The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 2922: Dawan is important to us

"Sir, it's a fight. It's a fight." Major Song Po shouted loudly. He looked very excited.

"Oh. Really? Great. In this way, the casualties are definitely heavy." Ding Wen said.

"Yes, sir, according to your plan, we sold a large number of machetes to the local indigenous tribes. They think such weapons are very powerful because they can't produce such machetes by themselves." Song Po said. This machete is a forged tool. Zhao has a large amount of cast iron resources. After they are produced, they undergo a series of subsequent processing after simple cutting and then forging. The characteristic of this machete is that it is not durable. After cutting some meat and bones, it will appear severely damaged, but it is extremely sharp. Not only that, but the price is also very cheap. Because large-scale machine forging is fast and low-cost, even Kaifeng is big. Large-scale machinery is naturally very sharp. And the number is huge. This kind of machete appeared. It was very popular immediately, because in the south, there are a large number of sugarcane gardens, and these sugarcanes are harvested with this machete.

But what I didn’t expect was that the Chu people imported a large amount of this machete and sold them to the local aboriginal tribes. They were barbaric and used some sticks during the battle. The combat weapons looked extremely primitive. However, after the Chu people came, , This situation has been greatly changed. Those indigenous tribes cannot afford expensive weapons, but the machete is the cheapest weapon, and it is sharp. They like it very much. They buy a lot, mainly with local specialties and some leather in exchange, and then they get it. The weapon they wanted, the machete.

On the other side, and local natives are serious about your Hindi. They are extremely disgusted with the local people, or a kind of extreme hatred. This kind of hatred is extremely distorted and distorted a kind of pathological state. Before the Chu people came, they became a kind of enemy with the local natives. After the people of Chu came to understand this situation. Chu people deliberately transferred from it. He deliberately did a lot of business with the local indigenous people. In this way, the interests of the local people have suffered a lot. However, the people of Chu also deliberately sold some muskets to the local people. These muskets still have a great advantage against machete.

"Look. Sir, the Musketeers have finally come out." Major Song Po said excitedly.

"Huh. They are also called musketeers, at best they can be regarded as people who can use muskets." Colonel Ding Wen said. He held the telescope in his hand to check the situation. The cause of the conflict between the two sides was only caused by a piece of land. The Indian government strongly suppressed the Hindi religion. The Chu people themselves did not know the specific reason, but they knew that because of this. Suppression, the indigenous people continue to invade each other's land. Because of the continuous suppression of Hindi, the number of people has decreased a lot. The number of people is far less than that of many parties, in such a situation. The musket became their most advantageous weapon. This long-range killing weapon produced a shocking effect under the demonstration of the Chu people.

"Bang bang bang." After a burst of gunfire, the crazy indigenous people who rushed over were shot dead, and the indigenous people suddenly became weaker from the momentum. Because many people fell down in front, it was not that the arm was knocked off. It's a loud scream after hitting the key.

"Bang, bang, bang." After waiting for a few minutes. The Hindi are still a little unaccustomed to this kind of weapon, it is difficult for them to master this kind of weapon proficiently, and the indigenous people are only a few steps away from them at this time, but sporadic and then intensive gunfire came. A large number of indigenous people were killed again. This time they immediately withdrew from the battle with heavy casualties.

The platoon gun tactics are the best tactics taught by Chu people. However, there are still big problems in application. For example, this requires a lot of familiar operations for musketeers, which is obviously difficult to form for Hindi. But enough to deal with those indigenous people.

"The battle is over. The Hindi won the victory. But this is also our goal. The two sides continue to kill like this. That's when we won the victory." Ding Wen looked at the scene, the indigenous people fled in large numbers, and Obviously, the Hindi would not let this opportunity pass. They rushed madly. Some people stabbed each other with rifle butts or bayonets, while those without weapons in the back picked up machetes and slashed the dying natives. They killed each other frantically. The scene is extremely bloody, but this is inevitable.

Yueshi, Menelson, and twenty miles south of Yueshi Sim, the Yueshi people established a forward base here, but these days most of them are soldiers who have retired and returned home. They settled here, they Hope to find a job here. In addition, there are two crippled infantry regiments stationed here, with about three thousand troops, which can provide considerable security guarantees. The Yueshi people don't care about this, they hope to find a job that can bring them a livelihood.

"We just arrived here, let's talk about the situation here." Captain Mao Yan said. The squadron leader of the third bombing squadron of the Qin Tianjun. Their airships are all medium-sized bombing airships, which can carry up to 20 100-stone aerial bombs. They can easily fly eight hundred miles to perform missions.

"We are about three hundred miles away from Karachi. This is relatively easy for our task. Karachi is very large. We measured their coordinates. They are in our eight o'clock direction. It takes about four hours to fly. If we accelerate, we can get there in about three and a half hours." The ensign said some data.

"Have you found some military targets?" Captain Mao Yan asked.

"Sir, the military objectives are not very obvious. We just saw some trenches. A lot of trenches. Then the military and civilian targets in the city are mixed together. We can only throw bombs like crazy." The ensign said.

"Sir, I think we only need to throw bombs towards Karachi City. Don't worry about military targets. Bombing can have a great fear effect. We don't need to worry about those things at all." Deputy Captain Li Song said.

"Yes, sir. Fear is the best weapon. They can't pose a threat to us, but we can pose a threat to them. Under such a situation, the situation is very beneficial to us." Ensign Zhao Qi said.

