The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 2860: The situation develops too fast

Xinzheng, South Korea.

"What does Qin people mean?" Han Shu asked Zhang Liang.

"The minister believes that it may be that the Qin State encountered unsatisfactory things in the Parthian State. They hope to suppress the Parthian State through other means. After all, the Parthian State is the only one in the Western Regions that poses a challenge to the State of Qin and is a threat to the State of Qin. A very huge country." Zhang Liang said.

"You mean, they will contact Seth to start a war against the Parthians?" Han Shu asked.

"It is very unlikely that the Qin people's financial funds will not support this. The only possible way is that they need the Seth to launch a war that will cause fatal damage to the Parthians." Zhang Liang said.

"Well. In this case, our situation is a bit passive." Han Shu said.

"What I know is that in the Parthians and the Seth people, we have not determined our position well. For example, if we support the Parthians, they will pose a threat to us, because the Parthians occupy Basra, and We are near Basra." Han Shu said.

"Your Majesty. The minister believes that the Parthians are not credible and we should support the Seth people. However, we still cannot make a clear statement. We still need to accumulate our own strength. Only our strength is very strong. We can do it. More choices are conducive to our own." Zhang Liang said.

"Well, what you said is right, but why is the Shaman not credible?" Han Shu asked.

"The rest people are a little arrogant. They are not convinced by the State of Qin. They are naturally the same with us Koreans. In their eyes, we Koreans are only worthwhile for use and have no value for existence. If once our use value is gone . We will lose everything." Zhang Liang said.

"So, we have to get rid of the rest and support the Seth people." Han Shu said.

"No, my lord, what we need to do is that we have to carry out a series of independent measures. Promote the war between the Seth and the Parthians and reap the benefits of the fishermen. Like the Qin people, expand our presence in Seth and other areas. Strength." Zhang Liang said.

"Well. Speaking of this, strength is still more important. Now is indeed the time to send soldiers. You know that we don't have military strength there at all, and it is very troublesome to defend." Han Shu said.

"For the Parthians, our trade perspective is very narrow, but if we remain independent, our trade path is very large. For us, it is a state of multiple choices, while the Parthians have to limit our choices. , Obviously, they are against us." Han Shu said.

Chu State, Pengcheng.

"What do you think of this matter?" Fan Zeng asked.

"We should indeed expand beyond the Western Continent, but our rapid expansion is a bit too fast. Seth is farther than the west coast of the Western Continent, and for the time being. Going to Seth is very easy. We can’t take care of that place at all. Although it looks tempting, the actual condition is that we don’t allow us to do this. Our logistics supply line is too long and we need more troops. If we are on the western continent If you don't have a good foothold, stretching too long will be extremely detrimental to us." Chen Ping said.

"Yeah. You are right." Fan Zeng nodded. Fan Zeng also knew this. Although the telegrams sent by the Qin people were very attractive and the situation there was very tempting for them, but the Koreans were unable to develop a place, so what power did the Chu people have to develop that place. Their strength is still relatively weak, for them, the accumulation of strength is what they desire most.

"Yes, our things have not been done yet. Seth is too far away. I think that even the Koreans themselves can't do this. You must know that they have not done a good job on the West Coast." Fan Zeng comforted. Come by yourself.


Zhang Si received a telegram from China.

"The country actually asked us to send troops. But we don't have the strength to deploy." Zhang Si said to a navy colonel. The navy colonel was only in charge of the telegraph, and he was not interested in making decisions.

"I don’t know, this is your army’s business. Our navy is only responsible for transporting you to Seth, but now more and more merchant ships know about it. The arms trade here can expand a very large army. If you If you can, I think you should be recruited from the locals. Anyway, the Korean army is very limited." said the navy colonel.

"You reminded me of this. But Karachi's military strength is also very tense, they may not jump at this time may allow us to recruit more soldiers, and how to solve the salaries of those soldiers? The above won't give me a lot of gold coins. This problem is really complicated." Zhang Si said.

"Hehe, the army's affairs are really troublesome." said the navy colonel.

Although they can send some local soldiers there, the number will certainly be small, and the large-scale recruitment of soldiers in the local area will arouse the alarm of the Karachi authorities. This will become a very unfriendly thing. However, if you tell the other party to expedition. This will become a joke. Zhang Si himself doesn't know what to do now.

