." Yang Duanhe said. Wang Jian thought about the question, but did not answer.

Zhao State, Handan, at the gate of the Prime Minister's Mansion.

A large number of women, workers, and people from the bottom have gathered here, and they use the simplest banners to express their meaning.

"Support the prime minister. Resolutely support the prime minister." This is their slogan, simple and clear.

"The prime minister, go in." Li Zuoche persuaded.

"I should thank these people, they are using the most practical actions to express their wishes." Li Mu said with satisfaction. For a long time, people besieged the Prime Minister's Mansion to express their wishes more of dissatisfaction, but there is no such strong support from Li Mu. They knew that Li Mu was taking such a big responsibility for the learning of their children. But when they heard that the parliament impeached the prime minister, they expressed their intentions with practical actions. Support the prime minister.

"Thank you, Li Mu, thank you everyone. Thank you everyone." Li Mu said excitedly. Then I went out and thanked the most ordinary people. Li Zuoche shook his head helplessly. This is a kind of support.

And at the gate of the National Assembly. A large number of police are trying their best to prevent people from approaching. But they were helpless. Although they used the shields from the cold weapon era before, they could not stop the attacks of the rocks and rotten eggs. The stench all over their bodies makes them feel very annoyed. But the parliamentarians are even more annoyed because they have not yet got off work, they are directly blocked here, and they are asked to revoke the impeachment against Prime Minister Li Mu. This makes them very annoyed, because the cause of the matter is because of such a thing. . The confrontation lasted for a long time. Many media were paying attention to this matter. Qin also seemed to be very interested. Ambassador Qin came to observe in person.

For a time, the parliament was extremely passive.

Qi State, Laizhou Shipyard. A warship that had just been refitted was launched. He was named Laizhou. This is named according to the custom of the Korean Navy.

"This is our warship." A lieutenant colonel said excitedly. He is the first officer of the Laizhou, and the captain is a lieutenant colonel. They were only the army before, because they know some knowledge about going to sea. Was temporarily appointed as the captain and first officer of the warship Laizhou.

"How about? This ship?" the captain asked the chief mate.

"It's okay, the general is very concerned about this matter." The chief officer looked at his ship and said. This warship is modified. They were converted from merchant ships, which came from a larger merchant ship in Qingcheng. But at this time, the merchant ship was equipped with 120 artillery. There are actually only eighty artillery pieces. Some other artillery was transferred to other warships. Because of the lack of artillery, the shipyard can only do so. But they thought that eighty artillery pieces were enough.

"This ship can carry more than 300 people, but we only have more than 200 sailors. We have a new mission." The captain said while visiting. The sailors on the ship are busy accepting and getting acquainted with their warship.

"What task?" the first officer asked his captain curiously.

"Isn't it about letting us go south? In this case, our condition may not be very good." The chief officer asked.

"Just go south, the general can't wait. We can only go south quickly to solve such a thing, you know. We still have a lot to do at the moment," the captain said.

"Going south, what can some people like us do?" the first officer asked.

"I know, you are also opposed to such a thing, but this matter has been decided. You can no longer do such a thing. What I want to tell you is such a thing, we will act later, if there are other wars We can do it if the ship joins in, and there are some merchant ships, I think this is enough.” The captain said.

"However, it is too risky for us to do this. After all, we people are just on the coast and we haven't gotten deep into the sea at all." The chief officer said worriedly.

"I know, but it's an order. I can't help it. We will walk along the coastline, yes. If we can, we can follow Chu people or Koreans. They are familiar with the situation here. This is for us. That may be a great help." The captain said.

"Okay." The first officer nodded helplessly and agreed.

Wei Guo, big beam.

"Good kerosene, it's cheaper. One catty. Two and a half two." A small kerosene salesman said while pushing his bicycle. There are two large barrels of kerosene on it, and they need to walk through the streets to sell their kerosene.

"Two and a half and two, it's impossible. One catty, in the past, one catty didn't require at least three and a half two. Is your kerosene fake?" A woman came over and asked curiously. Daliang in Wei State is an area with mixed industrial and commercial areas. Some factories will hand over some work that can be done by hand to some women at home to complete, such as garment making, packing boxes, and some simple assembly work. They will leave it to the women to go home to do it, and then calculate the remuneration by piecework. The advantage of doing this is to increase efficiency, but in order to increase the workload and increase their own labor remuneration, it is inevitable to work overtime at night. Therefore, kerosene has become their most important consumer product. Selling kerosene here has a large sales area. So small vendors are willing to come here to sell kerosene.

"No, no, it's not a fake. My kerosene comes from Qi State. It is an official business of the Qi State government. The kerosene in their factory is very good, even better than the kerosene produced in Jiaozhou. Look, when it burns, the firepower is still extremely It's prosperous." The small vendor said and began to release.

"Oh. Let me see." The women said, looking at the kerosene in their hands.

"Sister, I have come to you to sell kerosene several times. If it doesn't work, you can look at other stores. I have been selling kerosene these few days. The kerosene from Qi is very good. If it doesn't work, you can ask. This thing. It's good, and it's cheap." said the kerosene dealer.

