"Sir, shall we continue to go?" the captain asked Wang Guang. They were searching for a target on the shore. Wang Guang's two ships were ordered to sail north. They proceeded along the coastline and directly bypassed the peninsula. But they still haven't found the target they need to find.

"Continue." Wang Guang put down the telescope in his hand and shook his head. Said that he himself did not find the target he wanted to find. Then let the other party go forward.

"Okay, sir, but after we have advanced a certain distance, we need to consider that we need to find a port to stay for a while, and we need to add supplies. You know, if we don't have enough supplies, the crew won't move forward. "The captain said to Wang Guang.

"You decide all of this, I'm just here to complete my task. You can decide for yourself other things." Wang Guang said.

"Okay." The captain left here. Wang Guang continued to look at the shore. They had been entering for a long time. But still no valuable targets have been found. They don't know how long such a discovery will continue.

Karachi. A naval warship is moored in the harbor. This makes many Koreans happy, which means that the South Korean government finally knows the location of Karachi. Karachi people still show respect for the arrival of the Korean navy warship. Or it is a welcome, because the frontline battle situation is very unfavorable. Under such circumstances, the arrival of the South Korean navy can solve many problems.

"It's very time for you to come." General Hasi smiled and said to Captain Li Ha of the Herring.

"This." Li Ha has already noticed the existence of Zhang Si.

"The situation here is very bad. The Yue people launched a large-scale attack, and they may attack Karachi again. Therefore, they need us to provide more artillery." Zhang Si explained in a low voice.

"Oh. They hit it, don't hit my ship's artillery. They have one hundred and ten artillery." Colonel Li Ha said.

"I know, sir, but the situation is very urgent now. You can sell these artillery. I don't think the Admiralty will take care of you." Zhang Si said.

"I don't dare to do this. I know too little about things on land. Our navy is not willing to participate." Li Ha said.

"No matter what you say, now we need your help." Hasi said.

"The dynasty has already noticed the situation here. They are mobilizing the army to come here, but they don't know what the military actions of the Yue people will be. If they are fast, our situation will be very bad." Hasi Speaking of worry to Zhang Si and Li Ha.

"The dynasty needs more artillery to defend their positions, but Karachi also needs artillery. Therefore, when we see your ships, we hope you can give us more artillery support. Of course. We will give you more artillery support. More funds. In this regard, you don't have to worry about it." General Hasi said to Li Ha.

"I can think about this, but I have to get an order. You know, if this warship does not have artillery, it means that he has lost all its functions. He will no longer be the Herring battleship, but Merchant Herring." Li Ha said with a smile.

"Hahaha." Hasi smiled and nodded. Agree with Lee Ha to do this. Facing the changes in the situation in the north. Zhang Si also felt helpless. The Indian army is a behemoth, they have a sufficient number of troops, but they consume most of the country's strength here. The current situation is very unfavorable to the dynasty. In addition, the Yue's army has an abnormal offensive. They need a defensive weapon that can effectively resist the opponent's attack. It is best to be able to drive each other away. Artillery has become what the Indian Army needs most. However, they are scarce in number and have poor mobility. The worst part is that they have not been able to get news in time. Now the situation is clear, and it depends on how fast the Indian army is mobilizing.

Ram. Within the Moon Command.

"Our 7th Cavalry Regiment has taken Sim. The telegram just established tells us that the Indians seem to be not ready to fight. Their troops are slow to respond. To our east, the Indians are Assemble troops, but it will take them a month and a half at the earliest to complete the assembly. Time is very sufficient for us." Meng Ping said.

"No, we have to solve this problem as quickly as possible. What I want to know is, where are your mines? We must ensure the safety of our flanks. Also, we must block their roads to the south in time. Or knock down their logistics supply line. It poses a huge threat to them." Moran said.

"This, we have already issued a production order, and there are some in the warehouse, but it is not enough. We can only arrange some in advance. I hope it can be of great use." Meng Ping said.

"Hope. Let our infantry catch up as soon as possible. Let them be faster." Moran said. Meng Ping just nodded. Regarding this war, the situation has not changed a lot. The Indian army moved very slowly because they were huge, but the huge army was bloated, and when it became bloated, it reacted quickly. This is Meng Ping's view.

Meng La, in Zhang Shi's office.

"I know, I know, this kind of problem is being solved in China, rest assured, your financial problem will be solved." Zhang Shi said to Prince Zhanpu Guofa. The Occupy Prussia seemed a little impatient, and they were actively mobilizing troops in their country. Severe warnings were taken for some small countries around them, asking them to hand over the priests, and to pay a valuable security fee. This is a kind of blackmail, and the Occupy Prussia is actively expanding. Some countries have already surrendered, but other countries are extremely dissatisfied. They believe that Occupy Prussia will not launch an offensive. Because they have the support of the dynasty. But the dynasty is now overwhelmed.

