"Do you think we can eat the Indian army in the encirclement?" Moran asked Meng Ping, who was analyzing the situation.

"This." Meng Ping hesitated.

"To be honest, I don’t want to hear those damned parliamentarians, and our cabinet ministers, they think we have won. But they don’t pay attention to the condition of our logistics supply line at all, if they can give us something. If you pay attention, I think the problem will be easy to solve." Moran said.

"However, I am a little pessimistic about the situation." Moran said.

"My opinion is that we have invested a total of 50,000 troops on the front line. Under such conditions." Meng Ping said.

"I think it is unlikely that we will eat up a lot of Indy's forces. Maybe we will eat a part or a large part. However, if we eat all of it, it may not be possible to solve it all." Meng Ping said.

"Yeah. But, our top thinks this is a huge victory. They are a little too optimistic. If they can give me a few regiments of cavalry to help the south, we can do that." Moran said.

Meng Ping didn't know why Moran said such words for no reason, but he thought that it might be a certain direction that put a lot of pressure on him. In fact, this is indeed the case. Moran received a letter from members of Congress. They believed that this time the Yue people would get a large piece of land and many prisoners of war. They didn’t know how many, but how many would there be. A hundred thousand is just a huge victory. However, in fact, Moran is not optimistic, because this requires a lot of troops, and an army of only 50,000 people has to deal with the encirclement of more than hundreds of thousands of troops. This sounds a bit unbelievable.

The front line of Yueshi South Line.

In Rika's defensive position, the Yue soldiers were watching the Indian soldiers who had retreated warily. There were a large number of corpses in front of their positions, but most of them were Indian soldiers. The Indian Volunteers are picking up the corpses, and they need to keep the front of the position clean.

"These **** Indian soldiers have died so many that they will not attack by reaction." A second-class soldier of the Yue family wiped his bayonet.

"The Indians will come again." The sergeant looked at the corpses. The Indian volunteers were searching for their trophies, clothes, and quite a few armor pieces, as well as various weapons, which the Yue people looked down upon. The Indian volunteers like it very much because these things can be sold for money. In addition, some officers also have some valuable things on them. This is the favorite thing of the Indian volunteers. The Indians cannot collect the corpses, but the Indian volunteers can boldly collect the corpses.

"Sergeant, how long do we have to wait? Many people were injured and could not be treated, and many people died in battle. Are we?" The second class said worriedly.

"Our reinforcements may come more slowly. At this time, nothing can compare to the reinforcements," the sergeant said. For these low-level soldiers, they are most concerned about. Reinforcements, only reinforcements came. Their situation will be completely changed.

Qin State, Xianyang.

"Yue's mood is too high." Wei Liao said to Shang Wen.

"What do you think will the Yueshi people do next?" Shang Wen said.

"Or what should be done to completely solve the Yueshi problem. After all, the Yueshi people already owe a lot of money to our banks, and our banks only have bonds. In this case, the Yueshi people cannot get great benefits. , We will not be able to get enough principal and benefits." Meng Yi said on the side.

"Yeah. The view of our Ministry of National Defense is that the Yue people cannot solve such a thing in time, or in other words, they cannot use 50,000 people to eat the other's hundreds of thousands of troops." Wei Liao said.

"If we can resolve it peacefully, I think the war can be ended. It can also be resolved by putting forward some harsher peace conditions." Meng Yi said.

"Well, but this requires the Indians to take the initiative. If the Yueshi take the initiative, they may be very passive." Shang Wen said.

"But I think I can give it a try. Because, in contrast, the Indians and the Yueshis, the Yueshis take more time, because they need a lot of time to mobilize the troops. If those troops cannot be mobilized in time If you come here, the Indians will be completely defeated. In that case, the situation of the Indians will become extremely uncomfortable." Wei Liao said.

"Well. In that case, okay, give it a try." Shang Wen nodded and said.

"Yes, how do we solve such a thing, and where to talk with them." Meng Yi said.

"This shouldn't be a problem. At the border, such things can indeed be done, and there is a lot of rest assured that you can do a lot of things." Wei Liao said.

Qin State War Department.

"You mean that winter is coming soon, and the situation in the north will be very unfavorable to them, so they think they should suspend the implementation of such a plan for a year?" Bai Dong asked an army officer.

