The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 2851: Liang's law and order

State of Zhao, Handan.

"We must currently find Zhao Guoxin's economic growth points. Otherwise, we are unlikely to allow Zhao Guo's economy to grow again in the future." Guo Kai's Cabinet Minister of Economy said worriedly. He is an old businessman, but he has some shrewdness of the current businessman. He is also a relative of Guo Kai. He has his own bank. Because of this relationship, he was nominated as Minister of Economy in the Cabinet. This position is very important, because if the economy develops poorly, he, the prime minister, has nothing to do. The lightest punishment is to dissolve the cabinet. Therefore, it is in its own consideration. Guo Ming must make constructive suggestions.

"I don't know what kind of solution our economic minister has to solve our current situation?" Guo Kai said, shaking his head. Guo Kai is also very clear about this, but he has no good solutions, because these problems are also difficult for him to solve. Zhao Guo mainly develops steel, cement, glass and other related industries. The main consumption of these industries lies in construction. In terms of industry and infrastructure construction, if it is not for the huge demand for infrastructure in various countries, Zhao Guo's factories may have to be closed.

"Our industry is mainly concentrated in iron and steel. It is mainly the production of iron, in addition to a large amount of glass, cement, and some mechanical processing and manufacturing, especially in the military industry. We have made great progress." Guo Ming said.

"I know all of this. The problem is that we need to solve the problem of economic development in the State of Zhao. We have solved the current bank funding problem. By changing the currency, we can make a lot of investment in the State of Qin, and our foreign exchange reserves are very high. This money can bring great economic influence. But on the other hand. Our domestic funds and bank funds can only be borrowed so that we can further solve all problems. But how do we develop next? Become our biggest Difficulties." Guo Kai said. The other ministers nodded.

"Prime Minister, we can build more railways. In this way, we can drive the growth of our steel demand. In this way, the demand for workers will also become extremely large. This is very beneficial to us." The Minister of Finance said. The Minister of Finance is still the original Minister of Finance, because he knows some fiscal data. If a Minister of Finance changes randomly, it will cause some confusion. Guo Kai didn't want to do this yet, so he let the Minister of Finance continue to serve. However, the Minister of Finance now also performs an important function. Zhao State's central bank. They control the transfer of funds in most of the Zhao State Commercial Bank. And mortgage shares and so on. The adjustment of funds is in the hands of the Minister of Finance, even though he has solved major financial problems. However, this department is not yet within Guo Kai's control. In the next step, Guo Kai plans to change the opponent intentionally. But he couldn't find a good reason.

"Railway projects require a lot of funds, and we don't care about building railways. There are still many things." Guo Kai said.

"Our Minister of Economy can continue talking, I want to hear your opinion. Maybe we have a better way." Guo Kai nodded and said.

"My approach to this is that we can refer to the situation of the beams for construction." Guo Ming said.

"What do you mean? Why must we develop with reference to the situation of the beamer?" Guo Kai asked puzzledly. He is very good at speculation, but speculation is not investment after all. A banker can make a profit from the perspective of investment, but Guo Kai is just a speculator. There is a big difference between the two.

Investment is capital operation from a long-term perspective. Their cycle is longer, but their profits are extremely stable, and speculation is only a short-term industry behavior. Therefore, Guo Kai's vision does not have the long-term vision of Guo Ming. , After all, he was just speculation, focusing on immediate interests, not long-term.

"Daliang has a lot of real estate, and the real estate development there is very fast. That is, the construction industry. If we blindly develop railways, we will focus on railways, such as Daliang, Xinzheng, Xianyang, and Qingcheng. These are the focal points of the railway. Large cities such as Xianyang, Xinzheng, and Qingcheng can be easily developed in these locations. The population of these places has exceeded one million. In Daliang, their The actual population has surpassed this development. With such a dense population, they need a large number of various living facilities, such as water supply, heating, and changes in living conditions, as well as medical conditions, etc. These are all promoting the development of these places Construction industry." Guo Ming said.

Guo Kai just nodded. He seems to understand Guo Ming's views.

