"Report sir." A Karachi sentry reported. General Hasi nodded.

"Go ahead," General Hasi said.

"Sir. The Yueshi did not attack us. Their main force has gone south. The main Indy troops are crossing the Indy River. A line of Yueshi has already established a bridgehead there. But the two sides are very harmonious." The sentry reported. In order to further speed up the study with the northern and central plains countries. In Karachi, officers and senior soldiers are actively learning the Central Plains language, which is a positive sign.

"In this way, those Yue people didn't initiate further conflicts with us?" Zhang Si said from the side.

"Well. In this way, I am worried that their army will accumulate further. In that case, the situation may not be good for us. There must be conflicts between us and the Yueshi people." General Hasi said.

"For now, two factions have formed in the city. Some people should abandon Karachi city and leave here. In this case, the situation may be very beneficial to us. After all, our people have not lost much, but we Karachi But a lot of land was lost. This is a huge disaster for us, which is extremely detrimental to us." General Hasi said.

"The other faction believes that we should stick to it. As long as we defeat the Yueshi, the Yueshi will give us the respect we deserve." General Hasi said.

"We should stick to it. Earn the respect we deserve." Zhang Si said.

"However, we still need your help and ask you to provide the support we need as soon as possible." General Hasi said.

"Well, we will." Zhang Si nodded and said.

In Myanmar, the northern region, the people in the colonial strongholds here are collecting stones from the north to pave roads. As their farms become larger and larger, roads have become their most important needs. Some new immigrants from the mainland are now more They set up farms far away. They not only grow rice, but also grow some cash crops. These economic actions will give them huge economic benefits, but they have to solve some road problems, because these things can only be transported to the port area. sell away.

"Bang." With a loud noise, a stone was exploded. Gunpowder here is not only a weapon of defense, but also an important tool. They need a lot of explosives when they encounter mountains to make a way. The local indigenous people are extremely afraid of gunpowder. They think that only gods and ghosts can master such things, and those outsiders But mastered such a thing.

"Look, this, this stone, green." A young man suddenly touched a stone and said.

"Look at it, this one is still there." Other people also stepped forward and curiously touched the stone and said.

"It's so beautiful. If you take it back, you can make jewelry for my wife." A man touched the stone and said.

"Oh my God. Don't move." A middle-aged man said excitedly.

"This. This is jade. No, this is jade." The middle-aged man said excitedly.

"Emerald, jade." The people present looked at the jade in their hands in surprise, and they realized that they had found the precious jade when they were paving the way.

"This thing is very expensive." The middle-aged man said excitedly.

"Quickly, everyone is looking for it, maybe we are all rich. We are rich." The man exclaimed excitedly. Then he quickly lowered his body to search for the jade beside him, and at the same time he frantically searched for the stones he could see nearby. When other people saw this, they panicked to find all the stones they could see around them. For a while, those worthless stones became invaluable, and people crazily gathered to find a stone.

Dawan, in the territory, is a small copper mine town.

"Thorn." An infantry sergeant who had retired from the State of Qin shouted loudly.

"Haha." Some Dawan militiamen pierced out with their bayonet-mounted rifles, while more people carried wooden sticks, some of them looked like a rifle, but most of them carried a wooden stick.

"Report. Sir." A young Dawan shouted reluctantly.

"Stop, what's the matter?" the sergeant asked impatiently.

"Sir, it's really meaningless to stab like this, and we don't go to the battlefield. It's good for everyone to take a break. Besides. We don't have guns. The war is all about the soldiers, we." The young man said dissatisfied.

"That's right, we don't have money. This stick is a stick. Besides, who knows where the rest are, can they come over? With this time, it's better to go for a drink. We all came down from the mine and we were tired. Very, this kind of operation is not necessary." Many people said.

"You," the sergeant said helplessly. People here make a lot of money by mining, but they are more enjoyment. They buy all the good things in Qin State. After all, copper mines are rising rapidly. They naturally have a lot of money in their hands. They are naturally unwilling to do such drudgery as military affairs. In their opinion, this kind of thing has nothing to do with them.

The Ministry of National Defense of Dawan accepted Qin’s suggestion and carried out some mobilization of militia. All young men who are suitable for military service took up weapons for relevant training. It is said that some Dawan women are also within the conscripting range, but they are more Like to do some things, that is, do some hospital nursing work.

"Forget it. What's the matter with your love? Disband." The sergeant also said helplessly. He was hired. It’s a pity that the people here didn’t realize that the danger was coming. Dawan was so rich, and the Anthians happened to have experienced a huge failure. How could they be able to face such a situation? Will rest assured to wait. There is definitely danger.

