In Mengla, a strange team passed by Li Shiqi's car. They are all made up of Mengla people. In fact, Li Shiqi himself could not identify whether they were Mengla people. But they look very weird.

They carried a statue of a clay god, which looked like a Central Plains man, but the way it was made was a bit like the locals.

"Sir, they seem to be Taoist people. The one above is." His guard said to Li Shiqi like this.

"Taoism?" Li Shiqi looked at his guard in confusion.

"Sir, look. They wrote Shintoism. They also have yellow armbands on their arms. Taoism is on them." The guard said to Li Shiqi.

"Taoism? What kind of religion is this?" Li Shiqi asked inexplicably.

"I don't know, but it's been a while since I looked at them," the guard said. Li Shi himself was puzzled. This is the first time he has encountered such a thing. In fact, this Taoism came from the Kingdom of Chu. It was compiled by a few yin and yang families who cheated on food and drink. Just like Confucianism, Confucianism can use Confucianism. They naturally used Taoism Laozi to make up such a Taoism. In this way, it will be available on the Western Continent. Of the two original religions, one is Confucianism. One is Taoism. However, Taoism seems to cheat and cheat more. After all, they do not have a clear religious purpose. In contrast, they are more pursuing eating and drinking, and in this attack on heretics, they did their best. Possibly occupy some land, these are the roots of their development.

Inside Zhang Shi's office.

"The bank has reached a preliminary agreement with the Occupy Prussian country in order to resolve the financial crisis of the Occupy Prussian country as soon as possible. They have authorized the bank to form a South Korean Union Bank on the Western Continent. They will have a bank. To issue the government bonds of the Occupy Prussian country uniformly, the bonds can be circulated, in fact, it is a kind of deformed circulation paper currency. In this way, they can solve the fiscal crisis of the Occupy Prussian country. As a compensation, every two bonds issued Banks can get a bond shop as a fee for issuing bonds." Zhang Dahui said.

"What I am worried about is that these bonds will have a great impact on us." Zhang Shi said worriedly. After all, although these bonds have a certain value, the amount of issuance is too large and it is extremely scary.

"So, the Occupy Prussian country is paying the cost of keeping the newly occupied land in the north, as well as their taxes. And the future spoils to pay back. If the Occupy Prussian government does not exist, the situation will become extremely bad. ." Zhang Dahui said.

"Okay. This is something businessmen participated in the establishment. We can't do that. After all. Our current affairs have not been resolved. There are still many attacks in Bangla, and our forces are still scattered. We can't do it for the time being. Nothing can help them." Zhang Shi said. Attacks on heretics intensified. Zhang Shi did not stop it. In contrast, more native soldiers joined in, because this could bring great benefits. More unnamed land became the industry of the military government, which many native soldiers could imagine. They can get a share of their own land, so that they don't have to work hard to do something that is not worthwhile.

In this regard, Zhang Shi is extremely conniving. The wider the scope of the attack, the more land he gets. He is naturally unwilling to interfere with the progress of any such thing. As for the issue of religion, or other issues. He is no longer interested.

"Yes. Sir. But we need to complete the armament affairs as soon as possible. After all, the demand for armaments is increasing." Zhang Dahui said.

On Zhang Xiong Island. The arsenal expanded again.

"This time we need to expand more musket assembly plants. This requires some labor to complete such a thing. The only way is to transfer some Menglais or people from other places from the western continent, and they will do something like this." The director of the arsenal said with his notepad.

"Well. Just do this. Now the demand for munitions is getting bigger and bigger. If needed, maybe we need to build an artillery factory here." Yu Ziqi said.

"What? Sir, the artillery factory, here we are?" The other party asked in an unbelievable tone.

"Yes. It's the artillery factory. Now they are demanding more and more artillery. You know how big the demand is in this regard. The army of Occupy Prussia needs expansion, and Seth, they need more artillery. Such a In the future, this demand will become greater and greater." Yu Ziqi said.

"So, we must have an artillery factory." Yu Ziqi said.

"But, we won't. These artillery is not a simple assembly of muskets. We are now unable to mass-produce the barrels of muskets. This is a great embarrassment for us. "The director of the arsenal said embarrassingly.

The arsenal of Zhang Xiongdao simply produces some bullets and assembles muskets. Many raw materials are still transferred from northern countries. If the supply of raw materials is stopped, their military production will be nothing. Therefore, their production status is still very embarrassing.

