The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 2853: Nuergang Night Attack

Dawan, Qianjin Fort. The resident of Yue's First Infantry Division. This is also the border area between Dawan and the Shah people. In order to protect their border security, the newly formed First Infantry Division was dispatched here.

"The situation here is very bad. The speed of building the fort is much lower than we expected. Not only that. The personnel, equipment, and training are insufficient. Let us fight with such an army and the Shah people who may fight in the future? "Colon Li Jin said, shaking his head. He is from Dawan, but his Qin name is Li Jin. Many people in Dawan have the name of Qin, and the process of Qin's transformation has been very fast. Because many of their materials come from the Qin State.

"There is no other way. I heard that the Yue people in the south are fighting, and many of Qin's materials have been transferred to the south. Even some of the air units originally given to us have also been transferred. Qin's military trainers have returned. Not in place. Our recruitment of soldiers is also very difficult to do. Many people are willing to be miners and are unwilling to join soldiers. Miners can get thirty to fifty and a half dollars a day. However, being a soldier is less than one day. Twenty and a half and two dollars. Here. The food is not good enough. The meat is not open for supply." Bai Qing, the Lieutenant Colonel's staff officer on the side, said. He had served as a soldier in the State of Qin. He turned out to be a second-class soldier, but he ran back and forth with a major Qin army. The major is a division staff. He naturally knew something. The people of the Yue family now lack officers and non-commissioned officers. Almost everything is white paper. There is no experience to look for. Those who had served in the Qin Army became the best officers. After all, they still have a lot of experience in this area. And the others. He never fought a war at all.

"Our people can be regarded as an army formed from militias. Look at their dress. Military uniforms can be dressed like that. Even dresses and training clothes can be mixed together. Their beards are not shaved. The most terrible thing is, They are difficult to obey military discipline. In the army, I saw them drinking during training. There was no one on guard at the combat position. They just went to sleep secretly. Damn." The colonel said even more dissatisfied. Indeed, the newly formed army in Dawan has many problems. mainly. The Dawan people have not experienced a decent battle. The previous town defense battle was just a battle formed by using a defensive fortress. What they were facing was a rogue, and the rest were unable to open the fortress. Therefore, they won the victory. Now the main energy of the Parthians is in the Kingdom of Seth, which can greatly solve their financial problems. Therefore, for the Dawan people, they have no time to pay attention.

There are too many problems with Dawan people. Many people have not fought, and the personnel are not complete. Conscription started early, but few people signed up. Three infantry divisions, most infantry divisions have only two regiments. Another regiment could not be established at all, and their division headquarters was just barely established. There are quite a few problems. It can be said that they do not look like a war at all.

"It's true that we need to solve these problems one by one. Otherwise, it will be difficult for us to go further." Bai Qing said.

"However, there is a big man who is coming here today, and the safety work must be done well." Bai Qing continued.

"What big man?" Colonel Li Jin asked on the side.

"The Mongolian minister of Qin. That is, the deputy prime minister of Qin. They came to discuss our security issues with the Anxi people. Now the people of Qin are trying to solve our security problems. The price of copper in Qin has risen very sharply. The speed of railway construction is also accelerating. These are greatly satisfying our needs. Therefore, the progress of the war is much faster than we thought." Bai Qing said.

"I don't know these. But these are not what we can manage. I hope these high officials can solve all our problems." Li Jin nodded and said.

In the assembly hall of Fort Qianjin, in fact, this is the officer’s dining room. It is now a conference room.

"Qin and Dawan need a safe distance. This distance is very important for both of us. This is a usual security guarantee for the trade between the three countries. I hope you can understand." Meng Yi said.

"We understand this very well, but let us cede more than a thousand miles. The price is too great." Toler said, shaking his head.

The security distance provided to Qin and Dawan by the State of Shah was only two hundred miles around. Such a large area was enough to ensure the safety of the two countries. However, Meng Yi believed that they should advance to a position within a thousand miles around. Come, you can move directly into the North Sea from the forward position. This is the name of the rest person. The people of Dawan were called Kesahai, and the people of Qin people didn't know that sea area, so they could only call them according to the name of the rest people. After all, the name of the people of Dawan could not affect the decision of the two.