"Sir, don't be angry. We are such people. Life here is very easy. We don't think the rest will come." A young man with a wooden stick walked over and said.

"I won't come. When I come, everything will be too late. Our reconnaissance airship has been monitoring, but your army has been unable to arm itself." The sergeant said angrily.

"There is no way. People have money to buy wine and drink, and they don't want to watch their country exist." The young man said worriedly.

"Forget it. We can't manage such things anymore." The sergeant said irritably. Then left here.

In the waters east of Qingcheng, Jiaozhou, two Qi State merchant ships are traveling together. They are still safe here because they are protected by the South Korean Navy, but once they reach the South China Sea, the situation there is different.

"Don't be nervous, don't be nervous," the captain said easily.

"This time, we are going to Wuyue Port in Chu State, where there is a large amount of silk. Let's load the ship there, and then go to the western continent for a walk." The captain waved his arm and said to all the sailors. They are sailors and bodyguards. These are people who are bankrupt or have nowhere to survive. Only such people can come out to be sailors. Although they have relatively little ocean-going experience, they still know where their way out is. Only sailors can. Give them so much money.

"Captain, what about our safety?" a sailor asked worriedly.

"Our ship has two artillery pieces. I heard that those pirates have at least dozens of artillery pieces. Those artillery pieces are fired in caliber, and we are all screened." A sailor said with great worry.

"Don't worry, let's go with Chu's navy and Chu's merchant ships. Qi's navy is unreliable, unreliable." The captain said helplessly.

"There is the Chu navy. Although the Chu navy is not as good as the South Korean navy, at least it is the navy. They can also provide great protection. I think, this time, the danger is reduced by at least five." The middle-aged man nodded and said.

"Well, if this is the case, that would be great. I thought we would be out this time and we won't be able to go back." Another sailor said worriedly.

"Captain, look at the twelve o'clock direction, there are two ships approaching." The lookout post shouted.

"What?" The captain quickly went up to the high platform to check the situation, and the others became nervous, because they did not expect that they would encounter such a situation at this time. The captain was worried.

"Don't worry, don't worry, I can't do anything about the Korean Navy here. Some people dare to make big things here." Although the captain is still worried, he keeps his share of the captain's composure, so that the crew can see I also feel confident.

"Captain, look over there, it seems to be a warship of the South Korean Navy." At this moment, a crew member said to the captain. The captain took the telescope in his hand and looked at the seven o'clock direction, and a warship swiftly approached. South Korea’s ships are very fast, and they have always paid attention to speed instead of other factors. The captain was relieved when he saw the Korean warship.

With the retiring of time, the three teams slowly gathered. The Korean warships looked at the Qi warships. The Korean warships were very fast. They were fast and slow for a while, while the Qi warships that came up kept going south. They seemed to care nothing about the surrounding Korean warships.

South Korean warship.

"This is the iron tortoise." A sailor said to another private on the side.

"How do you fight this thing? You see there are iron armors on it." The second-class soldier said a little hairy.

"What to be afraid of is that they have iron armor and are also made of wood. If their masts are knocked down, they will not be able to walk. This thing always has weaknesses. Setting fire is not good, there are other places to fight. In short, don't be afraid, this sea , Our South Korea is still the boss." Said the sailor.

On the Qi State Warship.

"The speed of the Korean navy is very fast. Our artillery is a little difficult to aim. If we can't hit them, they will run away." The captain of the Qi State warship said worriedly. He looked at the ships of the South Korean Navy. Although their protection capabilities are relatively weak, they use wooden armor, that is, heavy planks. Such warships can reduce the weight as much as possible, and their speed is very fast in comparison. Their protective ability is not very high compared to iron armor. Especially when it comes to heavy artillery, their situation is even worse.

"Yes, Captain, but, we also have our advantages. We have iron armor. For such a ship, they have to see if they have a good mouth. If they don't, we will let their front teeth knock. "The first officer said disapprovingly.

"Yeah. Okay. We are going to Wuyue Port, and then down the coastal line to see if there are any pirates. This time we must give those pirates some color." The captain said. He looked at the Korean ship and then moved to the sea.

On the Qi State merchant ship, the sailors looked at the left side for a while, and then looked at the right side. They were comparing the power of the Qi State warship with the Korean warship.

"Look, our Qi country's warship and iron armor, the caliber of the artillery on it is bigger than my head, it is estimated that it can knock people into the air." A young sailor marveled.