"Yes. Sir, more things are needed in terms of logistical materials, because winter will bring extreme cold. In that case, the situation will be very bad for us. Many of our officers will freeze to death, not just that. , The Huns think so too." The officer said.

"The cold weather in the north comes very early. According to our meteorological records, when there is a cool breeze here, there may be withered grass. If you wait for about ten days, it may snow. "The officer said.

"Okay. Okay." Bai Dong is very aware of the impact of the weather, and the situation in the north is closely related to the weather. Bai Dong now dare not take military actions rashly.

The western part of the Liaobei Plain of Yan State is a mountainous area. However, they have a lot of forest resources, and the Yan people continue to expand northward, mainly to build a large number of wood processing plants and paper mills. However, those places are mountainous areas. Some mountain people can make deals with Yan people, but they will only get less and less materials, and the command of places suitable for them to settle is getting more and more north. Once the transaction becomes a contradiction, the two sides will be at war.

"Damn, these mountain people. Money has already been given to them. What's wrong." said a Yan nationality.

"Head, be careful. These mountain people are not easy to provoke." An attendant whispered to Yan from the country who was speaking loudly. They are a wood processing factory, and they mainly process wooden electric poles. Because of the laying of a large number of cable lines, especially in many countries and regions, their demand for information has become greater and greater. Yan Guo will not produce cables, mainly because there are not a lot of mineral resources, especially copper resources. They do, but they have a lot of timber resources. These timbers can be sold to many countries. At the beginning, the cables were buried underground, but soon they found some problems. As the population became more and more concentrated, Many unscrupulous people regard the copper wire of the cable as the secret of making a fortune. Many people dig out where there are cables and destroy a large number of cable lines, which has caused great losses to them. As a result, South Korea subsequently switched to erecting cables, that is, using a large number of telegraph poles for erection. In this case, the cost has risen. But it also effectively reduces the burden of patrols. Not only that, the buried cable lines need to be repaired, which is very inconvenient to repair, while the erected cables can be easily checked. Therefore, laying cables has become a common choice.

Of course. In the city, there are still quite a lot of telephone lines that need to be built, and in this way, telephone poles have become the best choice. There are a lot of timber resources available here. Therefore, the Yan people continue to develop northward, but they will inevitably conflict with the local mountain people, because the mountain people live here, they think these forest resources are their roots, and land is They lived here first.

"We won't let it." A mountain man stood up and said. He has a musket in his hand.

"His grandmother, you just have one musket. We have several muskets. Are you still afraid that you won't make it?" The Yan national would take out his musket to aim. But his men felt very frightened, because they knew the temperament of these mountain people. If the language is not harmonious, they will really launch an offensive, because their temperament is so straight that there is no time to think about what happened. This directly leads to their situation becoming extremely unfavorable.

"This. Damn it. It's not good." The attendant yelled immediately at this time. Because the mountain people have launched an offensive. They used the simplest weapon in their hands to fight the Yan people.

"Bang. Bang." Although the people of Yan State had a musket in their hands, the two sides were very close. The musket killed some people, but it greatly stimulated the murderousness of the mountain people. The two sides were beaten up for a while, and the Yan nationals, who were at a disadvantage in combat skills, were quickly defeated. Mountain people hunt in the mountains all year round, and their skills are several times better than others. This is something they absolutely cannot do. For a time, the people of Yan were defeated by the mountain people. And such a contradiction is definitely not a beginning, nor an end. Because the country of Yan is developing northward. The mountain people occupy the northern region, and the contradiction between the two sides seems to be deepening.

In the eastern part of the north, the location here is not known where it has been, but the latitude measured by Lieutenant Commander Wang Bing of the State of Qin last time is that they are already at a position above 53 degrees north latitude. They saw the sea, but someone had erected a monument there.

"We can only go north, east, and keep walking down." Moro's leader Morey said helplessly. They are a small tribe, and the whole tribe is just in their early years of 2,000 people. Their tribe has few resources, and they can't occupy many soldiers. Many powerful tribes can provide excellent cavalry and horsemen. However, the number of recruits for the people of Qin is very limited. He can't occupy much, nor can he get a lot. Therefore, his only way is to do something like coolies. This is the way of survival of the Moro Department, but their way of survival It's hard, because they do a lot of things they don't want to do.

