The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 2858: Not worth mentioning

In Gelang's headquarters, Gelang is looking at the Indian volunteers in the distance with his binoculars. They are digging trenches, and the entire Rica is surrounded by them.

"As long as we have some cannons, this fortress is definitely not a problem." Grand said to his adjutant. He is a lieutenant, just transferred.

"Sir, can the Indian volunteers be trusted?" The adjutant seemed to have a lot of prejudice against the Indian volunteers.

"Hehe, sometimes, they do better than us. You can look over there." As he said, Grand handed the telescope to his adjutant.

"They did better than we thought. Those Indian soldiers are very good at hiding, and they are very cunning. It seems that only by killing them can we keep our rear safe from any threats. In fact, this is a mistake. "Yes." Gran said.

"The way the Indians manage the Indians is very simple and very effective. Have you seen it? Those Indian volunteers can effectively detect the Indian officers, and once they kill the Indian officers, and Transfer the hatred to those Indian officers, and they will be able to serve us well, but we don't know them." Grande said.

"I know that the Indians treat the Indians differently because the Indians are made up of many different people. They are not of one mind. Some people are willing to fight, but some are not willing to fight. They think killing is guilty. Even if no one knows, they are still unwilling to do this. Therefore, those people are useful to us. As long as we kill those officers, they will lose a kind of threat and dependence, and their own living conditions are very bad. Many of them are willing to do this. After all, no one wants to be slaves for the rest of their lives." Grande said.

"It's just that, sir, if we do this, will the Indians betray us as well? After all, our current situation is not very good." His adjutant said.

"Yeah. You are right. That's why I need people like you. You can act as officers when you go down. They are very dependent on you. As long as you exist, they will do everything. That's why we will There are more than a hundred people, controlling tens of thousands of Indian soldiers. They can exert unimaginable power. As long as we kill some of them, if they get the exploits, we can reward them well." Lang said.

Outside the position of the Yueshi people.

"Good job. Abba," said a sergeant, patting a very thin-looking man. His arms are tied with white cloth strips. The only weapon in his hand is a long knife. It seems that he is very inconspicuous and has no combat effectiveness. But just now, this soldier removed a hidden officer from among the prisoners of war. Caught it out, inspired by the sergeant, he chopped off the opponent's head with a single knife. Then other soldiers hung their heads on their spears. This was a big blow to the defenders in the fortress. After all, officers were a rare resource.

"Very well. Abba. It's very good. If it weren't for you, I wouldn't be able to tell that that guy turned out to be an officer. Okay. Go, pick a woman. The officer's woman is yours. "Sergeant said. Abba nodded excitedly. Then thank you very excitedly. Many Indian volunteers cast a look of envy, in their opinion, this guy is very lucky. In Indy, many soldiers are slaves. Not only do they have to die first in the battle, but there are also many people who do a lot of extremely tiring work, and it is the officers that drove them to do so. These officers, the Indian volunteers hate it very much, which is why so many Indian soldiers can join the volunteers, and that’s why. They may still have a chance to live by taking refuge in the people of the Yue family. If they serve as soldiers for those Indian officers, they may never live. The people of Yueshi played the role of liberators.

Inside the Qin State Xianyang Railway Station. A group of army officers are waiting to board the train in the waiting hall of the railway station. The place they are going is the north, the northern grassland.

"When is the time now. The above actually asked us to go to the north, and to the **** west, it was very cold. Even if we put on all the military coats and down coats, we might still be frozen to death." Said a lieutenant dissatisfied. They are from the War Department. The War Department is carrying out their plan, which is called Westward Advance. However, many army officers are very optimistic about this plan. Because the time is wrong.

"Okay. This is an order. If we don't go, we will disobey the order. This is the last thing we want to see." Another captain said.

"However, it is true that the time is not right now. If we can act in the spring, there may be some opportunities, but it is summer, and the northern summer is almost over. The cold winter is coming soon. It is impossible for us to live without In any case of preparation, go west on a large scale. In that case, a huge disaster will be formed. We will be covered by a blizzard." The captain said worriedly. They carefully studied the weather records in the north, which are the northern records from the Western Regions. The dimension there may be the closest dimension they have received, but the dimension where they want to go is higher, which usually means that they want Facing colder weather conditions. This is something that all officers are worried about. They really don't understand what will suddenly issue such an order from above.

