The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 2925: This is not a drill

In the port area of ​​Zhangxiong Island. With a telescope, Yu Ziheng was looking at the iron armored warship of Qi State in the distance.

The sailors of the Qi State are covering up those iron armors with wooden blocks, which is obviously beyond the scope of ordinary people's understanding. Because the armor is thick enough. Adding wooden armor at this time is a bit redundant. They also lowered the mast by one, and some muzzles were intentionally blocked.

"Sir, what are those Qi people doing? They did this as if they were disguising their warships as merchant ships." The adjutant said curiously.

"They are luring pirates to attack them. The people of Qi have suffered a great loss from the pirate ships. They hate the pirates very much. Have you not seen it? The most we deal with pirates is hanged, and the others will be exiled. However, The people of Qi were all beheaded. They were cruel to the pirates," Yu Ziheng said.

"Qi people are too cruel. Some pirates are just." said the adjutant.

"Some pirates?" Yu Ziheng said.

"That's not a simple pirate, did you know? The pirate ships nowadays are no longer simple pirate ships. In the past, people who did pirates were poor people who were forced to do so, but now, there are some The pirates were done by our navy personally." Yu Ziheng said to his adjutant.

"Our navy?" The adjutant was obviously surprised. He didn't know what was going on. After all, he was an army and he didn't know anything about maritime affairs, but Yu Ziheng didn't explain too much. Only a few senior executives know about such things.

In fact, the South Korean Navy is also a pirate. Regardless of how they usually maintain the safety of merchant ships, sometimes they themselves pretend to be armed merchant ships or pirate ships to rob some of the ships that have been ordered. These are the tacit approval of Han Shu. After all, the South Korean government is not very good. If you have money and rely on the government to pay the soldiers' salaries, I am afraid that many people will not do it. Because the salary is not a lot, the purpose of serving as a soldier is for foreign money and trophies. Only with sufficient trophies can they explode amazing combat power. This is what they are currently doing.

The South Korean navy often does this for some of its own spoils, not only the South Korean navy, but also the Chu navy. This is why all countries generally adopt measures to combat pirates, but as the navies of various countries are increasing There are more, but there is no sign of pirates decreasing. On the contrary, sometimes, they become more rampant. This is the reason, because among these pirates, there are regular naval forces of some countries.

The people of Qi didn’t seem to understand some of the truths. After all, they had only just established the navy. They immediately used another method, because they found that their ships were very slow, even if they found pirates, the pirates Knowing how powerful the iron armored ships are, they evaded one after another, because there is no artillery that can penetrate such iron armor. They are not willing to let their ships be punched a big hole by this artillery. The only way is to retreat, and they look for it. Hide in another good place, so that they don’t have to worry about other things.

Therefore, when the warships of the Qi State Navy saw the pirates, they all fled one after another to avoid the opponent's attack. As a result, the Qi State Navy’s record of sinking pirate warships remained in the single digits, because no pirate ships took the initiative to fight them. In desperation, they thought of a way of camouflage.

They disguised themselves as merchant ships and turned them into merchant ships that placed orders. Those pirate ships who saw the merchant ships placed orders would definitely attack them aggressively, because they felt they could take the other side. At this time, attack again. The other party will definitely be hit hard. This is definitely a good way.

"These Qi State Navy's methods are really poisonous," said Yu Ziheng, who understood the other party's intentions.

"Forget it, for these Qi State navy, this is not our business, naturally someone will take care of them, right. How about our production of dry rockets?" Yu Ziheng asked at this time.

"Sir, we should do it all. Now we have expanded two factories to produce rockets. Not only that, but one factory is also actively modifying equipment and preparing to produce such rockets. Our people are also active. The improvement of such rockets.” The adjutant reported.

"Well. How many such rockets can we produce in one month?" Yu Ziheng asked at this time.

"If we work overtime, don't take a break, and work in three shifts, we can produce 12,000 pieces a month. If there are three factories in the future, we can increase it to 20,000 pieces." The adjutant calculated.

"Well, it's still too little. Time is not waiting. The next batch of female workers from Bangla will detain a few batches and let them all enter this place for production. In this way, we can manufacture rockets on a large scale. I need one. It can produce 50,000 rockets per month, and this quantity must reach this point." Yu Ziheng said.

"Yes, sir." The adjutant nodded and said. As long as there is sufficient labor, this task should be easy to complete. After all, it is not difficult.

South Korea, Xinzheng. Not long after getting off the train, Meng Yi and Zhang Liang were already discussing matters between Champa and the Indian government in the north.

"According to what we currently know, the Indian government is very weak, and the Occupy Prussian Congress has launched further attacks. They have already annexed the two northern states." Zhang Liang said. In fact, the Occupy Prussian State is rapidly mobilizing its forces to solve one of the two northern states, the State of Inmur, after the settlement of Palau. The Occupy Prussian nation quickly mobilized a large amount of troops to deal with the British Empire. In order to be able to win the British Empire, they imported a large number of rockets from the Koreans. These rockets were used to deal with the British Empire. The capital of the country. Because they found that street fighting caused great losses to them. In addition to these, the country once again recruited 20,000 limited fresh troops to fight, and the Occupy Prussian nation has already put the final victory on it.

"We know this, but we Qin and the Yue people will all enter the area controlled by the Indian government. In the future, India will be within the actual control of Qin. There is the sales market of Qin." Meng Yi said.

