The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 2821: We are more formal

"I want to know, what can that land do?" Fan Dou asked an explorer who had been to Dawan. He knew something about Dawan.

"Well, there can only be cattle and sheep grazing." The explorer said.

"Most of the mining areas are concentrated in the mountainous areas in the east. And the western areas between the Parthian Kingdom and Dawan Kingdom are all grasslands. We can't detect whether there are coal and iron ore resources under the grasslands. After all, we don't I've been there, yes. There is a sea area, very vast. We don't know where to reach." The explorer said. This is not what Fan Dou cares about. He wanted to know what benefits would that land have if the Parthians mortgaged that piece of land. If it is a barren land, then the risk of the bank will increase.

"Well, well, I know. But what I need to know now is what can be done in those places?" Fan Dou said.

Qin State Bank must get something, or actual benefits, to solve all problems. Mortgage of land is the best method on the surface at present, but Fan Dou feels that such a method is really of no benefit. Because no one knows what resources are under the land. This is simply gambling. Judging from such a method of gambling, he thinks. There is really nothing to say.

"It seems that the land is very worthless. There are no resources below, at most a railway is valuable. But the railway is long-term." Fan Dou said, touching his chin. What kind of things does Qin State Bank need to get more wealth? This is what Fan Dou is currently thinking about. He must solve this problem well.

Qi Guo, inside Lou Jing's office. Lou Jing is also thinking about Qin Wenyang Bank's plan. Wenyang Bank is very attractive. Lou Jing had been sitting in his place for a long time and didn't feel that he had come up with some good solutions.

"Qin's idea is to mortgage the right to issue currency, and Qi can issue more bonds. The purchasers of these bonds are banks, and the banks, as purchasers, have the right to use currency issuance rights. In other words, Qi will abolish the current issue. The Qin State banknotes method switched to using more troublesome gold coins. In this case, by issuing gold coins, the people of Qin State controlled Qi State's gold coin issuance rights." Lou Jing said while looking at the report in his hand.

"Qin people have a lot of gold coins, they can buy all the things, factories, railways, and various shipyards, resources. This is definitely not acceptable." Lou Jing resolutely shook his head and said. It seems that Lou Jing has seen the absolute initiative occupied by Qin Wenyang Bank. Or in other words. He felt that it was a very dangerous thing to mortgage a country's currency issuance rights. The current value of gold coins is still relatively large and can be exchanged for a large number of banknotes. In other words, the purchasing power of gold coins is very strong. Under such circumstances, the people of Qin can use the large purchasing power of gold coins to inject capital into Qi enterprises. Qi enterprises can indeed develop, but the price is very high. If the purchasing power is reduced in one day. With more and more gold coins, once Qin people withdraw a large amount of funds, what will the Qi state enterprises that lack funds face? Lou Jing is very clear. Qin’s tricks are much better than those of the Koreans. The Koreans only mortgaged the tariffs. This tariff can actually stimulate Qi to further develop its own trade. but. The funds provided by the Bank of Korea are not very large.

Lou Jing is calculating Qi's expenditure items. The construction of railways, the expansion of the capital scale of the Qi State Bank, and the construction of a large number of shipyards, they need a very large scale of capital. At the same time, a large number of tax cuts are used to stimulate the growth of trade. Especially the biggest expenditure recently is naval expenses. If Qi wants to expand its navy in a short period of time, it must expand its financial expenditure, especially the expenditure on naval expenses. All these make Qi lack sufficient funds to do such things. Thought of this. Lou Jing felt a very headache.

"Oil can only bring one aspect of income, but if you want to receive more funds, I am afraid that banks will need to buy Qi Guo’s bonds. This bond must be issued. However, if this is done, Qi Guo faces a bigger economy. Difficulty. Issuing more bonds. Will mortgage currency issuance rights. People of Qin State are expected to receive money while lying down. Such a thing." Lou Jing shook his head, feeling that such a thing would never happen. But how to raise so much money.

State of Zhao, Handan. Inside Guo Kai's study. Guo Kai is looking at the exquisite comic strip. If you take a closer look, his smile is so lewd. This is a Se love comic strip published by Wei Guo. Such comic strips give men a lot of satisfaction. Guo Kai also collects such books. He has a whole set of books. Taking time out every day to look at such comic strips has become his greatest pleasure. It is no less fun than playing with women and lighting Qin's banknotes.

"Boom. Boom." Two small knocks on the door. Hear such a knock on the door. Guo Kai was very dissatisfied, because this was when he was happiest, and he was suddenly interrupted. There was a feeling of being caught by a voyeur, which made his heart beat very big.