"This. You can think of other ways to make up for it, or use other methods for production. As long as you can produce some powerful weapons, I think it is still possible." Yu Ziqi said. For Seth, there are also a large number of arms orders from other countries. His military production cannot be satisfied, especially for artillery. They can only produce some muskets, but they cannot produce powerful artillery. It's the situation they face.

"This, it's difficult. We can't produce such things as artillery, but." The director of the arsenal seemed to have thought of something at this time.

"There are also some bamboos here. We have produced some fireworks bombs. These things can be exploded if they fly. If these things can be made into rockets, I think they are still possible. This is." Speaking of embarrassment.

"Rocket, yes, rocket, I forgot this thing, Qin State can produce it, just like artillery shells, if these things can be sold, it is absolutely worth it." Yu Ziqi said excitedly.

"But we don’t know how to do that kind of thing. Anyway, the range is not guaranteed. The most important thing is the accuracy of the head. This kind of thing, obviously flying out towards the enemy, can eventually fly back by itself and blow up our own people. The situation is not so good," said the director of the arsenal.

"You think of ways to improve, maybe there is a good way. In short, you must do something like this. This thing can be shipped out on a large scale. In the future, Zhang Xiongdao can make such a weapon." Yu Ziqi said excitedly. The director of the arsenal nodded helplessly.

He knew that those so-called rocket bombs were nothing more than large folk fireworks. That thing was originally a kind of folk fireworks. They sent a few craftsmen from the north. They would make such things, but this kind of thing was used for it. To kill the enemy, the director of the arsenal really didn't know that such a thing had such a usefulness.

Yue State, Parliament. The meeting has just ended. The councillors left here to eat in twos and threes.

"I was dizzy just now. Do you understand what it means?" a middle-aged congressman asked. When several members heard this, they shook their heads to indicate that they did not understand, but they nodded suddenly to indicate that they understood.

"Do you understand, don't shake your head for a while, nod for a while, this kind of thing is very difficult for us. This is the issue of bonds, the other is the issuance of paper money, and then the purchase is with gold coins. Yes, I don't understand such a thing." The middle-aged congressman asked.

"Oh, don't talk about things like this. You didn't figure it out, don't make us understand it. We seem to understand something. In short, what I know is that the Yue government has no money, so it must do this. No money, let’s know, we don’t have much money. In this way, we can’t do a lot of things. This battle is over. Some soldiers want to leave the army. They want to do something when they leave the army. But, without money, they How to arrange them. So, our Yue government has to issue bonds again. Therefore, this time the bonds are mainly land bonds. They are issued to the soldiers. They can sell these bonds and exchange them for cash and gold coins, and then the gold coins will be completed. Back in the hands of our government, the government has the money to do a lot of things. In short, that's it." Said a congressman waving his arm.

"You explain it this way, as if I understand it a bit. What you mean is that the government has money. Soldiers have land. We seem to have borrowed money from the bank. And all the problems have been solved." The middle-aged congressman said.

"Yes, yes, that's what it means. Anyway, you have to understand it this way. Anyway, this kind of thing is solved. Do you understand? Oh, my head, my headache is dead. No, I want to drink a drink. Sober up.” A member of the Congress left here while touching his head.

Fan Dou’s plan was messed up in the Moon Council, or confused, because a series of plans such as bonds, banknotes, and gold coin repurchases made the members very confused. Chaos, the members of the Yue government did not understand it, nor did the government understand it. They just knew that all their problems could be resolved after this bond issuance. For them, there is such a good thing, they Naturally willing to do it, after all, they have solved all their problems, which is a very good thing for them.

Qin State, Xianyang.

"This kind of remarks came from the upper echelons of Dawan, especially the members of Congress. They believed that this was an alarmist talk of our Qin State. They believed that Qin’s actions caused an increase in Dawan’s military expenditure." Wei Liao said to Shangwen worriedly To.

"According to our latest aerial reconnaissance, at the border of Dawan, the Parthians did not increase their military strength. We speculate that it may be related to the movement of the Parthians. It may take some time for them to mobilize the army, but we still have no relevant aspects. Evidence shows that the main purpose of the Parthians is to target the Dawan people." Wei Liao said to Shangwen.

