The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 2908: Marketing rockets

South Korea, Xinzheng. A textile factory that is closing down frequently. They mainly produce blended materials. If it is not winter and the demand for blended materials is large, they may go bankrupt.

The main demand in winter is a blend of linen and wool. This material is wear-resistant and keeps warm. But this kind of material is not popular in the South, especially in the Indian market, and this kind of material is only in demand in winter.

"Our factory can't go on like this. If this goes on, our factory will go bankrupt." said a young production supervisor.

"That is, we only produce, but the products produced cannot be sold. What is the use. This is still useless for us. We must change our strategy. Otherwise, we will not be able to survive at all. ." Other supervisors said.

"Just be quiet," the manager said loudly.

"I also know that the current situation of our factory is not good. Recently, the price of coal has risen. As a result, the cost price of our factory will continue to rise, but the products cannot be sold, and the product competition continues. It is very for us. We have to work **** new products and costs.” At this time, the manager said.

"Manager, our factory has always used blended materials. The materials are all linen. This summer, linen can be used, but it is not resistant. Moreover, every major textile factory needs this thing now, and the price of the material has naturally risen. So. . We can't continue holding such materials at all." The supervisor said.

"Well, keep talking, maybe we can find new materials." The manager nodded and said.

"Recently, I found a new type of material from the south on the market. I heard that the Indians, the Mengla people, and the Zhanpu people use such materials. Such materials are light and can be used. The most important thing to make into winter clothes is that this material is cheap, and it is produced in both places in Bangla, and in the whole of India. How much is the transportation cost. After it is delivered, we can produce it on a large scale. It's a good thing for us." The supervisor said.

"What material? Tell me quickly." The manager said anxiously.

"This material is called cotton, the cotton next to the wooden word, this kind of cotton. It works very well," the supervisor said.

"The most important thing is that the price is cheap. We can use it on a large scale," said the supervisor.

"This stuff is mainly cheap because no one wants it. However, this kind of cotton still needs some equipment, mainly for processing some cotton seeds. After all, we don't have such experience." The supervisor suggested.

"Whatever? We want to use this thing, and now the textile factory can no longer survive. Only by doing this, we can solve all the problems. Understand?" The manager decided.

Outside Palau. In the camp of the Zhanpu army. A carriage stopped here. This is the munitions warehouse of the Occupy General Army, and the security here is unprecedentedly strict.

"How is it?" Song Pu asked.

"Have you bought what you want?" Song Pu asked Prince Holly curiously. Song Pu worried that Prince Holly did not get what he wanted.

"Got it. I can't wait to try it. I want to know the power of those rockets." Prince Holly said excitedly.

"You can try it." Song Pu encouraged. Because it was the first time that he heard that South Korea had such weapons, he was also looking forward to such weapons.

"Wait a moment, our people can prepare for launch. But you still need your people to experiment." Prince Holly said. Song Pu nodded. Song Pu felt very doubtful whether a new weapon could change the situation on the battlefield, but after all, the new weapon can bring a great shock, and the effect of this shock is still relatively large.

Karachi City.

"Rocket?" General Hasi asked, looking at Zhang Si.

"Yes, a rocket, a weapon that can hit two or three miles and can be launched continuously. As long as you order and the bank contributes, I think the problem will not be too big." Zhang Si encouraged.

"Okay, we'll buy five thousand rounds. But you'd better store some. If it's good, I think we will use more." General Hasi said.

"No problem, our people have already been transported here. I believe that in a short time, the situation here will change a lot." Zhang Si confidently said. He doesn't know what kind of weapons the country has sent him, but the telegram promotes such weapons. Whether such weapons can change the situation of the war, he is still a little worried.

Within the Ministry of Defense of Dawan. A weapon salesman from the State of Qin is selling the shotgun in his hand. This weapon is not very expensive and powerful. The most important thing is that it is easy to operate.

"That's it," the weapon salesman said.

"Crack." The pumped shotgun pulled it, then fired, of course this is a simulation.

"This is a photo of a shotgun shot at a distance of 30 paces. The one-inch-thick wooden plank can easily be beaten like this. If the rest cavalry invades on a large scale in the future, they will inevitably enter the town and be in the narrow streets. The function of the shotgun is very broad. We Qin people call him the trench broom, because he can easily solve the enemy in the trench. Similarly, in the narrow streets, the role of the shotgun is also very powerful. The most important thing is. Yes, it is easy to operate and can be used in large-scale equipment. The price of bullets is also one-third of the price of ordinary copper shell bullets, but they are much more powerful." The salesman said.

