The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 2910: Request air bombing

Qin State, North, West Mengzhou, Xitubao. The first mobile infantry division of the Qin Army. The 3rd Cavalry Brigade is the station of a cavalry company.

"Damn it, what's going on above. Always let us learn how to maintain these rifles." A bearded Huns soldier kept dismantling the guns in his hands. They were equipped with new bolt-action rifles, but this rifle For them, something is too simple. They only need to pull the bolt, aim, and shoot, and the range of this weapon suddenly exceeds that of any previous rifle. For them, this is a very good rifle.

This is the first time that Qin State has equipped a small number of aliens with long-range rifles on a large scale. This rifle uses smokeless gunpowder for fixed-loading bullets and can be equipped with five bullets. The shooting distance on this rifle ruler is a thousand steps, which surprised many Huns soldiers. Because this is their first contact with such a rifle.

"This rifle is extremely expensive, be careful." A sergeant walked over and said.

"I know. Squad leader Hu." said the bearded soldier. His military rank is corporal, because he passed the 500-character exam, and his rank has been promoted from second-class soldier to corporal, but they still have to receive various educations, such as the maintenance, repair, and maintenance of new rifles, not only that, but also There are a lot of tactical skills to learn, which makes their ability to accept explosive understanding in a short time. This is when they are most distressed.

"I know. This rifle has to be disassembled hundreds of times a day, and I can check it out with my eyes closed." The corporal said. His name is Carbine. They are all Huns, but they are all of Qin nationality. Many Huns have joined the nationality of Qin, and they all have their own names in Qin, whose names are mostly Meng, Niu, Ma, and Hu. The Meng surname was obtained based on Meng Tian, ​​because they believed that Meng surname conquered them, so they should use this name. The cattle and horses are their most commonly used livestock. And Hu comes from the northern Hu people. Therefore, they often use the Hu surname.

"Yes, let's not even think about training with such a high intensity." Sergeant Hu Ban said. He is the squad leader of their combat squad.

In order to let these Xiongnu soldiers learn new-style muskets as soon as possible, the Qin Army increased their training efforts. They dismantled the guns more than one hundred times a day.

"What's the use of training like this every day? We come from various units, there are combat regiments from the Western Regions, and the northern combat regiment." Carbine said.

"This is the above matter. We only care about training. In these days, we will practice tactics and we will conduct combined training with artillery. This time we must pay attention." Hu Ban said.

"Well, I see." Sergeant Carbine said. These days, they have just completed the reorganization combination and weapon training. Their task is very onerous.

Qin State Staff.

"We still haven't detected reliable information about the Parthians' surprise invasion of Dawan. The security situation in Dawan is not optimistic enough." Yang Duanhe said to Wang Jian.

"Although the Dawan people agreed to strengthen their armaments, they only strengthened their militia force. It is said that they plan to buy a lot of shotguns. I really don't know that this kind of weapon is used for robbery and fighting in tunnels. How can they equip the militia force. If the Parthians concentrate their artillery for bombardment, what will they do?" Wang Jian asked.

"Only things like surrender or collapse have happened. Moreover. The time of combat happens to be winter. The less likely it is to happen, the more likely it will happen." Yang Duanhe said.

"We can only prepare our people. For other things, we have no choice." Wang Jian said to Yang Duanhe.

Outside Palau, Palau. Song Pu Shao was checking the artillery position of the Zhanpu army, which was a brand new artillery. May bring great revolutionary significance.

"You Koreans are really amazing. They didn't even buy us more artillery racks. I can only use some wooden racks to do such things." Prince Holly complained to Song Pu.

"Hehe, I heard that those artillery frames are all made of cast iron, and those merchants are naturally unwilling to do this." Song Pu said.

"Yeah. I understand." Prince Holly nodded to express that he was clear.

The South Korean businessman bought a modified rocket in the hands of Prince Holly. In order to preserve the real data of the rocket, the new Korean army in the arsenal urgently performed some surgical operations on these rockets. For example, they reduced the number of rockets. The charge of ammunition and explosives reduces the actual power of the rocket, and at the same time reduces the propellant of the rocket. In fact, it is a kind of granular gunpowder. They reduce a lot of things, such as reducing some weight and so on. In short, they reduced the actual range of the rocket to only three miles. Even so, the range of the rocket is still beyond the imagination of the Zhanpu people. They believe that they have got a very powerful weapon.

However, in order to limit their large-scale radiation, the Koreans only sold them some cast iron launchers. In fact, they remelted a large number of launchers and sold them to locals to make iron pots.