"But, in this case, winter will come and we will encounter heavy snow. In that case, we will not be able to get through at all." Major Wang Bing said worriedly.

"This, I know, but there is no way. Our tribe needs to survive and survive. Only in this way, a hundred warriors are already our greatest strength. If we cannot get enough land this time, our tribe It will fall, and I can’t let our tribe fall like this.” Morey said firmly. He is a young leader of a few other tribes. They are not real Huns, but their living conditions are extremely humble. Many of them live in positions below poverty. According to the order of departure, those tribes with strong Huns are the first to set off. They know that by walking in the forefront, they can get more teams. As for the tribes behind, only if they surpass the front tribe, or the front tribe stops advancing, can they completely reach the place they want. The Moro Department started from the next tribe, which meant that they had to cross all areas occupied by the tribe to reach the sea. And it may be the farthest one. But Morrow had no choice. If they don't do this, their tribe will never have a chance to get ahead.

Morey is a determined middle-aged leader of the tribe. He is strong and ambitious. This is also the last tribe to go. It must have great determination to finish all the land occupied by the tribe.

"Well, it's just that we don't have a lot of supplies. How can we survive in such an environment?" Major Wang Bing asked such a question. The environment here is extremely harsh, and the disease has caused half of the Morro warriors to fall. Their supplies have long been exhausted. But Moro still insisted on advancing, they kept hunting along the way. In the face of the harsh natural environment, they had no intention of retreating. After half of the people died, their disease was brought under control, and the death toll was quickly brought under control.

"We can hunt, but we must move forward. This is what we must do. No one can stop us." Morey said.

"We need to get more land. If our tribe cannot get so much land, our tribe will be annexed by other tribes. This is a cruel fact." Chief Morey said.

"Okay. Okay." Major Wang Bing said.

"I also want to know, after arriving in the Eastern Sea Area, what other places can reach places we don't know. In addition, we still need a lot of places we don't know." Major Wang Bing said.

"Well, do you think there are islands in those sea areas unexpectedly?" Chief Morey said at this time.

"What do you mean?" Wang Bing asked puzzledly.

"I mean, our horses have consumed too much. At the moment they have no strength to ride us forward. And they carry very few supplies." Chief Morey said.

"That's true." Major Wang Bing couldn't help looking at their horse team. When they set off, they had more than 400 horses. But along the way, their horses kept falling down, attacked by wild beasts, injured, killed, and lost. In addition, there were various accidents along the way, plus various diseases. The number of horses is declining as quickly as people, at the most helpless moments. Especially when there is no food, they will kill their horses. This is the last thing they want to see. As a result, their horses have rapidly reduced from the current number of less than sixty horses, and these horses have no strength to move forward. The long journey consumes too much energy from them. They slept too much, I'm afraid they will be eaten sooner or later.

"We can build ships, we can go forward by boat, even though we don't know how to row a boat, and we have never done a boat, but this is the only feasible way for us." Morey proposed such a method. They are actively looking for land, but in many places, the tribes from the east have taken the lead. They can only keep moving forward.

"In this way, we can find some islands. Those islands may be larger. In addition, we can reduce the load on some horses. If we continue to move forward, we will need to walk on two legs. In that case, we may not go far. Not only that, but we still can’t move forward to one of our most needed places. Our horses have lost their last chance. So, I think that boating may be our only choice. ." Morey said.

"Well, this is the last choice." Wang Bing said. He is no stranger to sailing, but these Moro warriors, are they okay? Wang Bing suspected. But now he has to do it. Because their horses have reached the end.

"Well, maybe this is our only choice." Wang Bing agreed.

"But I think we should leave some people here, they may become our forward base, so that when we return one day, they are still there, maybe those horses can help us, after all, we can't always go by boat. Arrived in the State of Qin. Someone needs to bring the news back." Wang Bing thought about it for a while.

"Yeah. It just so happens that some of us can't move forward, they got a big disease. I hope they can live. In this way, we can also reduce some pressure, which is still very helpful to us." Morey said .

"In that case, it is the best choice. I also agree to do this." Wang Bing said. Immediately they began to prepare. As everyone knows, they are exploring an area they have never reached before.

Poverty, and the tribe’s search for a new way out, caused the Moro Department to become even more mad. They could only continue to move north and east. In this way, they would become extremely mad. Only in this way can they have a way out. Eastward.

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