Parilao. In the Chu State Marine Corps barracks, soldiers are busy packing their camps. They were curious, they only lived here for a day, and then they received the order. After clearing the camp and boarding the ship, they felt very annoyed. They were very happy to move things down at first, but now they are very troublesome to move things up. They don't know what happened to their chief. So willing to toss them. Are they tortured like this? Many soldiers have complained about this.

"Sir, why do we want to evacuate here? The Koreans can garrison the army here, so can we, and there are many things we don't know about here. It's very good here." A lieutenant officer said to Xiang Dang puzzled. .

"How do I know? The **** order is written like this, and it allows us to avoid conflicts with the Koreans as much as possible. Why the **** Western continent is so big, we don't need to keep occupying a place that the Koreans have clearly marked. He Mother." Xiang Dang cursed.

"It's like a dog peeing, damn, the opposite Korean dog has already peeed here. This means that this is their territory, and we have to find another place. Then pee like those **** dogs. Damn it. Yeah. Bah. What a shit." Xiang Dang scolded angrily. Then he turned and left. The lieutenant was also annoyed, but he heard this explanation. Thinking that the new South Korean army is actively expanding, instead of tangling here, it is better to move to the next site quickly. With all these in common, he also knows to call his soldiers to pack up and leave here as soon as possible.

"Hehe, these Chu people." Cai He said with a smile while holding his binoculars. He saw that the Chu army camp was busy. Before he saw many Chu people remove things from the boats, he knew that they had planned to stay here for a long time, but what he didn't expect was that it didn't take long. after that. They actually want to relocate all those things back. As a result, their situation became extremely bad, and many of them were retreating.

"Sir, they really retreat again, you see, those tents are all on the boat." said his adjutant Chen Kong.

"That is, that is, those people should be like this, and they themselves know their own situation. This must be our king who played a big role, retreat. This place belongs to our Koreans." Cai He relaxed Speaking of.

On the northern line of Yue's, the first regiment of Yue's that received the order immediately carried out such arrests.

"Say. Why don't you launch an attack?" a lieutenant officer said viciously. He was holding a leather whip in his hand. The whip had been contaminated with some salt water. It was extremely painful to fight. They still had a lot of tricks to torture people. There were three Indian soldiers below, and they shook their heads desperately. Saying something they don't understand.

"What did they say?" the lieutenant asked.

"They said, they didn't know, they just said that it meant to retreat, as if to say. The offensive in the south may not go smoothly, and they cannot support the war here. The retreat may be transferred to other places." To.

"Then continue fighting, these things are not what we need." The lieutenant said. Then a sergeant began to beat the Indian soldiers. They used some big thick wooden sticks. The ribs of the Indian prisoners had long been broken.

"Don't tell me," the lieutenant yelled. Translation translated to.

"How is the situation?" Modi asked in disgust. For places like prison cells, it has always been stinking, and no one wants to improve the living environment of those people.

"They just said something that is not painful. They said that after this failure, morale was relatively low. Many Indian soldiers believed that they should not launch an attack. The above was wrong. Many people never came back after the attack. , As for other places, we don't know much. After all, they are only low-level soldiers." Katcher analyzed. Indeed, these soldiers didn’t even know what happened above. The Indians’ communication status was very poor. Very often, a very uncertain news could bring extremely serious consequences. Those soldiers didn’t even know what happened to them. The southern line of the country, and what happened on the flanks.

"Damn it," Modi cursed.

"Continue to arrest." Modi ordered.

"Yes. Sir." Katcher said.

Dog Mountain, the guard Yue soldiers stopped a team of horses that looked very tired. Although everyone looked very tired, they were still moving forward.

"This is the order from above." A major Yue's officer came down and handed in an order. The soldier couldn't understand the order and could only be handed over to the officer on duty.

"The order is indeed true, but there is still a lot of danger in regaining the position just before." The officer on duty said worriedly.

"You immediately send someone to **** them over. These are military advisors sent by the Central Plains country Zhao Guo. They are very important to us. They can't have any loss." The major officer said harshly.

"Okay. Sir." The duty officer had no choice but to follow suit. They immediately let go of the passage. The carriage passed wearily. They have changed their horses several times along the way, but they are also very tired. But now they can't manage these. They need to pass here quickly. The South needs them very much to change the outcome of this war.

They need to lay a large number of mines to block the passage of the Indians to the south. This is extremely important to the development of the war, because the Yue people have formed a huge encirclement. Except for the high mountains in the east, there seems to be no passage to leave here.

Wei Guo. Girders. Chen Yu found Qin's Wenyang Bank.