"Well. Well, since that's the case, we will do it. If we do this, we can minimize our loss. We can't let our loss expand further. This is our bottom line. Regardless of the **** Karachi People." Squadron leader Mao Yan thought for a while and said. The order he received was to bomb Karachi. The command mission was extremely vague. It was just bombing. There was no mention of where to bomb. The most important thing was that after the order, he must never lose, and the number of bombings. It's not easy to get too much, and then fly to the north after the bombing. I thought that unexpected commands could not appear. Mao Yan accepted the suggestion of his subordinates and bombed it regardless of any military objective.

On the head of Karachi, General Hasi is checking the artillery on the head of the city. He saw Zhang Si coming along as if something happened.

"Mr. Zhang, is there anything?" General Hasi asked.

"Well, after the airship of the Qin people appeared once, I haven't seen it again in the past few days. I don't think they are here to detect such a simple thing." Zhang Si said of his thoughts.

"Oh. Airship." General Hasi nodded.

"I am very interested in your airship. If necessary, I think I can try the feeling of standing on the airship. I think it will definitely be good." General Hasi said with a smile. He was very fascinated by the airship, thinking that this kind of weapon is definitely not something ordinary people can think of. He really wants to know what kind of person is the person who invented it, and why he could think of such a thing.

"No, I don't think about such a thing. What I think is that the Qin airships will come after reconnaissance, and they may come next time. However, there are many abnormal things behind this, for example, after they reconnaissance. Yue The people of the clan should increase their troops. Not only that, the people of the Yue clan should launch an offensive, because after the reconnaissance, they know very well. But, no." Zhang Si said.

"If the Qin people help the Yue people, everything will be clear. I think they may bomb us in a very crazy way. They will drop bombs on our heads. Those bombs are more powerful than fifty. An explosive cannonball is even more powerful. Therefore, I am worried about such things. After all, the people of Qin are bombed by airships like this. I heard that the Indians in the north encountered such weapons when they were fighting. A lot of incendiary bombs are dropped. In this case, the situation will be very unfavorable for us." Zhang Si said.

"You mean, they will set fire from the sky?" General Hasi asked in a daze.

"Yes, I am worried that such a thing will happen." Zhang Si said.

"And this possibility is very high. If it does happen, what should we do? The only way is to reduce such losses as much as possible. I think it will not be long before the people of Qin will come." Zhang Si said To.

"Okay. Just do what you said. Let's take fire prevention measures. Although we can't prevent us from being burned by the fire, we still have these fire prevention measures." General Hasi said optimistically.

Qin State, Xianyang, security meeting. This is a security meeting jointly attended by the Prime Minister's Office, the Ministry of National Defense, the Ministry of the Army, and the General Staff. It mainly discusses the recent security situation around Qin.

"For the air defense proposal, I fully agree. Although we have a great advantage in bombing airships, we still can't easily face this situation. You must know that Zhao Guo and South Korea also have airships. If they use a large number of airships, If the passenger and cargo airships are modified, they can also fly over us. In the air, it is difficult for us to find those airships flying in the air, which is most troublesome for us. So, I think, development Anti-aircraft weapons are very necessary." Wang Jian expressed his views.

"Well, I agree too." The Secretary of the Army nodded and said.

"I have no objection, but we can't ignore the role of bombing airships. They can effectively deter each other. After all, the best defense is offense." Wei Liao expressed his own views.

"In this way, we need to allocate funds to the space army, as well as the army aviation unit, and the army units equipped with related weapons." Shang Wen said. he knows. The Ministry of Finance cannot avoid such a thing.

"The next topic is about the Dawan people. Dawan provides us with a lot of resources, including the copper, chromium, nickel, and tungsten ore we need. If we don’t have such mineral resources, we The industry in China will enter a terrible situation. They will stop working, and our needs will become extremely troublesome." Wei Liao said worriedly.

"However, the Dawan people are extremely optimistic. They still think that the Parthians will not launch an attack. But our analysis believes that the Parthians are greedy wolves. After they suffer losses in another place, they will inevitably launch an attack in another place. Recovering their losses, their habit is like this, and Dawan, they relied on selling mines and got a lot of money, but they didn't pay attention to their border security." Wei Liao said.

"We are very worried about this." Wei Liao looked at Shang Wen and said.

"I want to know, can you know the exact time when the Parthians launched the attack, and the relevant reliable information?" Shang Wen asked.

"No, I'm sorry, our intelligence is unable to obtain relevant information." Wei Liao said.

"Our army reorganization is still not completed. Many soldiers have only completed one-third of the estimated plan. They just know some simple tactical specifications. Large-scale operations may not be realistic." The Secretary of the Army said at this time.

"Well. I know this. In this way, it is impossible for us to deploy a large number of troops on the border to deal with the Parthian attack. Once an accident occurs, we can't do anything." Wang Jian said.

"How are the air forces deployed?" Shang Wen asked.

"Only one reconnaissance squadron exists. We cannot deploy a large number of bombing airships in forward positions. In that case, once a large-scale pacifier invades, it will form a huge pressure state, and their air forces are likely to be surrounded . Once we cannot break through the encirclement, our troops will be lost. The most important thing is that in that case, we are declaring war." Wei Liao explained.

"Dawan is very important to us. We cannot lose the country of Dawan, because in that case, it is very difficult for us to accept." Shangwen said.

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