"In any case, I think that Dawan is a bit too rash. If the Parthians really launch an offensive, the situation will become very dangerous when their forces can no longer resist." Meng Yi on the side worried. Speaking of. he knows. Wait until they realize the danger. It is obviously impossible to collect the army and conduct simple training. Because at that time, the Parthians will launch a lightning attack, and everything will end.

"Do you have any way to persuade the Dawan people to expand their armaments?" Shang Wen asked.

"Well, we haven't been able to explain these problems. The most important thing is that we really don't know whether the Parthians will attack. Although they do, from the perspective of their habits and their way of thinking, , We have no evidence. The worst thing is that we can't let the people of Dawan take such a risk, which will greatly affect the source of our minerals. These minerals are a huge temptation for us. Qin can't Lose such mineral resources." Wei Liao said.

"However, we also thought of some ways. Our people think that we should falsify the intelligence and provide a false intelligence to prepare the Dawan people. After all. When the Dawan people are fully assembled, we will do it again. It's too late to prepare." Wei Liao said.

"What do you think?" Shang Wen asked Meng Yi.

"I agree to do this. After all, the Dawan People's Council seems to have forgotten that they have lost half of their land. Such disasters will happen, but they don't seem to remember at all." Meng Yi said.

"Well, I agree to do this. After all, military armament is not a simple matter. If we can start as soon as possible and solve some crises, I personally think that we can agree to do this. After all, there is no need to continue this way. "Shang Wen said.

"Well, I will do this later." Wei Liao nodded and agreed.

Dawan, Ministry of Defense.

"Damn it, why does the parliament have such an idea?" Dawan Defense Minister said worriedly. He really did not expect that the Ministry of National Defense could come up with such a thing. They thought it was a false news unilaterally provided by the Qin State. Their purpose was to make the Dawan government spend more money. In that case, Money will be consumed in large amounts.

"Sir, there is no way. After all, as of now, we have not grasped the possibility that the Parthians must use troops against us. We have no evidence of this. What I know is that Qin has been very desperate. Collecting such information, it is a pity that we can only prove such a thing through information from the State of Qin." An officer said.

"Yes, the evidence, what you said is right, the evidence, as long as we have the evidence in this regard, the matter may be resolved in this way." The Secretary of Defense said.

"However, they seem to have not found such evidence so far. If time continues to wait, the situation may be really bad. After all, time is wasted every minute and a second. We can't wait any longer." The officer worried. Speaking of.

"We have to do something, that is, it is okay for our reserve forces to conduct some training, but will they do it?" the Secretary of Defense asked suspiciously.

Qin State Army Department, Army Equipment Experimental Field.

"This is a rapid-fire artillery. He can shoot out twelve to twenty light artillery shells in one minute, and the rate of fire is very fast." A lieutenant colonel weapons officer is introducing an artillery.

"But his caliber is only two and a half inches, but there are many types of shells, a solid shell, the main purpose is to attack some hard targets. The other is a grenade, which mainly kills some soft targets. The range is more than 2500 steps, the most The important thing is that he is very light, two horses can carry artillery, and cannonballs run around, and then our cavalry units will be equipped with such rapid-fire artillery to move back and forth. They can get a lot of firepower. The advantage.” The weapon lieutenant colonel said.

Newton looked at the artillery with interest. It was a brand new light artillery. It looked much lighter than the original artillery they used. The most important thing was power. Their power increased a lot. They had it for the first time. A weapon that can fight at two thousand steps away. This is an amazing weapon. Newton thought so.

"In addition, there are new rifles. He can shoot fast, achieve amazing requirements in the rate of fire, and the range of the bullet can reach an amazing 1,000 steps. This is an amazing shooting distance. Most importantly, Bullets are expensive." The lieutenant colonel said with a smile.

"The cost of a bullet is more than two and a half dollars." The officer said. Hearing this, Newton looked at the all-brass bullet in surprise. So is the cannonball. He didn't know how much the combined price of those shells and all-copper bullets would cost. He knew that equipping all armies with such weapons would cost a lot.

"So, for all cavalry units equipped with such a weapon, as well as infantry units, the Qin army will spend a lot of money. Therefore, our army has been reduced a lot. The cavalry division will appear, but more Most of them will use the brigade organization. This organization is being considered above. The size of the army may not be very large." The lieutenant colonel continued.

"In addition, there are even greater prices for consuming bullets. The consumption of machine guns and machine guns. The consumption of ammunition has to make us reconsider the cost price of using a new force." The lieutenant colonel said.

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