"The construction industry can bring a lot of demand for steel and cement, and these can further stimulate our production. I think we must do this. On the other hand, the people also have this kind of demand, and they all have it themselves. Through the exchange of gold coins this time, we can see that they have certain savings of their own. These savings may come from other sources, but regardless of this, they can use real estate purchase tax and so on. Increasing our fiscal revenue, and at the same time, can improve our economic growth, these are very beneficial to us." Guo Ming said.

"Yeah. That's right. I don't know if our Finance Minister has an opinion?" Guo Kai already understood Guo Ming's thoughts at this time. Indeed, I am afraid that there is nothing more suitable for Zhao's current economic growth situation than the construction industry. The concentration of factories has brought a large number of workers here, and the living conditions of the workers are very bad. They live in shanty towns. Those places are built temporarily, and their living conditions are very bad. The road conditions are also very poor. But it also brings other problems. Such as social security, education, etc., these are all potential banks for economic development. Li Mu is a soldier. After all, he can solve only a few problems. Soldiers have military thinking. Therefore, in terms of economic construction, he is far inferior to Guo. Open more flexible.

"I have no opinion on this, but what I think is that the salary of those workers is very limited, and they are not able to stimulate such economic growth for the time being. You know, they don't have money." The Minister of Finance said. His ideas are very practical. If he wants to change his situation, buying a house is the most important thing. However, the house needs money, where does the money come from? This is a problem.

"This is not a problem." Guo Kai said after hearing it.

"Banks have money, they can borrow, they can mortgage, as long as they have a stable job, the money in the bank can meet their needs. This is definitely not a problem. If this is the case, we will do it." Guo Kai said lightly. He thinks this is a good way to develop.

Wei Guo, big beam. The national parliament. The council is now noisy. Open-eared head is a little dizzy. A very worrying thing happened in Wei Guo.

A concubine of a congressman was kidnapped by a group of gangsters on the way home. However, the local police were very poorly effective in resolving the case. As a result, the kidnappers gradually changed their minds. They took turns insulting the concubine of the congressman, and took photos, and then the photos were sent to a Se intelligence magazine. As a result, things became extremely serious, and the congressman was extremely annoyed. He immediately launched an attack on Zhang Er. Attacking Zhang Er's government did nothing. He also blamed the current public security situation in Daliang City for its very poor environment. Anyway. Everything Zhang Er did was wrong.

"Daliang City is now a famous city. Our actual population has exceeded one million people. This is a very big city. We have many factories, many shops, and many high-rise buildings. However, the public security situation is very poor. We walk on the street and our handbags can be robbed. Some criminals can also rob banks. Banks, my goodness. That is where we all save. If What happens to our savings if the bank fails?" An obese congressman stood up and attacked. His language is extremely jealous. It was as if a bank had been robbed and his savings had been robbed, causing him to go bankrupt.

"According to the data in the newspapers we got, in the past three months, our bank was robbed more than 31 times, and half a year ago, our bank was only robbed twice. It happened so rampantly. Not only banks, but also jewelry shops, and various business premises, they may encounter more robberies, and there are a lot of blackmail and insults to women. These things will be serious. This led to the impression that we were in Qin and the Koreans, and the people of Qin were not spared." Said the congressman.

"It can be seen how terrible the situation in our city is." The congressman said loudly. Other MPs kept nodding their heads. They see things like this in the newspapers every day, but people just treat them as normal things. They can only show sympathy for what happened, and they can do nothing about other things. A kind of insurance has recently emerged, because there are too many security incidents. Only by investing huge premiums can they protect their property from loss, such as banks, gold shops, and so on.

"In contrast, our police do a lot of inaction. We are taxpayers who pay taxes. As a result, on the one hand, the police station declared that their public security is very good, and they can reach a state of being left behind. But the current situation Yes, the actual situation is that criminals are extremely rampant and rampant to an unbearable level. In this regard, I think we should take some extreme measures." said the congressman.

"Wow." Many Members began to discuss. They thought the situation might be so serious, but Zhang Er just remained silent. In fact, these are facts. Moreover, the situation may be more serious than those congressmen said, the reason is that financial resources are tight. They simply cannot do so many things. Most of the police officers have their own part-time jobs or sources of extra money, because these things are not prohibited.

The reason for these things is because of insufficient financial funds, and many policemen have not paid out their wages for three months. However, the police have great powers, and they can provide protection for the local underworld forces. Of course. They will get part of the protection fee, and this is their source.