"In desperation, we had to use wooden launchers. In addition, we also built some slopes to launch these rockets on a large scale. We purchased a total of 2,500 such rockets. We A thousand rounds were used this time. We have used the new reserve team and they will launch another attack." Prince Holly said.

"I hope we can bring them a surprise." Major Song Pu said.

Immediately a large number of rockets were placed on the launcher, and many rockets were aimed at the city.

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu. Because some rockets have different operations, some rockets were launched randomly and they ran to other positions. This aroused the fear of Prince Holly, but most of the rockets were launched with heavy smoke, and they flew towards the city of Palau howling.

"Boom. Boom. Boom." The explosion sounded continuously, and the huge losses caused in an instant made all the Zhanpu soldiers in the trenches feel terrified, especially the whining sound, screaming like a ghost, this Let them feel an unprecedented sense of fear.

Chu State, in the military's experimental field.

"We imported some white phosphorus from Qin. Then put it in a special container, they will be soaked in kerosene. When used, it is very safe, but once the glassware is broken, they will burn quickly. In addition, we also When gasoline is added, this grease will burn quickly. Although it is covered with iron armor, it is still wood. The gasoline can easily penetrate in. This is a very beneficial weapon for us." A young craftsman said To.

The craftsmen of the Chu Kingdom are also actively looking for ways to crack the Iron General's battleship. For example, they still believe that the wooden ship is still returning to the fire attack. So they actively searched for burning materials to make incendiary bombs, or in other words, they invented a Molotov cocktail, thinking that this is the best way to deal with iron-clad ships.

"Yeah. Not bad. Not bad. How did your experiment go?" Xiang Liang asked.

"Very good. We did relevant experiments. As long as there are enough numbers, we can do this. However, how we throw the past is still a problem. If we can invent incendiary bombs, it would be great. Use artillery to hit In the past." Another craftsman couldn't wait to say.

All countries are improving the salaries of craftsmen, and Chu is no exception. They have given them high salaries. First of all, their salaries have increased a lot. Secondly, their status has also been improved to a certain extent. At least no one will look down on them. Finally, there is the problem of their children’s education. Many children of artisans enjoy unprecedented educational conditions, because Chu people believe that the children of artisans are born There are great advantages in this area, so they enjoy the earliest improvement in education.

"Well, this kind of weapon does not seem to be very practical, and it has a certain effect in close combat. However, I still hope that you can create a kind of inflammable shells that can cause a lot of casualties on the other side." Xiang Liang encouraged.

"Yes. Sir, we all understand that we will work hard." Another craftsman said. They can only get extra rewards for new things, which greatly stimulates the innovation of craftsmen.

Palau city.

"Bang. Bang." Sporadic gunfire came. After the terrible rocket bombardment was over. Before the thick smoke cleared, the Zhanpu people could not wait to launch an attack. In their opinion, the people in the city were already dead. This is an unprecedented bombing.

"Bang. Bang." Sporadic gunfire still came, and Prince Holly listened nervously to the gunfire.

"There should be no resistance in the city. There shouldn't be any." Prince Holly said nervously. Song Pu thinks so too, because the initial lethality caused by this weapon was shocking.

"Sir. The resistance in the city is very weak. We have occupied three-quarters of the city. Palau has been controlled by us." An officer ran in and reported.

"Very good. Very good, we occupy Palau." Prince Holly exclaimed excitedly.

"This is the power of rockets. Very good, we plan to add some rockets again." Prince Holly can't wait to buy more rockets again. The rockets did cause a lot of shock, especially when it was bombarded by such a dense rocket in a flash. Artillery simply cannot make up for such a fast rate of fire. But the rocket bombardment of the Mi Fund can achieve this effect all at once, so the Occupy Prussian army can occupy the city of Palau.

Qin State, Xianyang. Inside Wenyang Bank headquarters.

"Gold is in hand. Chairman." Xiao He told Yingyu excitedly.

"Well. In this way, we can support the cause of the North. Let them develop a large amount of copper mines as soon as possible. In addition to other copper mines, there are other minerals." Yingyu nodded and said.

"Yes, Chairman. With such a large amount of gold reserves, we can have a large number of banknotes issued." Yingyu said.

Wenyang Bank has a large number of old bonds in its hands. These bonds have gone up wildly in Zhao’s market, and Wenyang Bank released a lot of gold coins in time at this time. In this way, Wenyang Bank’s gold reserves The problem is solved.

Yueshi, in Sharp's headquarters.

"What? The digging tunnel was discovered by the Karachi people?" General Sharp asked in surprise.