"Such a musket is very suitable for use in street fighting. Think about it. Our people, holding such a weapon and rushing through the trenches, are difficult for the enemy to resist. Under such conditions, no one wants to resist like this. ." The salesman said.

"Can our militiamen just learn a little bit? Especially in street fighting." the Ministry of National Defense asked.

"Yes. In the street fighting." The salesman nodded and said.

"If you can, you can give it a try. This is a very good defensive weapon. If the tactics are proper, it will cause a lot of casualties to the enemy, of course, in the offensive." The salesman strongly recommended.

The Minister of Defense Dawan nodded in agreement. He knew too well about the combat effectiveness of the Dawan militia. The rest cavalry used a lot of flintlocks in their attack last time, and the smoke enveloped the town. The residents of the town did not know how to resist. Their crazy tilting of ammunition, fear, and tension made them extremely Got crazy. However, if such weapons are used, the rate of fire can not only be accelerated, but the most important thing is that they can kill each other on a large scale. The only thing he can do is to strengthen Dawan without further increasing their military expenditure. The country's own defensive power, apart from these, he has no choice.

"Well, we order five thousand weapons. If it is good, we will order more weapons." Dawan Defense Minister thought for a while and said.

"Yeah. Okay. That's it, we will satisfy your wishes." The salesman nodded. he knows. He sold another batch of such weapons. The Dawan people are in need of their own defense, because in the absence of training and no tactical command, it is impossible to expect those who have never fought a war to learn to shoot and kill at once. Flintlock is more than extreme. Complicated, in a tense battlefield environment, people are prone to mistakes. In order to avoid such mistakes, the only way is to use such new weapons, which can reduce the trouble caused by some mistakes.

Seth country. A messenger from the rest was sitting there with a little excitement.

"They need artillery." Zhang Bi said to Guo Xiang, Zhang Xi and others.

"They said that they could give gold, camels, cows and sheepskins, and they could also give slaves. They had prisoners of war in their hands. I heard that they began to exchange prisoners of war with Seth, gold coins for prisoners of war, and they still had some gold coins in their hands. . However, they need a portable artillery. And it is very powerful, which is very important to them.” Zhang Bi explained.

"But where are we going to find artillery for them, you know, we don't have many artillery here at all." Guo Xiang said with great difficulty.

"This, I know, but we must meet their needs, otherwise our cooperation will be terminated, we better hold him down, this is an opportunity. That is, we build the artillery ourselves. We also have to sell them, or , You want a weapon that can replace artillery, the best. Hurry up, otherwise, they will be very dissatisfied." Zhang Bi said.

"Wait, I remembered one thing. I received a telegram from Zhang Xiongdao asking me to promote their new weapon, called rocket bomb. I know that the people of Qin once had such a weapon. This kind of weapon can Large-scale face-to-face killing. This weapon is very powerful. If they really have such a weapon, we can sell it to them. But we have to charge a commission." Zhang Xi said at this time.

"Rocket?" Guo Xiang asked curiously. For non-military personnel. Rockets are an unfamiliar weapon.

"However, don't worry too much. That kind of weapon does not have high accuracy. Moreover, they are produced by themselves. I think it is difficult for them to have high accuracy without technical support. Under such conditions , I think they will definitely not have too high demands, so I think we should sell them to them. Anyway, what they want is artillery. A rocket is not heavy, and most importantly, they can be launched on a large scale. With enough density, they can plough the ground again." Zhang Xi said indifferently.

"Gudong." Guo Xiang swallowed. And Zhang Xi looked indifferent.

"However, we are very curious about what they want to do when they buy so many gun-like weapons. Under such conditions, I hope they can continuously provide more weapons." Zhang Xi said. In contrast, Zhang Xi was even more curious about the next target of the Restoration, whether it was the Kingdom of Seth in the west or the Kingdom of Dawan. Zhang Xi’s feelings told him that the possibility of Dawan might be higher. Because Seth did not have much money, they were devastated enough by the war. The Parthians need a lot of money to buy arms. At the same time improve their living standards. Under such conditions, the only way is to launch an attack on the Dawan people. Because he has read the newspaper and knows that the Dawan people have sold a lot of minerals, and those minerals have brought great wealth.

Wealth is also a sin, because it will produce a huge temptation, it is easy for people to launch an offense.

"Okay. Just do that and I'll tell the other party. But how many do you plan to ship?" Zhang Bi asked at this time.

"I think, at least one hundred thousand. You must know that there are many armies of the Parthians. Maybe they can't meet this demand." Zhang Xi said.