"However, our Qi country's warship is not as fast as the Korean warship. You see the speed of others, it's fast, let's." A sailor said unconfidently.

"You guy, really, how do you help outsiders to speak? This warship is also our Qi country, this is our Qi country’s own navy. This kind of warship is only our Qi country. I think, our Qi country’s war. The boat is very powerful," the other party said. The others nodded in agreement. No one will belittle the value of their country’s warship.

"It's a pity that our ship cannot provide protection, and we still need protection from others. What use is it for such a navy?" Some Qi State sailors shook their heads and said. This is the sore spot of the Qi State Navy, they cannot provide such protection.

"That's right. Look at those ships. The fastest speed is slower than ours. If it weren't for us to slow down, they wouldn't be able to catch up. There are no warships that are slower than our merchant ships. "The second officer said dissatisfiedly.

Zhao Kingdom, Handan, Guo Kai's prime minister's residence.

"Where is this place?" A businessman from Wei State asked curiously. He planned to import some ironware from Zhao State to Qi State. He heard that the demand there was very large, so he came to take a look. At the gate of the Prime Minister's Mansion, he saw a large number of luxury carriages. These carriages looked very comfortable and extremely expensive.

"Hehe, I don't know, this is the prime minister's mansion, Zhao's prime minister's mansion, and Guo Da's prime minister's mansion." A Zhao countryman said dissatisfiedly.

"What are these horse-drawn carriages?" Wei State businessman asked puzzledly.

"It needs to be asked. It is the car of the merchants, that is, those of the speculative bankers. Such cars can only be used by them, as well as those of the big merchants, factory owners, and nobles. Now they are turning a lot of gifts into Piles of the prime minister’s house to give away." Zhao Guoren said.

"Here." The merchants of Wei state obviously didn't see such a scene. Many cars stuck at the door and couldn't get in, but there were too many servants carrying gifts. Many people came in and very few people came out. If it's not that Guo Kai's family is very big, it is estimated that there may be so many people.

"What is this? I heard that the gifts of the prime minister's family are piled up like a mountain. What ginseng, gold, and various treasures are countless. You don't know. The jade inside is the same as the stone. The same, the floor is enough. There is also gold or something, the prime minister is not rare at all." Zhao Guoren said.

"This, why is this?" Wei Guo businessman asked puzzledly.

"Why, why, say it is to contract projects or something, Zhao Guo issued a large number of bonds, who knows who will buy such bonds in the end, the new bonds are worthless, the old ones are very valuable, **** it, I There is no such blessing. If I knew it, I followed my neighbor to buy some. Now the bonds are much more expensive." The Zhao Guoren said with a bit of frustration.

"Brother hasn't said why this is?" the businessman asked curiously.

"Why is this, that is, giving gifts, giving bribes, accepting bribes, they all say this. Zhao Guo has issued a large number of bonds. With bonds, more bonds can be issued, and then the government has money, as if to build some public Facilities include roads, highways, railways, and all kinds of things. Anyway, you spend money. After you have these things, Zhao’s economy can develop. I don’t know what the Prime Minister said. Not only that, after the nobles and the bank leaders heard it, they went crazy into the Prime Minister’s Mansion, saying that they wanted to make some contributions to the country, and then began to build a lot of these facilities. No, the gifts seemed to be for For such things, whoever sends more can get more. Anyway, the money will come from the country. We don't know. As long as the benefits can be obtained, we don't care." Zhao Guoren said.

The Wei State businessman nodded, indicating that he understood.

"However, such a blatant and open bribery. This. Isn't this bad for the country." said the businessman.

"Hehe, what they said is for the country. Who knows about such a thing? Now that they say so. They naturally have their own reasons. What else can we say. If they do this, let them do it. We can't help it either." Zhao Guoren said.

Guo Kai naturally worried about what happened to Zhao Guo. The most important thing is that the reporters said something right and wrong in the newspaper. Guo Kai was very smart. He actively faced those reporters and kept silent about giving gifts. It's a big talk about Zhao's future, describing a beautiful scene of Zhao's future. Such a scene makes everyone feel longing, as if they have already done all this right in front of them.

However, newspapers have reported such things. For example, the article titled "Let’s Relations" talked about such a thing wildly in the article, but it did not attract people’s attention. People were concerned about the rising old. Bonds, as well as new bonds whose prices have fallen to the extreme. At the same time, Zhao’s economic development prospects are very good. A lot of facilities need to be built. People are concerned about this. As for gifts, they are all small.

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