"Banks must have their own independence, and the main item of bank operations is currency. Banks are special enterprises. At present, if a single currency is operated, it will be extremely detrimental to our bank." Yingyu said to Shangwen .

"I think you should be very clear about this. In the Western Regions, the government's liberalization of currency issuance rights has helped banks to rapidly expand their business in the Western Regions. We can enter Dawan, Yuezhi, Tocharo, and even more. Far away, rest in peace, Seth, are all possible." Yingyu explained to Shangwen. Shang Wen kept nodding his head in agreement. He knew this. Because the Qin government released the right to issue metal currencies in the Western Regions, the banks used their large gold reserves to start large-scale casting of a large number of gold coins. These gold coins can buy a lot of things, and the bank does this kind of business. They loaned a large amount of gold coins to the Yue government, the Tocharians, and the Dawan people who needed money. They built railways, roads, and then expanded their armaments. These large military orders gave Qin’s Western Regions a good reputation. development of.

In the Western Regions, Southern Xinjiang, and Northern Xinjiang, some traffic arteries and densely populated areas, people have established carriage factories, arsenals, and a series of other factories. They need to meet their growing military needs. And these are inseparable from the help of Qin State Bank, without currency issuance rights, they simply cannot bring such many orders.

"But now, this area has expanded to Zhao State and Qi State. This is within the traditional area of ​​Qin State. I think you should also be very clear about your father's worries." Shang Wen said.

"So, at present, I need a reason, a reason to persuade your father, and this reason must be sufficient. If we only use the example in the Western Regions to illustrate the problem, it will be difficult for me to convince your father." Shang Wen said.

"I understand this." Yingyu said.

"Only banks that control currency can bring a lot of profits. This is what our bank must do. Banks can bring a lot of profits to the State of Qin. If we control the currency, we can control the economy of a country. The economy of China can be controlled in our hands. They can continuously transfuse blood to us, and we can draw the nutrients we need from them, but the premise is that we must distribute the currency to us independently. Maybe one day, the currency may Unity, but the development of independence is absolutely useful to us, because the situation in each region is different." Yingyu said. Shangwen looked at Yingyu. He didn't know how to explain the problem. Qin Guo had never encountered this problem.

Because of economic needs, Qin State unified the currency, and then issued a gap in banknotes. Qin State did so. However, when the economy has developed to a certain level, it is suddenly found that the situation of banknotes is not very sensitive. The economic development route has come to a halt. Qin needs to find and solve problems from all aspects. This requires Qin to make some adjustments. It is still unclear what this adjustment is, but he knows that Qin can only make these adjustments. These problems can only be effectively solved after the matter.

"Well, I can't explain it myself. Perhaps only college students can solve this problem. I think the only way is that the currency needs to be unified, but when it is unified, we need the timing. The timing is wrong, or Different, it is difficult for him to solve too many problems. Therefore, too many things are needed to solve such problems." Yingyu said.

"Well, maybe, I think of one thing, if it doesn't fit for a long time, it must be divided. There is such a sentence." Shang Wen said.

"Yes, that's the truth. It took too long together. This is not conducive to local development. We need room for development. Yes, that's it. What you said is very good. Very useful." Yingyu praised it.

"Haha. Maybe, it's not enough. We need to solve a lot of problems." Shang Wen said.

"Well, I will find a way to persuade your father. Most of the bank's meaning is like this. Although Meng Yi is not very happy, such a thing has been formed. We have no way to solve this. The problem is." Shang Wen said.

Qi State, Tian Heng's general mansion.

"This matter is too big. If we mortgage the right to issue currency to Qin State's bank, ours will lose the initiative. This matter absolutely cannot be done." Lou Jing objected. Qin State Bank finally sent their mortgage plan to Tian Heng's case. Tian Heng decided to adopt Qin State Bank's method. Lou Jing hurriedly hurried to dissuade him upon hearing such news.

"Why?" Tian Heng asked.

"It's very simple. If there are more gold coins, the purchasing power will become weak, because you need a lot of gold coins to buy a lot of things. But now there are very few gold coins, and most of the paper money. In this way, gold coins can be exchanged for more. Paper money, and they can buy a lot of what they want. Qin people have such a lot of funds. What will they buy? They will buy a lot of shares. They will control shares of enterprises, railways, and shipyards. Being mastered by them, in that case, many things will be mastered by the State of Qin, and then there will be nothing in the State of Qi." Lou Jing said worriedly.

