"I knew that this was our end." A sergeant of the Twelfth Infantry Regiment looked helplessly at a retired list and said.

"This, it's too unfair, why should we retire?" A second-class soldier said angrily when he saw his name.

"Okay. I retired. I don’t want to stay in this place anymore. What a bad place, they eat well, drink well, what the result is, and finally let you retire, then retire, give the money, and return it. It's not enough to stuff our teeth. Damn it." A corporal walked over and said.

"Okay. Let's pack our things and go. Anyway, we need a lot of space, why bother here, maybe it's not worth it to die that day." Although the sergeant was angry, he still said that. After all, By contrast, their situation is much better. Many soldiers lost their lives in the battle against Indy, and the compensation they received was a bond of more than 5,000 acres, which sounds like a lot, but if converted into gold coins, there are only less than five gold coins. , And the rate of bond devaluation is very fast, maybe only four yuan in the next minute. The government used a pile of waste paper to solve their financial crisis. Members of Congress and Qin State Bank purchased these bonds on a large scale, but the soldiers who participated in the war paid their lives and blood, but only got some waste paper. This makes many people feel very annoyed.

"While we are not dead, leave this ghost place quickly," the sergeant said.

"But, after we leave here, what are we going to do?" the second class asked.

"We have no land, and all the land bonds we got are sold. And those banks are very dark. They wipe out some of the money we have, and the road fare may not be enough for us. This is a huge deal for us. Disaster," the second-class soldier said.

"Better than in this ghost place," the sergeant said. In the barracks, many people packed their salutes and left here. The government did give them great rewards, but these rewards depreciated quickly. Many people suffered great losses. Although the soldiers of the Yue family were dissatisfied, they could not explain the situation. They can only choose to leave here in silence.

Yueshi, Qin's third air bombing airship squadron. A fast airship is moving forward. Their goal is Ram. There are sufficient logistics materials for Sim, there are more sufficient supplies of materials, they received the task to bomb Karachi. This task is not easy for them.

"Sir, where is Karachi?" A flying corporal curiously asked his officer, a flying second lieutenant. His rank is second lieutenant, that is, the pilot who has just won.

"I don't know, but our task is to detect their existence." The ensign said. They are driving a fast light airship. The main mission of this airship is reconnaissance. The intelligence obtained through reconnaissance will be used for aerial bombing. This is a very good tactic devised by the Qin Kingdom's heavenly army. This can effectively avoid the unnecessary trouble of bombing the airship. For example, the bombing airship can make a suitable route according to the detected situation, select a suitable target, and bomb it effectively.

"Well, sir, I haven't asked this question," the corporal said.

"What is the goal of our bombing? We haven't performed such a mission for a long time." The corporal said.

"I don't know, but this mission is the request of the Yue people. They asked our bombing airship to bomb Karachi City. To be honest, we only bombed some targets before, which is very boring, but this time , We can drop the bomb on the head of a real person." The ensign said.

"Sir, how many people can we kill this time?" the corporal asked curiously.

"I don't know, it mainly depends on the density of Karachi. If they have a dense enough population, I think if one bomb goes down, it may kill a dozen people, maybe more." The ensign said. The corporal nodded.

Qin State was not equipped with a bigger bomb. The weight of the bomb was only one hundred stones, which was also a special bomb.

"Sir, I heard that the army aviation guys are not throwing bombs, but incendiary bombs. What I think is that if Karachi uses houses made of thatched huts, our bombing effect may be even better. Better, after all, burning can burn a lot of people.” The corporal suggested.

"Damn, we are the Celestial Army, not the Army Aviation. Those **** Army will throw simple Molotov cocktails, we are the Celestial Army. Bombing is our business. Only us will have aerial bombs." The ensign said dissatisfied. The corporal shrugged and nodded to show that he understood.

Qin State War Department. Army Aviation Administration Weapons Research Room.

"Aviation high explosive bombs have been monopolized by the heavenly army. If our airship wants to bomb, we can only throw solid bombs." said a middle-aged expert.