"Okay. That's it." Zhang Bi said.

State of Zhao, Handan. Inside the first military factory.

"The orders of the military factory should not only look at the people of Qin, but also the military of Zhao. You should look at other places, such as the grenades you make, and see if you can sell them to other people, such as Seth people, or The rest, they also need such powerful weapons. After all, this explosive weapon can be comparable to artillery." Li Mu suggested to the factory director.

"Yes, General, we have done this. However, there are still some technical problems that have not been solved. We just earned a processing fee. The explosives come from Qin, and the launch tube also comes from Qin, but currently a Korean company is also working with us. In cooperation, they will make grenades and launch tubes for related landmines.” The director said.

"I think our costs may be further reduced, so that our profits will become even greater. However, the export side still needs the people of Qi to do it. After all, they have a large number of merchant ships. They have launched a lot. A new-style cargo ship." said the factory director.

"Well. This matter must be expedited. You have money. Or if the military can bring you orders, you must expedite it." Li Mu said.

"This is no problem. Our production speed has always been very fast." Li Mu nodded, and then he asked Li Zuoche to contact Qin and the people of Qi, because Zhao needed to sell a batch of such weapons, especially It is the Zhao Guo advisory group that is already out, which can provide such weapons to make them expand the market demand. After all, Zhao Guo's military production is placed here.

Zhaoguo Shanty Town.

"Bang." There was a thud. It was as if a firecracker had exploded.

"Hahaha, it succeeded. It succeeded. It finally succeeded." A teenager shouted excitedly holding a small pipe made of greased paper.

"Oh, Sanwa. Can you stop doing this kind of thing. It's great to go to a factory to work. It's just like selling newspapers a few days ago. What a great thing, aren't you smart?" The woman came in and said.

"Mother, I succeeded." The teenager named Sanwa said excitedly.

"My mother doesn't know what you do, but my mother knows that you have to do a serious thing. You can get a wife even if you set up a tea stall. You are not young anymore," the woman said.

"Mother, I know. I'm going out." Sanwa reluctantly took her little tube and went out.

"Also, these things can't be made here. Don't like the last time, you almost burnt this place. The neighbors have already opposed you doing this." The woman shouted loudly.

"Mother, don't move my things, don't explode all of a sudden. It can really explode." Sanwa shouted loudly. Then ran away. The Sanwa family came from the mountainous area of ​​Taihang Mountains, where coal was produced. Unfortunately, his father had an accident in the coal mine. Died in the mine. So far, no body has been found. His father had engaged in explosives with the Qin people in the early days, and used blasting technology to explode coal. He is a first-rate figure in the coal mine, but unfortunately, he encountered a gas explosion. The coal mine collapsed and did not come out. Suddenly there was no pillar in the family, but fortunately there was an older brother and an older sister on it. My elder brother got a job in an iron factory in Handan. Although he was very tired, it was not bad. At least the family can survive, save money for a period of time, and also married a daughter-in-law, a woman from Goguryeo. In the factory, many people who are not wealthy are looking for Goguryeo women.

Sanwa's sister also found a job here, and I heard that a matchmaker recently came to kiss her. There is a shop assistant at home, who works very fluently. But the most worrying thing is this third baby, who studied explosives with his father when he was young. As long as it can explode, he can understand it.

Once I made nitroglycerin. This thing was extremely dangerous. It caused a big explosion. The house was destroyed in half by the bombing, and the neighbor's shed was almost taken over. There was almost a big accident, but fortunately the neighbors found it early.

As a result, the neighbors are very unoptimistic about Sanwa. Because the child is not good at learning. I can understand Chinese characters, but I don't know much, but I don't learn well, math is not good, and Chinese is not good. I am not tall, I can’t be a soldier, I can also be a buddy, because it looks silly, but sometimes very shrewd, but no one knows that Sanwa’s chemistry is very good because chemistry is related to explosives, as long as it can explode The Sanwa had found all the things, and once spent a lot of money on a chemistry textbook from Qin. Others said Sanwa was a silly baby, but only Sanwa knew what he wanted.

He wants to make explosives, whether it is a detonator or even more powerful explosives, he has to make them, because his father is playing explosives, so he has to make explosives himself.

After Sanwa left, he went directly to Li Mu's general mansion, because he knew that such a technology had a great effect, and if the general didn't want it, he could only sell it to some factories. Because his experiment was successful. The principle of the launch tube has been understood by him. As long as he understands this, he doesn't care about other things at all, and money comes to his hands naturally. So he doesn't care.

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