"Yeah. You're right. Maybe I should give it a try. We use kerosene at home. It's one thing for children to study. There are more places to use it, so let's give me two catties first. , If it's good, I'll buy it again." The woman said.

"Okay. I'll hit it right now." The kerosene dealer started weighing.

"Sister, let me tell you that this kerosene comes from Qi, and Qi’s kerosene is very good. It is much better than Jiaozhou’s. And it’s cheaper. In the future, if you want to sell, you can sell Qi’s kerosene. No reason, it’s cheap. "The kerosene dealer continued. The woman nodded, and the women around began to check. The kerosene dealer laughed.

As Qi State produced kerosene, they first dumped it on a large scale in Wei State. It is closer to the beams, and they can be sold to a large extent. Kerosene has become the best commodity.

This is the best product that Qi country currently sells and can get. These products will bring a lot of profits to Qi country, because this thing itself is developed like water.

peninsula. In the 7th Infantry Regiment of Goguryeo, Li Sen led his staff to accept a batch of special weapons from the high level of Goguryeo.

"Be careful, don't break it." Li Sen carefully asked his soldiers to put their weapons in the munitions cellar. There were many soldiers on guard around him. Few people knew what was inside.

"Sir, are these all?" a lieutenant colonel asked, looking at the cylinders.

"Yes. It's all. These things will open up the current situation. As long as the opportunity is right, you must use it." Li Sen said.

"Is this something?" The lieutenant colonel asked some worried.

"I know what you want to say, but this is war. There is no alternative. The situation is like this. We can't change anything. As long as we are not affected by ourselves. Don't worry too much." Li Sen waved his arm and said. To. He was also ordered to act. As for other things, he didn't know. As for the consequences, he is just a soldier, and he is unwilling to do what he wants to achieve.

"Well, sir, but the mountain people need a lot of supplies, otherwise they will not launch military operations. Some mountain people have stayed with us and do not move. Should we let them launch an attack?" said the lieutenant colonel. .

"No, no. We are about to launch a special offense. Don't make any surprises. Now that's the way things are, don't move at will." Li Sen said. He knew that the poison gas attack was uncontrollable, and sometimes, they would have such problems on their own side. But the situation is like this, and they have no choice but to execute such orders.

The western region of the Moon, near Ram Fort. The security here is tight. The Yueshi and the Indians formed a confrontation, but neither side launched a larger-scale battle. Because neither side has such capabilities. But the other party is staring at each other carefully.

"Be careful." Stuart stood at the entrance of a tunnel. Directing his soldiers to transport out the soil excavated from the inside, these will not be piled up on the trenches, they must be transported to a place far behind and dumped. Because they are afraid that the Indians will discover that they are digging tunnels, in this case, the other party will take preventive measures.

"Will these soil be transported away?" Zhang Shun asked.

"Yes. It must be transported away, and it must be transported to other places and dumped. If the Indians find us digging a tunnel, as long as they dig trenches down, our tunnel will be abandoned. Moreover, now it's just a traffic artery. , This is nothing. The most terrible thing is that we have to hit the bottom. Under the foundation of the opponent's fortress, and then bury a lot of explosives, no one knows what will happen?" Stuart introduced.

"How many days does it take?" Zhang Shun asked.

"I don't know, I estimate that it will take about fifteen days at least to complete everything. And we also set aside ten days or so to put a lot of explosives. Without these explosives, we can't do anything at all." Stur said.

"Explosives will come, and a telegram has already been sent from the rear. I think it won't take long for you to get what you want immediately, don't worry." Zhang Shun comforted.

Bangla. Inside Zhang Shi's office.

"Sir, what happened here?" Zhang Dahui asked worriedly. He returned from the Northern Dynasty and needed to make a lot of reports.

"Rebellion, riot. That's it, but there is nothing left now. Damn goddess teaching. I think you will know what happened here." Zhang Shi said.

"Oh. I know, I will understand this." Zhang Dahui said.

"Right. How is the situation in the north?" Zhang Shi asked.

"It's terrible. The offensive of the Yue people is very sharp, the Indians, this is what the people of Qin call them, I think we can accept this, or call the people on the whole continent the Indians." Zhang Dahui said. .

"Indy, well, I don't know what it means, but maybe this is the best name right now." Zhang Shi said.

"They are in very bad condition. They have encountered a frantic attack by the Yueshi people. I heard that they have lost more than 500,000 people, most of them are young adults." Zhang Dahui said.

"Oh my god, there are half a million. The military actions of the Yueshi people are really crazy." Zhang Dahui said.

"Yes, sir, but their situation still cannot change much. They lack a lot of weapons, they lack enough ammunition, and their military training is also inadequate. Most importantly, I think they lack time because of Yueshi People don't give them enough time to buffer. I think they may face the worst situation, that is, their so-called northern dynasty will be defeated by the Yue people, in that case." Zhang Dahui said.

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