"I just hope that we can delay, instead of continuing to execute such **** orders. Because I hate such orders." The lieutenant said.

"Procrastination, maybe it's really a good way," the captain said. Many military officers did not know the north they reached and what would happen in their exploration and development to the west, and they were planning for the worst.

Zhao Guo. Handan.

"The bank is very worried that if they lend a large amount of money to the workers, they will need to spend at least five years of wages and salaries to buy the house. If they buy other daily necessities, I think this number may increase even more. Hurry up," Guo Ming said to Guo Kai.

"This is an opportunity, an opportunity to make a fortune." Guo Kai said.

"Yes, but the bank must first assess the risks. After all, war can come at any time. Five years is too long. Many of them are unwilling to wait for such a long time if they can concentrate on solving this. As for the problem, I think this funding problem can be easily solved." Guo Ming said.

"Concentration, how to solve it?" Guo Kai asked.

"Well, I am thinking of companies. If companies can provide such a place to live, it may be very beneficial to them." Guo Ming said to Guo Kai.

"My thing is, if companies can mortgage part of their shares, and then get a lot of money from the bank, for example, bonds are also possible, and then they use housing encouragement to let workers do something that is beneficial to production. In this case , The funds have been transferred to the enterprises. After all, Zhao has a large number of such factories and enterprises, and those workers need to improve their situation. We not only need to provide some wages and salaries, but also provide more improvements in living conditions. If so, a larger-scale strike can be avoided. At the same time, it can further stimulate our enterprises to carry out related construction industry production." Guo Ming said.

"It's just that, will those factories do this?" Guo Kai asked.

"You have to know that companies are unlikely to make such a decision, after all, it is difficult to complete such a thing." Guo Kai said.

"This. It's possible that I didn't think thoroughly, but it seems that this is the best way at the moment. After all, no one wants to mortgage where they have money. If a certain piece of stuff can appreciate, things will be easier. For example. The land they live in." Guo Ming said. Guo Kai nodded, as to how to solve this problem, neither Guo Kai nor Guo Ming had a good solution. But things still seem to be beneficial to them, and there is plenty of time.

The seaside where the Adventure is anchored.

"Damn, I really don't know what to do in this shabby place?" Zhang Zhi wrote in his diary.

"The people here are extremely poor. They only have simple clothes. Sometimes the black clothes are made of leather or grass. Their language makes it difficult for us to understand. They don't know what they say. The only thing we can What I understand is that when they are happy, they will bounce around, shouting some upsetting words in their mouths. If we didn't want to understand this, I would shoot them in the head." Zhang Zhi wrote.

"It's very poor here, they lack a lot of things, they lack everything, and the lack is at the extreme point." Zhang Zhi wrote.

"My toothbrushes, soap, and even a piece of waste paper will be taken away. The women here are not beautiful and they are terribly dark. Do I really doubt that they are women? We don't know what will happen here, but, It's really disappointing here. But those black people are very good slaves. Their numbers are not large and their intelligence is relatively low. They are very suitable for farm work." Zhang Zhi wrote.

"What should I do next? Should I retreat or return and wait for others to arrive here? I don’t think it’s good. After all, it’s not easy to come here after such an expedition. My people feel very disappointed. If I can’t If they encourage them, I believe they will complain very much. In order to solve this kind of thing, I think, go north and see, maybe there are beautiful women there that can attract these guys. They have not vented for a long time. The women here let They are disgusting." Zhang Zhi wrote, and then he took a sip of wine. I don't know when, his wine was also stolen. The locals are very interested in alcohol, and they are willing to exchange more fur. These things seemed very precious to them, but to Zhang Zhi and the others, those things were worthless.

Here they just saw black people. They don't know much about other things. They don't know what the local resources are. They can develop things. They think that only the black people are there. Under these conditions, they decided to go north, maybe there is something more attractive to them.

The eastern coast of the western continent. Parilao. The population here is relatively sparse. However, it does not prevent the Korean New Army from occupying here. The 34th Infantry Regiment of the New Korean Army is stationed here, and the entire southern region is their infantry regiment. But they have a lot of control. There is a simple port here, but other places can be landed. On the coast, there is a battalion of troops stationed here, and inland, there are two battalions stationed at a position of about 300 miles, which is inconvenient for transportation, but they have already controlled it well. When the situation in Bangla developed, because there were not many people here, they were all local indigenous tribes, and some city-states could not resist, they took the initiative to surrender. Therefore, it became the possession of the 34th Infantry Regiment, but this situation quickly changed.