Ordinary people hate these police officers very much, because they have no way to fight crime and can be said to be incompetent. They can watch the crime happen in front of them but can't do anything about it. After all, those are gangsters. They saw things like robbery. I just looked at the sky, said that the weather was good and unnourishing, and then left as if nothing had happened. The police’s attitude directly indulged more people to participate in criminal activities, because the crime was not well contained. .

"We should give more severe punishment to those criminals, catch them by military means, then exile them, and severely beheaded them," said the congressman.

Other lawmakers have discussed that if this is the case, they will need to levy taxes. Not only that, but they also have to set up an army. The reason why the main beam can develop, or in other words, the reason why Zhang Er can stay in this position is because Because the low tax or tax exemption policy provides great convenience. Thanks to the tax exemption in many places, the economic development of Daliang is very fast, once surpassing South Korea. This has a lot to do with Zhang Er’s low tax policy. Without these low tax policies, many industries would not be able to develop. They need a lot of tax support. Without these, the industry would have a great burden. Especially in the army, Wei has no regular army of its own. This is something that many people can hardly believe, but the truth is that they only have militias, and militias gather temporarily to form a national army, but recently there has been no major warfare at all, and all countries are active Qin was interested in the Western Regions, and Yan was interested in the North, and Zhao was under pressure from Qin. Their army itself was insufficient, coupled with the low domestic tax policy, and the finances were not enough to support them to continue like this. And a big country like Chu is also actively developing its navy. In this way, the absence of an army becomes a great convenience. But now that the army is established, this means that their tax revenue will increase, which will harm the interests of these parliamentarians. After all, these parliamentarians have their own industries. Many of them have factories, shops, or large-scale buildings. If taxes are imposed, their burden will increase, and their operating costs will be very bad. This is a threat to them. They believe that this is an extremely unfavorable approach. Many congressmen shook their heads.

Liang Street.

"Only by setting up an army can we solve such a thing. We can solve such a thing. The police are incompetent." Chen Yu said loudly in the street. Many people are listening. People are already very dissatisfied with the deteriorating public security situation in Liang. But if the government does not resolve such matters, Zhang Er's reasons may sound very favorable. They have no financial support, but in fact, they are just an excuse. A nasty excuse. They think that there is no money to make the situation worse, which is a manifestation of the government's incompetence. Not far away, when the police heard such words, they just took their hats and asked for money from the vendors. The vendors were very annoyed. But they had to pay their protection fee with a smile. Nothing is more important than this. Those speeches were just talking. But they can fill their stomachs by doing so. There is a big difference between the two.

"If the big beams continue like this, no one will invest in our big beams, and the conditions of the merchants will not be able to proceed. It is the gangsters who ruin the city. Those of us rely on our own hard work to produce and come to this city to make things. Contribution, but what is the result? Those people ruined our happiness and ruined the city. They are sinners. Sinners deserve the punishment they deserve. We can guarantee their lives, but they will be exiled thousands of miles. Outside the overseas, these people must not stay here. They will pose a great threat to us. They are pests and it is difficult for us to survive." Chen Yu shouted.

"Kill the pests." An ordinary citizen shouted loudly.

"Kill the pests." The other people shouted. This shocked the police in the distance. He cursed in dissatisfaction, and then continued to collect money. Those are political people, and sometimes they can't afford it.

With the deepening of democratic politics, especially the development of Qin’s party system, some countries have also begun to establish their own political parties. This is politically permitted. For example, Zhao Guo and South Korea have their own parties. For example, There are a large number of royal parties in the parliament. They do not simply preserve the power of the royal family, but they maintain the stability of the current order as much as possible. Most of them are the beneficiaries of these orders, and with the concentration of population, some people also They began to unite. They came from the bottom of society. They were ordinary people. But likewise, they also had their own political demands. Their demands were extremely unobvious before. But now, they have their own ideas, which for them is absolutely nothing, but now things have exceeded their imagination, this situation has already happened.

The meeting of the parliament finally ended. Although the parliamentarians expressed deep concern about the law and order of Liang, some parliamentarians still objected to the taxation situation. After all, the money goes to them, and unless they don't pay, they won't approve of this happening at all. Public security is the public security of everyone, not the public security of them alone. Facing such a situation, members will not easily pay more taxes.

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