"Even stones can be thrown down." A young man said.

"So, we need to study other types of bombs to meet our needs." The middle-aged expert said.

"But, supervisor, what kind of varieties do we have to choose? Can we make a lot of solid stones?" a middle-aged man said.

"No, a bomb has recently appeared in the Army Aviation. This bomb uses an incendiary bomb that can burn on a large scale. We must develop a new type of aerial bomb, a type of ammunition that can distinguish high-explosive bombs." Middle-aged expert Speaking of.

"Incendiary?" The young people thought for a while and said.

"Yes, they just threw a Molotov cocktail, which is not a real incendiary bomb. White phosphorus grenades are very widely used in the Yueshi war. If we can extend the white phosphorus grenades to the white phosphorus aerial bombs. This way. If this is the case, we can effectively distinguish the high-explosive aerial bombs of the space army." The middle-aged expert said.

"I think that's right. In this case, our advantage becomes extremely obvious." Others said one after another.

The Celestial Army controls the monopoly of high-explosive bombs in aviation, because from the perspective of the Celestial Army, throwing bombs is their patent, but this does not prevent other services from researching other military weapons, such as incendiary bombs, or other bombs. species.

Chu State, Wuyue Port, in a laboratory of the Naval Shipyard.

"This is a researcher in the Underwater Research Laboratory of Qin State Xianyang. Du Jiao." A man from Chu State introduced.

"It's nice to meet you. Our research topic is underwater detectors. However, this type of detector can also be used in the military field. For example, we have studied a weapon with the Qin Navy before. I'm sorry, we I cannot provide you with detailed information. This is a military secret." Du Jiao said.

"I'm very glad that you can come to the Chu State Naval Research Office. We hope to find a new type of weapon, mainly able to deal with the iron armored ships of the Qi State Navy. Our artillery cannot penetrate that kind of iron armor, which is very, very difficult for us. Trouble." A young craftsman said. The Kingdom of Chu did find many ways to crack the armored ship. They thought of using a burning method or a quick attack with the Clippers. However, these methods had big loopholes, and they could not completely crack the situation. Therefore, they thought of the people of Qin, and they hoped to introduce an advanced technology from Qin to help them solve such problems.

With the emergence of thread technology and various sealing interfaces, an underwater weapon is being invented, the submarine, but this weapon is still in the stage of secret experimentation, and no country currently knows such a technology. However, there is a weapon that can be widely promoted.

Mines. The manufacture of mines is not difficult, as long as there is sufficient sealing technology, such problems can be solved.

"What kind of weapon is this?" Many craftsmen anxiously awaited Du Jiao's explanation.

"It's very simple. The method you think of is to solve the problem from the front. You can only sink the ship after you solve the iron armor problem. However, if you attack from under the water, the possibility of the ship being attacked will be very high. This way. As a result, the possibility of sinking the opponent is very high." Du Jiao said.

"This is mine." The other party said easily. After speaking, he took out a drawing and opened it. But the craftsmen of Chu State were stunned. They never thought that there would be weapons that could attack from underwater, or that they could not understand this kind of weapons, but then they calmed down and after a little thought, they felt that everything could be explained clearly. After all, they have seen something like this before. There are a lot of water ghosts in Chu country. Didn't these water ghosts attack from underwater?

"Mine mines are mainly about airtightness. If you do a good job of airtightness, then sink to the bottom and let them float, or if you find a way to place them where the enemy must enter and exit, the opponent will be blown up. Then their The ship will sink. Such a weapon is very powerful, and its structure and principle are very simple." Du Jiao said.

And the way of thinking of the craftsmen of Chu country began to become interesting, they began to become multidimensional. War has become a variety of styles, from a single plane warfare to a multi-dimensional warfare. There are more and more forms of warfare in the air, under water, and on the ground. This has greatly exceeded the level of people’s previous knowledge, but people They did not show a sense of panic, on the contrary, they began to actively recognize this multi-dimensional way of thinking, because it opened a new door for them, which would constitute a whole new level of knowledge for them. This greatly exceeded their imagination.

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