The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 2913: Upgrade the arsenal

Meng La, in Zhang Shi's office.

"The Zhanpu people moved very quickly. They have already taken the city of Palau, but the Indians in the north haven't made any moves yet." Zhang Shi put down the telegram in his hand and said.

"Sir, they still have a country that they haven't dealt with. Those rockets have brought them a new type of offensive shock, but I think they still haven't occupied that country." Zhang Dafa cautiously suggested. He believes that the war is still not over. The Zhanpu people still need a lot of weapons. They pin their victory on new weapons, which is a mistake for them.

"Well, as long as we provide them with more rockets, the war will end quickly. In this way, I received a telegram from Zhang Xiong Island. They said they would provide more rockets. This happens to be a sales market, but we still need to build more roads to solve our road problems. This matter should be left to them to deal with." Zhang Shi said.

On the east bank of the Indy River, here is the Indian army camp. The command vehicle of Moran and Meng Ping arrived here, along with some military doctors, middle and lower-level officers, staff officers, and sergeants with extremely skilled combat skills.

"Look at those Indian soldiers, they are not soldiers at all in their thin appearance." Moran pointed to a bunch of Indian soldiers sitting on the ground and said. They seem to be resting. Meng Ping looked over.

They do look thin and weak, their arms seem to have no muscles, not only that, they can only see ribs in their chests, but they have no muscles to speak of, they are digging a lot of trenches, obviously they are doing this kind of work.

"Let's go and see these soldiers." Moran said to Meng Ping. Then he took Meng Ping with him. The Indian soldiers nearby could not interfere with them, because the order they received was that they must not shoot, and they must not point their guns at these distinguished guests. It was an enemy before, but now it is a distinguished guest. There are always unthinkable things of this kind in the world.

At this moment, the Indian soldiers were cooking. Moran was very happy to see their food.

"Soldiers can fight well only if they eat well. Even canned food must meet their daily needs." Moran said to Meng Ping. At least the soldiers of the Yue family hadn't been hungry, and they ate quite well. Although the front line provided a large amount of cans and biscuits, the food disgusted many Yueshi soldiers and they found it unappetizing, but compared with the Indian soldiers' food, their food was simply too good.

"This is their food?" Moran scooped up a bowl of something similar to mushy with a spoon, but the Indian soldiers looked at the food in Moran's hand eagerly.

"Then it is this kind of dry and thin cake. This kind of cake is the best food for them." Meng Ping picked it up and tasted it. There was some sourness without any salt. The human body was actively moving. After that, they will consume a lot of salt, but obviously they don't have such a salt supplement.

"This is terrible." Moran shook his head and said.

"That's true. Look at the condition of these soldiers. They are very thin and do not have meat supplements." Meng Ping said. Said the two people continued to move forward. The Indian food is terrible. Soldiers consume a lot of physical strength, but their food cannot supplement such a large amount of meat to maintain their combat consumption. So the soldiers look very thin. Of course, not all Indy troops are like this. There are also some elite troops. Their food standards may greatly exceed the state of the soldiers here.

"This is their weapon?" Moran said, looking at the rusty spear. Indian soldiers are armed with such weapons to fight.

Meng Ping just shook his head.

"We don't yet understand their military system, but I think the Indians want to learn to use our weapons and be able to demonstrate the combat effectiveness of these weapons. These troops must be reduced, and then they must be reselected to become elite troops. Only in this way can they have a stronger fighting capacity." Meng Ping said.

"I think so too, but judging from the current situation, it seems difficult for them to do this." Moran said.

"The scale of the Indian army is too large, it is difficult to concentrate the superior resources on a few elite troops, and they usually just want to expand the size of the army, but never improve the combat effectiveness of the army. This is a mistake. I think we They should be instilled in such a way of thinking." Moran said.

"For now, the Indians are not yet ready for this." Meng Ping said.

"Sir, hello." At this moment, an Indian officer ran over and said. He wears armor, only high-ranking generals can have such equipment, but the other parts are still naked, thinking it is because of the special weather here.

"My name is Jie Ding. It's the liaison officer of the officers." A young military officer who was about 30 years old came over and said. He also specially used the salute method of the Central Plains countries to show his respect for the two chiefs.

"Hmm. Are you our liaison officer?" Moran asked Jieding.

"Yes, sir, you can call Jieding. If the two officers have not eaten yet, please come with me." Jieding said politely.

"Yeah. Okay. Let's go and see." Moran also wanted to know about the living conditions of the Indians.

Qin State, inside the staff.

"The people of the Yue family want our airship to bomb Karachi City. In this case, their situation may change a bit." Wei Liao said to Wang Jian.

"Can it be bombed?" Wang Jian asked suspiciously.

"Yes, they think it should be enough to let the other party realize the power of their new weapons after the bombing." Wei Liao said.

"However, we have already issued an order. Those airships have gone to Dawan in the north. Airships are even more needed there." Yang Duanhe said at this time.

"But the Yue people need to bomb the airship. They hope they can bomb Karachi." Wei Liao said. Upon receiving such a telegram, Wei Liao also thought that he could experiment with the bombing capabilities of the Qin Heavenly Army.

"If they can wait patiently, I think they can wait and I will plan to send a bombing squadron to Karachi." Wang Jian said.

"This. Okay. I can only say that." Wei Liao said.

Prime Minister's House.