"But." Tian Heng frowned, stood up and shook his head and said.

"We Qi Guo has nothing?" Tian Heng said.

"It is because of the introduction of the capital of the State of Qin that Zhao Guo has developed rapidly. Although they have some problems and changes are taking place in their country, I think Zhao Guo is still developing more drastically than ours. In contrast, Jiaozhou in the south was originally the territory of Qi, but they developed faster than us. Although we have more land, the speed of development is not the other side. These are all due to the lack of a large amount of capital. Without such a large amount of capital, it will directly lead to our inability to operate." Tian Heng said.

"You have seen the situation of the shipyard. The Koreans are actively expanding their shipyard business. If the Koreans continue to develop like this, in the end, the shipyard won’t be our Qi people, but the Koreans, we Korea. Will be swallowed by the other party, but we can't do anything about it." Tian Heng said.

"Instead of going on like this, we might as well introduce Qin State Capital boldly and let them develop our Qi State, of course. We can also make some restrictions, such as the share of shares they sell, or some specific details. In this case, it will give us some time. After we develop overseas, we can solve such things. In that case, we are expelling the capital of the Qin State, and it will be very good." Tian Heng said.

"This." Lou Jing thinks it is still not feasible, but he can't give a good reason. Indeed, Tian Heng's statement is very reasonable. At present, Qi does need Qin's capital. Without the development of Qin's capital, Qi The country cannot develop at all, and in many cases there will be a big lag, which is very obvious.

In the shipbuilding industry, it has almost become the dominant situation in South Korea. Although the Laizhou and Dengzhou shipyards have been established very quickly, there are Koreans behind many shipyards. They either contribute capital or technology. , And the Qi National People's Congress has a tendency to lose control. If capital is no longer introduced at this time, the Koreans will suddenly annex such shipyards. This is not good news for Qi State.

"Well, I will think about the specific rules." Tian Heng thought for a while and said.

"Well, that's it. We are also forced to be helpless." Tian Heng said. Tian Heng may also be very clear that mastering currency means mastering a country's trade and economic lifeline, but Qi must do this, because only in this way can they completely solve their financial problems.

South Korea, Xinzheng.

"Mad, really a bunch of crazy." Han Shu said angrily.

"These Goguryeo people actually release poisonous gas. Where did they get the poisonous gas?" Han Shu asked the Minister of Defense.

"This seems to be sold to them by the people of Yan. The people of Yan have obtained a lot of poison gas from Qin. In fact, they have always had such reserves. In order to solve the situation on the Koguryo Peninsula, the people of Yan need a lot of labor. Therefore, they need to solve such a problem, and they sold the gas bombs to the Goguryeo people. However, the situation has not changed a lot. Although the southerners on the peninsula are angry, they are unable to change the situation. I think, They may urgently need to resolve their peace issues." The Defense Minister said.

Zhang Liang on the side just shook his head constantly. Zhang Liang still thinks that weapons like poison gas are inhumane, but he can't blame the Goguryeo people. The situation is like this. Yan Guo is good at using poison gas. He knows this, but he What I didn't know was that Goguryeo also got such a weapon, and the behavior of the Goguryeo people was very crazy, which made him feel a little worried. Will this madness be bad for South Korea?

"This, I think, forget it." Han Shu waved and said.

"We don't want to see the situation continue to be entangled in this way. Development is our main goal. It is not a thing to keep fighting like this. We should focus on solving the problems on the Western continent. Not the situation on the peninsula. , Reach a peace talks as soon as possible." Han Shu said.

"Yes. King." The Minister of Defense agreed.

"The development of the Western Continent has entered a bottleneck area. We have a large number of native soldiers in our hands. This will require a lot of taxes. Zhang Shi’s situation has already told us that the development of native soldiers alone cannot solve the problem. We need to expand. Some flexible foreign policies are used to solve our current dilemma. We have very little understanding of the Western Continent. To open up the situation, we must need local people to help us. Therefore, we still need local people. I decided, We take the approach of uniting with the locals to develop together." Han Shu changed the subject and said.

"We need local people as our agents to solve our economic problems, and we need such people to help us guard our finances and taxes." Han Shu said.