"I think you should understand that you need to borrow money. Through these land, Qin can lend you more funds to solve their war problems. Qin has only received a security guarantee. Qin Guo has a small amount of money in these places. The garrison will not affect the security of the Parthian nation." Meng Yi said. In fact, Meng Yi himself didn't know where the northern sea was. He thought the northern sea was just the Aral Sea in Dawan. Because it is a relatively large lake. But if Meng Yi actually gets there, he might be shocked. It was not the Aral Sea, it was a large lake in the north of the Parthian Kingdom, and it was later the Caspian Sea. There are abundant oil and gas resources in the surrounding area, and it is hesitant to be close to the Caucasus, where the oil and gas resources can far solve the development problems of the Qin State. Meng Yi didn't know this at all, he just thought that Qin should get more land resources. Although domestic speculation that there may be rich oil and gas resources here, this is only speculation. In order to increase the strength of this speculation, Meng Yi's only way is to occupy as much land as possible.

"If the country knew that we had ceded all the northern seas out, they would kill us." Toler said.

"Well, I can understand your feelings, but if you don't do this, you will encounter another situation." Meng Yi said.

"You can't borrow a lot of money. You can't buy Qin's military weapons, and your railway system. There will be a huge logistical disaster. You will encounter a huge military setback. This. I think you should I understand." Meng Yi said. he knows. This is the last thing the rest of the people want to mention, but it is a pity that they have to solve this problem. Toller was silent. He knows that such a decision is difficult to choose. Ceding the land, the original Dawan land, did not care for them. Originally, the land there was not worth much, but now, the Qin State has directly expanded to the edge of their Parthsian kingdom. The North Sea is just north of them. Qin State has reached the seaside area, and from there it can directly threaten the rear of the rest. This makes the Sabbath nation feel very insecure. But the Parthians need to solve military problems. This makes them very embarrassed. Negotiations are deadlocked again. The rest are unwilling to agree to such a request.

Seth country.

"How is the situation?" Guo Xiang and Zhang Xi asked Zhang Bi.

"I went to check their situation, and the situation is very unfavorable for the rest. The Seth people seem to have become accustomed to gunpowder weapons, and they are actively researching larger artillery. The process of gunpowder may be somewhat difficult. However, they can solve it. There are many problems. So, for the moment, the situation is unfavorable to the rest. The safe guns are from Qin, and the artillery is the same. They only have these two weapons and no other weapons can solve them. The Seth people are more flexible. , They have skilled craftsmen. They made a bomb made of stone. Similar to our grenade, but the kind of fuse used. It must be thrown out when it is ignited. They are wrapped in a lot of oil, so dark. They caused a lot of casualties to the Parthians. The morale of the Parthians was very low." Zhang Bi said.

"Oh my God." Zhang Xi said, shaking his head.

"What are you doing? We have to make some preparations. If the rest of the people retreat, the Seth people will come over, who knows what those Seth people will do? We need to protect ourselves, and our own safety cannot be put in rest. People." Zhang Bi said.

"We are training the army and recruiting locals. We have several paper-making workshops. Those things can be sold to the Seth people and the rest. In addition, we can also make some other weapons, such as spears, and some arquebuses. "Zhang Xi said.

"The trigger of the flintlock gun still needs some difficulty. The most important thing is that they can only make some springs by hand. This requires a skilled craftsman to spend a few days. It is unlikely that we can equip that many muskets, the only way. Only equipped with matchlock guns." Zhang Xi said.

"Matchlock. Okay, I don't know what those can do? But, I hope you can build our fortress. We need to ensure the safety here. Otherwise, the Seth people will come. We cannot guarantee our own safety." Zhang Bi said.

"We are doing this. At present, we have more than a thousand soldiers who can fight. The fortress is also under construction. A lot of trenches can be dug out. We store a lot of food, fresh water. And so on." Zhang Xi said.

"Well, but I still hope to get local assistance. If there is no assistance, we can't do anything." Zhang Bi said.

The overseas colony of Chu State, Myanmar. This is the name the Chu people gave to the locality, because the locals are called Burmese, and the area they occupy is naturally called Burmese. Some tea is produced here, mainly using grafting techniques, in addition to some sugar cane. Most of the rest are large amounts of rice.

The Chu people only occupy a large amount of coastal areas here, and the farthest distance from the coastal areas to the inland is only 500 miles. Most of them are kept at two hundred to three hundred positions, because the population here is small and there is a lot of land. A lot of land has already met their needs, and the expansion of a lot of land is of no use. Although they have more children born. These are the first generation after the immigrants, but their population is very small in general.

"The front is Nuergang." The third child said in a low voice. Nuer Harbor is the largest slave port in Myanmar. Here mainly concentrates slaves from Bangla, India. The local agriculture is developing very fast. The use of Chu people is far from being able to meet their own needs. Therefore, a large number of slaves from Bangla have become their biggest needs. Slaves entered their agricultural production on the one hand. On the other hand, they export agricultural products back to the local or local area. This allowed Chu people to develop quickly.

A large number of bankrupts in Mengla were exported here as slaves.