"The current situation is very favorable to us, and we have got the latest news. The Northern Dynasty was launched by the Yue people on a large-scale offensive. Hundreds of thousands of troops might be surrounded, but their response was slow and unable to make a move. Quick response." Prince Faha said with a smile.

"The Northern Dynasty has lost control. This country will become extremely chaotic. Only the strongest country will occupy the last moment." Prince Faha said with a smile.

"Oh." The military action launched against the Yueshi people. Zhang Shi also heard about it. It’s just that he didn’t attract much attention, but now Zhang Shi feels that this is a good opportunity. The Northern Dynasty ruled the entire Western Continent, and they have absolute rule. However, the invasion of the Yuezhi people has brought the Northern Dynasty. There is a big threat, and the unified western continent will collapse again and become a loose disc of sand.

"Therefore, we are in urgent need of a large amount of weapons and equipment. Our army is ready to expand to 100,000. According to the Korean organization, we are going to establish seven divisions and twelve artillery battalions." Prince Faha said.

"It's just that the bank is still very worried about this fee." Zhang Shi said calmly.

"Our domestic banks are extremely discussing. There are a lot of risks in this, and they are very worried about it. For example, the value of the collateral, and your ability to repay, etc.. These are all things bankers consider. ." Zhang Shi explained.

"Well, we can take our taxes as collateral. And we will start commercial trade. We will control the arms trade in the entire northern region. We can provide so much convenience. Such risks do not exist." Prince Faha Speaking of.

"This is the purpose of my coming here. We need to complete the accumulation of such a large amount of materials as soon as possible. Otherwise, we can't wait for the time, and the time will pass quickly." Prince Faha said.

"I will urge them to do this well." Zhang Shi said. Bankers are not stupid. They will fully consider the risks involved, whether the country can succeed or not, and what kind of benefits they will get. Bankers must consider clearly, otherwise, they will not do it at all.

Qin Guo, Li Wen's private office.

"What kind of melon is this? It has a lot of water and is also very sandy. Compared with melons from the Western Regions, it feels very cool." Li Wen asked his assistant. The assistant is eating a piece of watermelon. The juice wet his white shirt.

"This, others call it watermelon. It came from the Tocharian people. They are very hot. It's noon to relieve the heat. Now in Qin State, only a small part of it can eat watermelon." Li Wen's assistant Speaking of.

"Yeah. Not bad. It seems that we are just that small part." Li Wen said.

"Yes. Mr. Li Wen. The main reason is that the output is very small. And it has just begun to spread. I think it won't take a year or two, this thing will make people feel disgusting." The assistant said.

"Yes. You are right. I feel that the stocks are the same now, there are many in the market, so he is very cheap." Li Wen said. Watermelon was introduced here from Africa. Because of the connection between Rest and the Tocharians, Qin State got a part of the watermelon. However, the output of watermelon is still relatively small. It is mainly supplied to Qin’s members, government officials, and some factory owners. The royal family is a big consumer of watermelons. King Qin also tasted watermelons. Ordinary people can buy watermelons, but they don’t. It costs too much. In order to be able to sell a lot, some merchants sell watermelons as a small piece, and the price of one piece exceeds fifty and a half. Usually people only buy it and taste it, but selling a watermelon is very unrealistic.

"Qin's stock price has fallen to a historical low. At such a price, many stocks will become extremely fragile. I think we need time to solve this problem." Li Wen said.

"However. There is another question, where does the funds come from? Who would have so much funds to buy so many stocks." Li Wen said to himself. The watermelon's attraction to him became very small.

Prime Minister's House.

"Meng Yi. Oh. That's right." Shang Wen was still used to when Meng Yi existed, but now that Meng Yi has gone to the Western Regions, they need to solve the Siberian kingdom. Shang Wen is not used to it.

"Why? I know I'm here. I brought you delicious watermelon." Yingyu smiled and said to Shangwen at this time.

"Why are you here?" Shang Wen asked.

"Hehe. I'll give you watermelon. You must have never eaten it. This thing. The price is now very expensive. The prime minister of the prime minister's residence may not have eaten watermelon." Ying Yu said to Shang Wen.

"Yeah. I have eaten it. You can put the watermelon in the refrigerator, it might taste better." Shang Wen said.

"Hehe, this is the way of eating invented by my father. The weather is very hot now, this thing is more relief from the heat." Yingyu said.

"Oh. However, it is true, but now the Prime Minister's Mansion is very busy." Shang Wen said.