"Damn it." Guo Kai hid the comic strip. After all, he didn't want to see his maid talking about things like him behind his back.

"Come in." Guo Kai shouted in an angry tone. As he said, a stooped kid walked in quietly.

"Master, the noble congressmen are very anxious. They are already very disappointed with Li Mu. But it is more troublesome to solve such a thing." The boy who bent over said in a low voice.

"What do they want to say?" Guo Kai walked to the office sofa and sat down with his hands behind his back.

"Master, this time the cause is education expenses. They can solve this kind of cost problem. However, there is a big problem with funding. As long as those noble councillors don't levy taxes on them, they can solve everything." Said the kid.

"Money, money is a good thing. But the final solution is the problem of money." Guo Kai said with a smile.

"You think this matter is easy to solve, everything still costs money." Guo Kai said.

"Lord, I think we can collect taxes. We don't collect taxes on the money of the rich. Anyway, to solve the problems of the poor, we can levy taxes from the poor. Don't they want to solve the problem of their children going to school? I see, this kind of thing can be done." said the stooped boy.

"Haha. You kid. Your brain is smart enough, but those poor people are not stupid. They will go on strike and march. At that time, you have to mobilize the police to solve this kind of thing. Can you solve it in the end? Could they just do it? I don't know, their money comes from their own pockets." Guo Kai said angrily.

"Tell you, the poor don’t have money, and the nobles don’t want to pay. As long as the nobles don’t want to pay, anyone can go to that position. The reason why Li Mu will go down this time and be impeached is because he offended the nobles. Can interests be offended?" Guo Kai said angrily.

"It's just. Lord, if you don't do this, the nobles won't pay, and the poor don't have money, so there will be no money. We can't let us pay by ourselves. Are we stupid with such money?" The boy shook his head and said .

"I think, sometimes, we can still get the money. It's silly, we have to be stupid, but let's find a few people to be stupid." Guo Kai said with a smile at this time.

The kid on the side didn’t know how to explain it, or he didn’t even understand what Guo Kai was thinking about, how he solved such a thing, he didn’t know how to solve such a thing, maybe he himself I don't know too many things. He was just inquiring about some news.

On the opposite side of the Yueshi front line is the position of the Indians. The Indians are highly guarded. They have high watch towers to detect the military operations of the Yueshis. While the Yue people have telescopes, the Indians only have high-level commanders. Among the smuggled military supplies, the price of a telescope is more expensive than more than a hundred rifles. If a more advanced telescope, the telescope that can measure distance, it is said that two large-caliber artillery can be exchanged, so the smuggled telescope becomes a munition. The sideline of traffickers, after all, senior generals need something like this. Ordinary Indians naturally can't use such things. Their only solution is to build a very tall lookout post to detect the movements of the Yueshi people.

The Indians were very vigilant because of the continuous losses of the Yueshi people's sneak attacks. They strengthened the power of the patrol team, but they got more information from the Tocharians and Yue's arms dealers.

In the Indian military barracks, a mid-level officer is entertaining an arms dealer. He is from the Yue family, and he heard that smuggling arms can make a fortune, so he did it. Fortunately, his relationship with the military has bought some people. After knowing some military news, he crossed the line of fire and reselled the arms on the one hand. On the other hand, sell some news to make some pocket money.

"There is no big news. Several cavalry regiments of the Yue people have been transferred back. They need more horse fodder. In addition, there are quite a lot of infantry, they are storing a large amount of ammunition. It is estimated that it will take some time. In order to attack them." The arms dealer said to the Indian officer.

"I think you should have some wine, but your wine is not strong enough. It is not as strong as the wine of the Qin people. The people of Qin have a lot of good wine, and they drink very vigorously." Yue's arms dealer said.

"We can't get this kind of wine, only you can do it. But we need more artillery. Used for defense." The mid-level officer said.

"Cannons are very difficult to make, and the price is very expensive, you know, that thing is very expensive, and it's heavy. If you want to get something like that, you have to spend a higher price." The arms dealer said.

"The price is negotiated, we will give you more gold coins, I know you like those things, of course. Women will have them too. Not the kind of black women, but the kind of white-skinned women. The kind you like very much. "The mid-level officer said with a smile.

"Hehe. I like these things very much, I thank you very much, everything is easy to say." The arms dealer laughed. In fact, many arms dealers have already started stocking. They actively contacted the State of Qin, and they managed to get some artillery. For the people of Qin State, casting can be done in Qin State, but this requires some technical talents, but it is much simpler from Zhao State. As long as they have enough money, their arsenal can produce more artillery. They don't care where the artillery is used.

They also got artillery from there. Of course, the price has risen all at once and I don't know how many times it has been. The prices they get are also very high.