"Those Qi ships are anchored in the port area to the east, where only Qi ships are there. It is a pity that they sank a merchant ship, but they are replenishing a large amount of tea today. Then they set sail to Bangladesh." The third child whispered. Speaking of. They are approaching the eastern area, and it is dark now. There are very few defenders here because this is a commercial port. People are mainly concentrated in the warehouse area, where there are a large number of warehouse goods that need to be protected, while in the port area, only ships and people are on board to protect them. This let them relax their vigilance.

"Well, today we are going to touch the ships. We have few people, so we can only touch three ships and rob all three merchant ships. However, when robbing merchant ships, we have to get rid of those warships. Otherwise, once they wake up, we It's not far away." Bearded arranged.

"Do you all understand?" The Beard asked.

"Understood, head, you depend on our performance. These tung oils are enough for them to eat." A thin man said. He held a large jar of tung oil in his arms. These tung oil were obtained by looting a Chu State merchant ship. Originally they thought it was useless. But now they are finally useful.

"Okay. Let's go," said the bearded man. immediately. More than ninety people. This is the capable force of the pirates. They left here in nine small boats. Behind their boats, they also dragged a small boat. The small boats were full of tung oil. That was the best weapon for their offense. They must have this. The boat burned the ships of the Qi people. Tell them about the naval battle. Although the people of Qi have no experience in naval warfare, their artillery is very sharp. As long as they get close, a hundred cannons can smash them. Such a mold makes them feel that they have to find other ways. Soon, the pirates thought of other ways. In sneak attacks, they are all familiar with water and can control ships very well. This makes it easy for them to do this. In addition, the beard happens to have tung oil. Although there are not many merchant ships dropped, as long as the opponent’s armed warfare is destroyed Boat, everything else is easy to handle.

"Hurry up." The beard brought a group of people carefully to the eastern dock area. They found a warship. The warship's alertness was very low, and there were no soldiers on duty at all. Perhaps the people of Qi have never experienced such a thing at all.

"Head, okay. The gunpowder keg is ready. Then it can be exploded, and the tung oil can be sent in, and the warships can be burned." One person soaked in the water said.

"Okay. The other people come with me. We are going to occupy a merchant ship. You wait for the signal. If you can't wait. You can solve it yourself." Big Beard said. Their goal is to rob merchant ships, but for these warships, they are the greatest threat. They are fast and firepower. They simply can't afford it. Just when Big Beard was about to **** a merchant ship. In the distance, a warship exploded suddenly.

"Boom." The flames flickered. It is estimated that the tung oil and the gunpowder barrel were put together, and the splashing tung oil burned everywhere. The fire soon swallowed the warship, at this time. Only then did the Qi people on the shore react.

"Quickly fight the fire, fight the fire. The enemy attacked, attacked. Ding Ding Ding." Loud shouts, metal knocks, and gunshots from time to time. For a while, the Qi State navy personnel suddenly became confused.

"Boom. Another warship was knocked out. The blasted gap quickly burned, but the seawater had poured in. The fire quickly swallowed the upper deck. The ship soon became a fireboat." Qi Chinese people don't even know what happened.

However, the explosion sound still came. This explosion is even more gorgeous. It seemed that the propellant of the artillery was ignited, a large number of powder barrels were ignited, and sparks splashed everywhere. In the night, it became the most gorgeous firework show.

"Damn it. It's all over. It's all over." A warship captain shouted loudly. He saw his warship smashed to pieces.

Meng La, in Zhang Shi's office.

"Zhanpu people's behavior is extremely crazy, they even used artillery to execute those goddess believers." Zhang Dahui reported.

"Well. They have always been like this, but the more they do it, the better they can do it. All we need is for them to do this." Zhang Shi said.

"However, we need to know the Zhanpu people's plan and what kind of place they want to expand. This is what we care about. But I also want to know if they need our support." Zhang Shi said.

"This. I know that there are three countries closely related to the Champu Kingdom. These three countries are the Inmur Kingdom. They are in the north of the Champu Kingdom, which is the country controlled by the Northern Dynasty, and they The Palau country in the west is relatively independent, but with backward equipment. The army has only 50,000 people. There is also the Western Zhanpu near them. This is a small kingdom established by their previous generation, but this kingdom and There is a big difference between the Champus and Prussian countries. They obviously believe in their religions, for example, the religion of the goddess, which can be spread freely there. If Champus wants to solve such a problem, the Western Champus may be our most important country. , They must solve such a country." Zhang Dahui said.

"Well. What I consider is whether our native soldiers can participate in the battle. After all, they still have a certain fighting capacity." Zhang Shi said.

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