"A lot of things make people breathless." Shang Wen said.

"You won't go for a walk there? Relax, maybe it will be very beneficial to you." Yingyu suggested.

"Yeah. Okay. Let's go for a walk, I want to know, what is your bank up to lately?" Shang Wen asked.

"There are many things, and there are more things than your country. The Sabbath countries in the Western Regions need to borrow money from us, but many things are still immature. For example, the diplomatic relations between the two countries are very complicated, and many things cannot guarantee the safety of our funds. On the other hand, we need more government support, especially in terms of security. The State of Qin needs to maintain a certain amount of garrison in the Western Regions to ensure our safety. The other is to control the main railways of the Parthian State. The State of Qin must have the right to garrison troops. Our bank must enter the Sabbath country." Yingyu said.

"In Tocharo. Yueshi, these countries all have the shadow of the Qin State Bank, but in the Shah State, they are still blank." Yingyu said.

"Yeah. I think this kind of problem should be solved soon." Shang Wen said.

"As for the State of Zhao, the State of Zhao has agreed to our bank’s request that they will use metal currency. For the replaced banknotes, they will become investment funds and enter the State of Qin again. Qin State is not just about investing abroad. There are also domestic funds, we also need them to invest." Yingyu said.

"Zhao Guo?" Shang Wen still doesn't know what happened to Zhao Guo.

"Yes. Zhao Guo. Guo Kai recommends that the people exchange gold coins, and the exchange ratio of gold coins and paper money will gradually increase to a high level. At this level, the people will lose, and the bank will gather a lot of funds. What about the funds? Most of them are banknotes, and these banknotes can only be returned to the State of Qin. They need to carry out investment projects, and the stock market is their best choice, because they will choose to acquire some companies, such as some small and medium-sized enterprises, Because they have a lot of technology in their hands, and these technologies can bring considerable profits, they have the need to acquire. This is investment." Yingyu said.

"You mean, those funds will return to Qin State?" Shang Wen asked.

"Yes. They will return to Qin, not only will they return to Qin, they will also drive the Qin stock market to rise. Qin's stock can finally rise." Yingyu said.

"In this case, Qin State can be regarded as completing a capital return." Shang Wen said.

"Yes. That's right, the people of Zhao Guo will not do this anyway. They are now considered to have completed such a thing." Yingyu said. Shang Wen nodded. He finally knew how to solve Qin's problems. Qin's capital expanded from the beginning to the completion of a capital cleansing. Then they returned with huge profits, but they expanded to the outside world again. As a result, the domestic economy was short of funds, but the capital of other countries that was brought up at this time entered the Qin State's stock market one after another. This means that those funds will enter the State of Qin. In this way, this is a one-time boost to Qin.

peninsula. The southerners are watching the Goguryeo retreat. They hatefully watch the Goguryeo leave, but they can do nothing about it. The people of Qi betrayed them. In the eyes of the southerners, Qi is the main factor in the failure of this war. But the Goguryeo people seem to care about these things, they can finally go home. End the **** war and go home. They are very excited.

Korean ships have already waited for them. Peace has come. But peace came too late. All southerners feel is hatred. They seem to have forgotten how to live peace. The situation after the war has made it difficult for them to adapt.

Qi State, Tian Heng's general mansion.

"The war is over. But the southerners must survive. We must give them a chance. Do you think we should develop something in the South?" Tian Heng asked Lou Jing.

"This. I think the current situation is not suitable for this. First of all, banks still lack a large amount of liquidity to support this. Most of our funds are concentrated in shipbuilding." Lou Jing said.

"If we develop the southern part of the peninsula, we still need to invest a lot of money. The current problem is that we don't have such a lot of funds, we can't do this at all, so." Lou Jing said embarrassingly.

"So, we can't develop the South?" Tian Heng asked.

"Yes, we are like this, there is simply not much money to do this." Lou Jing said.

"Now we still need a lot of bank funds to activate the current economy. There is a shortage of money everywhere. I think we should imitate other countries and establish a central bank to fundamentally solve the difficulty of lack of funds. The focus is on bank funds. Difficulty, if we solve the bank's funds, we can do this very well." Lou Jing said.

"Well, but, where did we get such a lot of funds. Qi has already mortgaged tariffs, but such a lot of funds can no longer solve our navy problem. If we borrow again. I." Tian Heng shook his head in a bit embarrassed. Lou Jing wanted to persuade Tian Heng to borrow Qin's funds, because Qin had the largest amount of funds. But now it seems that Tian Heng seems a little hesitant. Such hesitation makes Lou Jing feel that things are a little bit wrong.

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