"As an exchange, we need this place, and South Korea can get some technical support, but we still need some cooperation from the South Korean government." Meng Yi said.

"Well, we in South Korea do need some technology. I just don't know what it will be?" Zhang Youqi asked. He knows that the people of Qin are bound to gain the Indian land, and the Koreans blindly obstruct it, which is not good for him. Therefore, Zhang Liang had no plan to fight for the interests of Occupy Prussia at the beginning. In this regard, he felt that as long as the Koreans got it Enough benefits, they can completely abandon occupying the country. After all, it is not a good thing for the Koreans to blindly increase the power of the country. The attitude of this matter is that Qin and South Korea can maximize How much benefit is obtained.

"Electricity technology. For example, the production of electric motors, and the equipment of power generation equipment, etc. These things are very important to you." Meng Yi said.

"Well. We are naturally willing to do this, but we still have some lack of funds. We need some loans, or the two sides can cooperate in the financial field to deal with some financial securities matters. In addition, we still need the Qin government to be able to In the future, our products will be allowed to enter the Indian region in the north, of course. In exchange, Qin's products can also enter our South Korea." Zhang Liang said.

"This is naturally no problem, but in terms of capital or financial services, we still need some things, and we need to communicate with banks and financial companies." Meng Yi said.

"We understand this, but we hope that the Qin government can help us in this regard." Zhang Liang said. Zhang Liang knows. Qin has rich experience in finance, but the Bank of Korea still lacks experience in this area. After all, it was the first time they dealt with the bond issue related to the Occupy Prussian country. In addition to these, there are technologies, because power technology is very important to them. Many places need electricity to make breakthroughs, such as new metal materials. aluminum. and many more. In this regard, Qin has always been in a state of monopolizing technology, and there are also generators, although South Korea has obtained some preliminary knowledge of electric power from Qin through foreign students, and this knowledge includes electromagnetic induction technology, as well as generators and electric motors. Principles, in addition to the preliminary theories of radio, but they still lack sufficient experimental data to obtain further technological progress.

The talks were harmonious. After all, the South Korean government is unwilling to see the emergence of a powerful Occupy Prussian nation. It is necessary to weaken the existence of all countries on the western continent. This is why Qin and South Korea cooperate.

In Karachi, everyone is nervous and busy.

"Quickly put out the fire, put out the fire." Zhang Si shouted loudly.

"Dai Mai, Dai Mai." The Karachi people shouted loudly. They are fighting the fire with various water-filling tools. Dai Mai means fire fighting in their language.

They are conducting an exercise. In order to prevent Qin from throwing a large number of incendiary bombs from the air to cause a large-scale fire, a fire exercise was held in Karachi, mainly to find ways to extinguish the fire.

Many people are busy. Some of them cover their mouths and noses to escape from the fire area after moistening their towels. Those fires are deliberately ignited. Only in this way can they become extremely real. After encountering a real fire, they will not Become panicked.

There is also a team of troops actively fighting the fire, and some soldiers are maintaining order.

"How's it going?" General Hasi asked at this time.

"It's okay, very good. We not only use water spray, but also landfill methods to extinguish fires, such as covering with sand, which can effectively isolate the air and prevent combustion. After all, people in Qin will use gasoline to ignite. ." Zhang Si said.

"Yeah. But what I'm worried about is, what will the Qin people do if they drop the bomb?" General Hasi said.

"The only way is to enter the cave, or get down. But we must first think of evacuation, so that we can solve all the problems." Zhang Si said.

"Dangdang." At this moment, the sound of rapid metal percussions continued, and the sound was extremely crazy. It sounds like something is going to happen, but this is an exercise in itself. This kind of thing is normal in the first place, so people don't panic and think it's fun, because it's so real.

"Sir, sir." A soldier quickly found General Hasi.

"General, our lookout spot found an airship in the air. Five of them are flying towards us," the soldier said.

"What?" General Hasi asked in surprise. Obviously General Hasi did not expect an airship to fly over at this time.

"How far are they?" Zhang Si asked at this time.

"Probably, it will take a little over five minutes, because it was very late when we saw them. Because of the smoke in the city," the soldier said.

"Oops. Hurry up, let everyone evacuate, and let them leave here as soon as possible. Avoidance, alarm, this is not an exercise, it is a bombing, it is a real alarm." General Hasi shouted loudly, but the surrounding situation is still chaotic. .

Soon the order came. In order for people to leave here quickly, General Hasi even had to use the Central Plains dialect that he had just promoted.

"Alert, this is not an exercise, this is not an exercise." The soldiers communicated orders loudly, but the scene was chaotic. Some unknown soldiers and recruited people were still fighting the fire.

"Woo." Above the thick smoke, Qin's airship followed the smoke and finally reached the sky above Karachi. They didn't know what happened in Karachi. They thought that the city had already been attacked by the Yue family. This caused more trouble. A big smoke came, but at this time they didn't care about it. They dropped bombs, and a large number of bombs roared towards the city of Karachi.

"Boom. Boom." The explosion came. Some people knew the moment the bomb exploded, but they still didn't know why they encountered such a thing.

"It's not good. It's bombing, bombing." At this time, some people realized that the bomb had been dropped and they had been bombed. At this moment, many people were still in great shock. The knocked down people were trampled to death, and some people were blown up alive. Blood, broken limbs, and various debris were flying. Many people were shocked because they did not expect to encounter such a situation. The bombing has already begun.

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