"If Yan people want to develop, they need to solve financial problems. As for the specific measures, it also depends on the attitude of the bank. This is not something we can decide." Shang Wen said.

"Well, well, we can only discuss such matters with Qin State Bank." Meng Yi said.

Inside the laboratory of Qin State Medical University.

"Ya Pian has a great anesthetic effect, but I extracted two different neurological drugs from Ya Pian," said a medical researcher. His name is Chen Jing. A researcher in Qin Guo's neurology, he mainly studies spinal neurology, because many gunshot wounds have hit this position, which directly leads to many different conditions.

"Talk about it?" said Li Shui, a brain medical researcher. They all have experience in rescuing the wounded on the front line, which is the main way for them to accumulate medical experience.

"I extracted two different substances in Yapian." Chen Jing said.

"One is the best anesthetic and can have a calming effect. For example, in the case of a soldier in pain. Pain can cause huge nerve pain, and this anesthetic can have a good calming effect. And the other On the contrary, they can play the opposite role and can make people extremely excited. This shows other abilities, for example, a certain mental state of the body can reach a state of extreme excitement, which makes people enter a kind of crazy In the state of being in the state." Chen Jing said.

"What kind of situation is this?" Li Shui asked.

"It's crazy to be counter-positive. I don't know what the second extract is, but there is a reason for it," Chen Jing said.

"I just want to make a new discovery in the brain nerves. After all, Yapian is currently only regarded as a general tranquilizer." Li Shui said.

The effect of Yapian has attracted the attention of Qin State's medicine, but they valued his calming effect more than other excitatory effects.

"Maybe there are other uses. Why don't you let me study this side effect. Maybe we can find something useful." Li Shui said.

Xinzheng, South Korea.

"The power of the rockets is still beyond our expectations. But this is our best sales weapon product. We want to sell these products to Seth, Rest, and new markets in the north, Aiji." Han Shu said to Zhang Liang.

Zhanpu has sent out the experimental effects of rockets. They think such rockets are very useful, because they found that such rockets can bring great shock effects, and most importantly, they can achieve the effect in an instant. The effect achieved by a thousand artillery is extremely large, but rockets can reach such a point. Therefore, Zhanpu people have a high evaluation of rockets.

"My lord, according to our latest intelligence, the Zhao people are exporting a large number of artillery. These artillery can be manufactured in large quantities, and they also have their army inventory. The Qi people are buying in large quantities. They plan to sell these artillery to more Going to the far country of Seth, from the perspective of the future, the export of these artillery will cause a lot of trouble for our rockets, because with such weapons, they are unlikely to be inclined to our rockets. "Zhang Liang said worriedly.

"Well, no, rockets are rockets, and artillery is artillery. There is a fundamental difference between the two, and this difference is very big. We have a great advantage in rockets, and the most important thing is the one-time launch. , The price is relatively cheap." Han Shu said.

"But the real great power is still artillery." Zhang Liang said.

"Yeah. However, you are right. We should strengthen our research on artillery. In addition to these, we should develop some other weapons. Otherwise, our arsenal has too few types of weapons. Suggestions from the Secretary of the Navy. That's right, we should consider the new types of shells." Han Shu said.

"Yes, Lord." Zhang Liang nodded. Upgrading the weapons arsenal requires some financial funds, but currently South Korea and Qin are the same research institutes, and many weapons are developed from civilian equipment. In this way, common technologies can be used for development.

Qin State, Xianyang.

"We can only get the research funds in place by transferring some of the shares." said a young man. Their project is a fast track project, they will use a fast tracked vehicle to replace the horse carriage project, they expect this fast vehicle speed to reach 80 miles per hour. This is already a very high speed for tracked vehicles, and most importantly. Tracked vehicles can tow larger trucks, which is a very useful item.

However, they are all young people who have just graduated. Starting a business is not as simple as they think. They need a lot of capital. The attitude of banks towards such small and medium-sized enterprises is skeptical. They believe that these small and medium-sized enterprises are very risky and the capital invested is very high. It is difficult to control. It is better to invest funds to purchase mature funds into production after they have successfully developed them.

"But those funds belong to Koreans, Zhao Guoren. We can't use such funds and sell a lot of shares. In the end, this technology is not ours. Look at those small and medium-sized enterprises, there are many such things happening. We should sell this kind of technology to banks but not to Koreans. Zhao Guoren.” Another young man resolutely objected.

Technology can bring a lot of wealth. Qin’s capital has been invested in traditional fields, mainly in mineral resources or public infrastructure. However, the investment in technology and small and medium-sized enterprises is relatively weak, although they can Applying for listing is mainly to facilitate the investment of foreign capital, but this will cause the loss of their ownership, which is an extremely serious technology leakage incident. Zhao Guo and South Korea are doing this.

"I have written a report. I handed it over to the Prime Minister's Mansion. I hope this matter can attract the attention of the Prime Minister's Mansion. Otherwise, our technology will be leaked out in large quantities, and Qin will have no advantage at all. Said the young man who opposed it.

"Okay. These patriotic sentiments have seriously affected our profitability. We discovered what these technologies are for, to make money. I think we should sell these technologies. This is what we need most." Said the young man.

"This technology will spread." said the young opposition. He is worried that these technologies will become the basis for new weapons research. This kind of foundation will lead to a further reduction in the weapon gap, which is what the young people who oppose it think.

"Lack of funds, we can't do anything." the young man said.

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