"Yes, sir, the Karachi people have adopted the method of digging deep trenches. If we want to dig below, we must bypass these deep trenches, but we can't do this. The other party dug too deep." The staff said.

"Oh. I see." General Sharp said annoyedly. He telegraphed his superiors several times and needed to send reinforcements, especially artillery, because he knew that attacking a fortified city like Karachi would be impossible without artillery, but their Ministry of National Defense was busy accepting a large number of them. Bond did not take him into consideration at all. The worst thing was that his troops were extremely tense. Many troops were in the south and ran to the banks of the Indy River. Only two battalions were placed in Karachi. This made him very annoyed.

"Sir, now we must get the support of artillery troops. Without these artillery, we can't do anything?" The staff officer put forward his own suggestion.

"I know this, but look at me, there are no reinforcements that can be deployed. Artillery troops are not there at all. And they are in the rear, and it is very difficult to transport them." General Sharp said.

"We have reached the end of what the people of Qin said. I think it is very impossible to win such a strong city." General Sharp said pessimistically.

"Sir, we still have other methods, such as bombing, aerial bombing." At this time the staff officer suggested.

"Air bombing?" General Sharp asked.

"Yes, sir, the Qin people used this method in the north. They threw a lot of incendiary bombs and caught fire in many places. The fire burned for a long time. This caused great losses to the Indians. The most important thing is that the Indians are very afraid of such bombing. If we can tell the people of Qin, let them send out bombing airships and carry out aerial bombings on them, I think they will definitely collapse. In that case, we can accept Karachi. Such a city. After all, it is easy for them to think that they will encounter such a situation again." The staff adviser.

"Air bombing, air bombing. Um. Very good, that's it." General Sharp said.

"We should use this method of bombing to cause a lot of casualties to the enemy, and let them know how powerful we are. Immediately send a telegram to the headquarters and the Ministry of National Defense, so that they can meet our requirements as soon as possible, even if there is only one bombing. , Is also possible." Sharp said.

Moran and Meng Ping are making final preparations. Some middle- and lower-level officers are selected. They are going to Indy to understand the situation of their defeated opponent. Because the Indians told them without concealing that they were very dissatisfied with the current situation of the southern Occupy Prussian country.

"Look at this, a telegram from General Sharp." Meng Ping handed the telegram to Moran.

"They asked for aerial bombing?" Moran asked curiously.

"Yes, they requested that. I am also very curious about this, but it is normal after thinking about it. The current road conditions have caused a large number of artillery troops to lag behind, and it is impossible for artillery troops to be deployed in Karachi. This requires Time, but we need to attack Karachi and need fire support, and air support may be the only effective way. But, I don’t know what will happen to our air bombing forces? You know, they have completely consumed them in the previous few bombings. The incendiary bomb. It’s too late to replenish." Meng Ping said.

"Well. If bombing several times is okay, I think Karachi people should be taught a lesson, maybe they didn't even think they would encounter aerial bombing, right?" Moran said.

"Yeah. But how to solve bombs and incendiary bombs?" Meng Ping asked.

"This shouldn't be a problem. The army will drink a lot of alcohol. There should be no shortage of this stuff." Moran said. Meng Ping nodded, and the Yue people put the idea of ​​conquering Karachi City on the Qin State's bombing airship.

On Zhang Xiong Island, a large number of rockets are loaded into the ship. They are the first batch of rockets manufactured. In addition, Seth has already left the production line as the second batch. After a simple random check, they will be issued to the race. Slovakia, as well as the Parthians, produced rockets very fast, because they made cheap rockets themselves. In fact, they are not really rockets at all. It can only be said that they are oversized and caught on fire. It's just a kind of firework, but the Koreans regard them as real weapons. There is not much difference between the two.

"The second batch has already been inspected. I don’t know if the rest of the people and the Seth people will give us money, but this is an opportunity. If this rocket is sold, we can sell it in large quantities. Yes. But, how about your improvement work?" the factory director asked, looking at the rockets loaded on the ship.

"This is still under study. We can only increase some size and weight. These rockets can be launched five miles away. Although the range is very large, the accuracy is basically not." The craftsman said. In fact, Wuli is only a barely number, because the rockets fly indiscriminately and only have a general direction. There is no accuracy at all. Only rely on the number of rockets to form an advantage.

"Well, that's good. You complete this task as soon as possible. After all, our first batch of products is ready. We will have a large number of transactions in our hands in the future, and the money earned is not less than that in Xinzheng, South Korea. Do it," the factory manager encouraged. The profitability of the arsenal here is still relatively high, after all, the demand is great. They won't have big problems.

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