"Sir, there has been a change. A large number of Chu State warships appeared on the coast. I don't know where they came from?" Colonel Cai He of the 34th Infantry Regiment's adjutant. A lieutenant named Chen Kong said nervously.

"What?" Cai He put down the little yellow book in his hand and said. This is what they can do to get rid of the boring things here. This kind of little yellow book comes from the soldiers at the bottom. It is very boring here. The tribes will bully them from time to time, but the local food makes it difficult for them to get used to it. Many soldiers feel that coming here is a hard work, only those exiled Prisoners would come to such a place, so they began to write books in private, dedicated to writing about their various experiences, especially veterans, who were more willing to say something unmarginal, some soldiers began to record them, and then began to copy each other, and that’s it. , Various versions of Xiaohuangshu appeared. Cai He likes books like this very much, because they are so imaginative, if it weren't for the ugly reading of local women, maybe they would try it like this. However, the local women are still willing to come occasionally. After all, they can't stand it, and the locals can't resist because they don't have muskets.

"It's from the country of Chu. We found a large number of warships from the country of Chu on the shore, as if they are already showing signs of landing. Sir, are we going to war?" Chen Kong asked.

"Damn it. Let's go to war. We only have one battalion. Do I want to fight with this battalion?" Cai He said angrily.

"Okay. Let's go and see." Cai He said. Then took him and put the little yellow book in his drawer. This kind of thing is the best thing to kill boredom. Then he took the binoculars and went out to check the situation.

By the sea, a large number of Chu State warships docked here. They came from the Chu State. They were the 7th Infantry Regiment of Chu State Marine Corps. However, they only had two battalions, and one battalion stayed in Mengla. They The order received was to expand the Chu State's sphere of influence on the Western Continent, but they seemed to have arrived a bit late. The Koreans came faster than them, because the Koreans set off directly from Zhang Xiong Island and arrived here directly. They can stop on the island halfway, but the business there has not yet started, mainly because the locals are not very cooperative. , And there are very few Koreans. The South Korean government is concerned about the western continent and the lack of development of the island.

"They seem to have two battalions." Cai He said.

"Yes, sir, but should we tell them that we have already occupied Korea here. They should look for another place." said his adjutant.

"After all, our boundary markers are everywhere here, and they are invading our territory." The adjutant continued. There is a big smell of gunpowder in his language. Obviously they have regarded this land as their private domain.

"Well, what you said is very right, but we don’t have the strength to solve this kind of thing. I think you understand this. We only have one battalion. But the other side not only has two battalions, but they also have war. Ship support, all right. Telegram, this is not something we can solve. But we need to recruit troops, but in that case, we will lose more land." Cai He said.

Qi State. Tian Heng's General Mansion.

"Damn it. How many such remarks are there?" Tian Heng asked a navy lieutenant colonel.

"Sir, there are everywhere in Chu State, especially in the port area. Many businessmen seem to be ready to move. They think that our Qi State Navy has no way to protect our merchant ships." The lieutenant colonel said worriedly.

"Damn it. We must strengthen our navy, especially the protection of merchant ships." Tian Heng said.

"However, sir, we must protect the merchant ship we have already gone out. They have already been spotted. They may take a bite at any time. We have already contacted South Korea. However, they did not reply. "An officer said worriedly. Tian Heng was speechless.

Xinzheng, South Korea.

"Let our warships protect their merchant ships? Doesn't Qi have its own warships?" Han Shu didn't mind playing around with Qi's navy.

"Well, their warship was attacked by the pirates of Chu State. They suffered heavy losses. Therefore, we are the only one who can help them at the moment." The Secretary of the Navy said helplessly.

"Well, just help them once, but we need to charge protection fees. It seems that the Qi State Navy is still not enough." Han Shu said with a smile.

On the other hand, the Chu government also received a report from the Qi government.

"Let's eliminate the pirates? Just kidding." Fan Zeng said after reading it. He thinks that the elimination of pirates is not worth mentioning.

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