"However, we still hope to get some exact information. We hope to know the direction of the Yueshi people's offensive. In that case, it is very important for our defense." The intermediate officer said.

"I've already told you about this. There are cavalry units everywhere in the barracks. The main force of the attack is cavalry. Wherever the cavalry arrives, the attack will be carried out. If necessary, I can get some pictures, of course. Price. It will be very high, and a photo you know will be very expensive." Yue's arms dealer said.

"Well, we need such exact information. I hope you understand our painstaking efforts." said the Indy Intermediate Officer. The arms dealer nodded. He will quietly cross the Yueshi people's defense line and take back the gold coins he has obtained.

Meng La, in Zhang Shi's office.

"The country of Bangla has been crippled by them. Bangla's fiscal revenue will be greatly reduced. We have sold most of the population here. This is our craziest thing." Zhang Shi said.

"Well, if this is the case, the number of Bangla troops will be reduced a lot. The most important thing is that there will suddenly be one of the biggest enemies in this area." Zhang Daguo said while looking at the map.

"You mean, Zhanpu country?" Zhang Shi asked, holding a teacup.

"Yes, sir, there is currently a large gun team in Occupy Prussia. They have been importing a large number of muskets from various sources. It is said that at least more than 200,000 rifles and more than 300 artillery have flowed into Occupy Prussia. In the territory, they have been continuously expanding. What I think is whether we rely on Zhanpu to help them solve the situation around us." Zhang Dahui said.

"Don't you think we should support a small country?" Zhang Shi didn't understand diplomatic activities. In his opinion, supporting Zhanpu is irrational.

"No. Sir, I think we should support the Champa country, which is very different from the neighboring countries. Their religion is Hindi. There is a big conflict with the northern dynasty. They believe in it. Buddhism, and the goddess religion is a sudden emergence, it can be said that from the perspective of the Champu nation, the goddess religion is a heresy. If we can let the Champu nation send troops in the name of destroying the goddess religion, I think this is for us A very favorable thing." Zhang Dahui said.

"Yeah. What you said seems to make sense." Zhang Shi said.

"However, sir, there are other things we need to pay attention to, that is, we need to solve more Champa countries. But I think that after we made Champus the largest country in the surrounding area, because we contacted another Countries, such as the Northern dynasty, let them notice the expansion of Zhanpu. In this way, they can provoke their contradictions, and we can obtain greater benefits." Zhang Dahui said.

"Well. Moreover, the Northern Dynasty needs more arms. The Occupy Prussia can meet our needs. They are stuck on the main routes of the Northern dynasty. In addition, a large number of small countries have such problems. I think that the Occupy Prussia, They will not refuse such a request. Give it a try." Zhang Shi said.

Qin State, Xianyang.

"I think you will be very interested in this." Meng Yi looked at Shang Wen with a serious face. He handed a collected report to Shang Wen. Shang Wen looked at Meng Yi and then quickly looked at the report. Come.

"You mean, Wenyang Bank is disintegrating our paper money system?" Shang Wen asked.

"Yes, and in fact they are doing this. You know, they are extremely crazy. What they are doing this time is very foreign. They ask the Qi government to mortgage their currency issuance rights. In this case, Wenyang Bank will There are a lot of gold coins, because gold coins can buy a lot of things and have a stronger purchasing power. They can buy more shares. The production of enterprises is extremely beneficial to them." Meng Yi said.

"Yeah." Shang Wen just hummed.

"Do you think we promoted too early. Paper money." Shang Wen said.

"What?" Meng Yi asked Shangwen in confusion.

"I mean, did we implement it too early? You know. We have implemented too many banknotes. Banknotes need more gold reserves, and the people of Qin also have gold reserves, but the banknotes are in other regions, such as the colonies of various countries. The popularity is not very big, and the local area still needs a lot of gold. I wonder if we implemented it too early. Paper currency did not expand their influence, but further promoted gold coins. Perhaps we are at this time. Something went wrong." Shang Wen said to Meng Yi.

Meng Yi looked at Shang Wen puzzled. He went blind all of a sudden. He didn't understand why Shang Wen would say such things all at once.

"If countries have independent currency issuance rights, it will be of great benefit to the banks. The banks occupy the benefits, and the Qin State will occupy the benefits. If it is beneficial to the banks, we can do this, of course. We have so many. Funds can be recovered by finding ways. We need more development opportunities to come over. We need to attract funds to our Qin State stock market. This is good for us. We had a way to attract funds before. Now, maybe This is an opportunity like this. We export a lot of gold coins to buy their corporate shares, of course. They can also participate in our stock market, but we are more formal." Shang Wen said.

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