"To solve our problems, after all, many things have shown such examples. Although we are strong, we don't know the local people enough. No one in the local people is in line with our interests. They can't get benefits. Naturally, we are unwilling to stand with us, but we are forcibly expropriating. The more we do this, the more resistance we will encounter from the other party. This is the case of the goddess teaching. Therefore, we need a new agent in the local area. People, these agents can greatly help us solve the problems of local economic development. Without such agents, we will be unable to do anything." Han Shu said.

Regarding Bangla and the situation on the western continent, South Korea went astray from the beginning, perhaps because the Bangla army was too bad. Or maybe the goddess teachings are vulnerable, but the problem of finances and taxes is getting more and more serious. South Korea must take this issue seriously. Finances and taxes on the Western continent are used to import local development instead of exporting large amounts of finances and taxes. To develop those places. This is a very clear strategy of South Korea.

But if you want to get more taxes, you must make some changes. How to change? Han Shu decided to adopt a very crazy approach, which is to support the agent.

In fact, the people of Chu are better than the Koreans. Although the people of Chu are not very developed, they are integrated with the locals to do business. The merchants of Chu know very well that it is difficult for them to understand the locals. Complicated relationship, but with those agents. They can solve all the problems easily, because Koreans don't understand Mengla people, but Mengla people understand themselves. This may be the origin of Meng Jian, but they all need such a spy. Because they lack middlemen.

State of Zhao, Handan. House of Lords. All the parliamentarians are looking at Guo Kai, just like a group of hungry wolves looking at a lamb to be slaughtered. The difference is that in Guo Kai’s view, these parliamentarians are the lambs to be slaughtered. Although there are many of them, They are just a flock of sheep.

"I think everyone knows that the key to solving the problem lies in financial funds, but we all know that in order to stimulate the economic development of Zhao State, we have implemented a tax reduction and exemption policy for a long time. For a long time in the future, we It is possible to solve such a problem." Guo Kai pointed out the crux of the problem as soon as he came up.

"However, our financial funds cannot be so inactive, do nothing, and without money, it does not mean that we do nothing. For example, those poor people outside. Their children need education, and the future of our Zhao country It lies with those children." Guo Kai said, raising his head. It seems that those people really have close contact with him.

"But the problem is that there is only one way to increase fiscal funds, to levy taxes. Of course. There may be another way, bonds, but we all know. What can bonds do?" said a member of the Diet.

"It is still a problem for our people to eat. Most of them are in a state of food and clothing. No one buys bonds, but the interest is very high. They are also unwilling to buy. This is a result that we cannot avoid." The congressman said.

"Because I don't have any money." Another congressman cried and became poor.

"These people do not have money, it does not mean that other countries do not have money. Next to us, Koreans have become very rich. They have many factories, shipyards, and some people are involved in the business activities of banks. In the west, the people of Qin are developing wildly. They have more factories, more technology, and the shadow of Qin Bank everywhere. They have money, and the bonds we issue can’t be sold because we sell things. The target is wrong. They are sold to a group of poor people who have no money. How can they buy it? Therefore, the only way is that we need to make a lot of actions. To solve this kind of thing, we find the people of Qin to buy. They have money, they It can solve many of our problems." Guo Kai said.

"This." Many congressmen did not expect it. Guo Kai actually took the problem in another direction, which was far beyond their expectations.

"I know, you must be worried, will the people of Qin buy it? After all, they are not stupid, they are very smart, this thing is very stupid, because they will put a lot of money in bonds, and the time is very long. Looking at this cycle, we may not be able to repay all the principal and interest in the next 20 years. However, we can mortgage what we seem to be very valuable." Guo Kai said.

"Currency issuance rights. Banks are engaged in currency business and they are willing to deal with currency. This is their own bank and what they are most willing to do." Guo Kai said.

"If we can give them the right to issue currency, they will be very willing to lend us more money, so that everyone has the benefits. You don't have to pay more taxes. And the poor don't have to pay taxes. Their education problems can also be solved, and most importantly, our financial funds have been solved." Guo Kai said.

"At the same time, now is an expanding world, I think you have seen it too. People from Qi, Yan, South Korea, and Chu are all expanding. What is brought about by their large-scale expansion? Wealth is huge. Gold enters our pockets. No, we can’t fit them in our pockets. We need more boxes and vaults to hold them. Why do we have to keep an eye on the current situation.” Guo Kai said. Members hear this. Began to talk in a low voice.

"For educational issues, we can get a better reputation, so that our councillors can get a more stable reputation. We can set up scholarships. It is difficult for them to study. We will give them scholarships. It’s very fair.” Guo Kai said again.

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