"Borrowing?" a manager of Wenyang Bank asked in surprise.

"Yes, Wei needs to expand its army. This requires the support of your Qin State Bank. We can mortgage a large amount of Wei's land as collateral. Now the value of a large amount of land is very high. I think you know this." Chen I said. Chen Yu is very worried about the development of Liang's situation, because the government's inaction has led to the deterioration of law and order in Liang, and a large number of criminal cases are reported in newspapers every day. These cases pose a great threat to them. Chen Yu felt that Wei Guo could not continue like this. In this case, it will have a great impact on the development of Wei Guo's beamer, and this is the last thing I want to see.

"This, our bank doesn't have that much capital, and we still have such cooperation with the government." The manager immediately responded and said.

"This is very important to Wei Guo. I know that at present, only you can do this." Chen Yu said.

"This." The manager nodded.

"Well, I will submit your report to it. As for how to decide, it's not our business." The manager said. Chen Yu nodded and expressed his gratitude.

Qin State, Xianyang.

"The things of the Parthian Kingdom were not done." Yingyu said with a little discouragement. Although they had various assumptions, what they did not expect was that they did not expect such a thing to happen, and they achieved their expected goals. This disappointed Yingyu.

"The Parthians have been blocked in the passage of Qin State's westward development." Xiao He said.

"Shall we use war to solve them?" Yingyu asked.

"Perhaps the government has such a possibility. After all, in the Western Regions, Qin people are also actively constructing a large number of railways under construction, and railways have been laid in many places. If there is a war, although some situations are not very beneficial to us, but, The situation has been very different." Xiao He said.

"Perhaps the government does have such considerations. But for the moment, the chances of winning are still not great. The Qin Army is just in a low tide period. Military expenditures have not increased, and armaments have not been further replaced. The most important thing is that they can provide combat equipment. The soldiers are still in chaos. Fighting in such a state is obviously very inappropriate. I think you should understand this. Fighting requires a lot of money, which may not work this year." Yingyu analyzed. .

"Yeah. However, there are still many servant countries, such as Dawan and Tochara. They are limited to the suppression of the Shamans, and they are in a very bad situation. If these countries can send troops to fight, I think there are many problems. It can be solved." Xiao He put forward a bold idea.

"Yeah." Yingyu just nodded in agreement. But she knew that it was still very difficult to implement. After all, the kingdom of Anxi could not lose its combat capability at once, and he still had a great influence on the Qin Kingdom in the Western Regions.

"Okay. Let's not talk about this. Look at this, Wei Guo Chen Yu wants to borrow money to expand their armaments, which surprised me. They actually borrowed money from us, but they don't know Wei Guo. What kind of benefits can it bring?" Yingyu said.

"For Wei Guo, I think we should give up temporarily. After all, our funds are expanding too fast. We have not escaped from the entire Western Regions. If we start Wei Guo rashly, I am afraid it will distract our attention. Strength, this is not a good thing for us." Xiao He suggested. Han Shu nodded in agreement. After all, Wenyang Bank is not omnipotent. Many things do need banks to do. However, the bank's funds are also very limited.

Seth country. Within the Korean residential area.

"How is the military training?" Guo Xiang asked.

"The language barrier has caused a lot of trouble, but we are teaching them some simple signal commands. They can still accept it." Zhang Xi said.

"Yeah. I heard Zhang Bi said that in the north, the Parthians and the Seth people are at war again." Guo Xiang said.

"Fight again?" Zhang Xi asked curiously.

"Yes, I heard that it was very fierce. The Seth people launched a large-scale counterattack against the Parthians, and the Parthians can't stand it anymore. They can't resist the attack of the Seth people. I don't know how the Seth people broke through. There is no news from our side for offensive operations." Guo Xiang said.

"This, can I go and see it?" Zhang Xi asked.

"This, I don't know. It may take some time. After all, there is a war and the situation is very chaotic." Guo Xiang said worriedly.

"I just went and took a look. I want to know how those Seth people can launch offensive operations when there are no cannons or there are not enough cannons." Zhang Xi said.

"I don't know this. Maybe you will know it soon. The war between the Seth and the Shamans, I feel like a melee, we don't know what they are fighting?" Guo Xiang said. The Parthians, who initially relied on the advantages of the cavalry, gradually lost their advantage after encountering the strong defense of the city. In contrast, the advantages of the Seth people began to become obvious. This is detrimental to the rest. The situation is developing so fast.

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