The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 2932: Bombing the port area by mistake

"Ding ding ding ding." A harsh metal percussion resounded across the city of Karachi. Some hot air balloons are igniting quickly, and they are slowly taking off. This is Karachi's only anti-aircraft weapon considered effective.

"Hurry up, all the people are evacuated and evacuated to the air-raid shelter you dug." General Hasi shouted loudly while standing at the top of the city. Many houses have collapsed in the city. These are the masterpieces of the Qin Kingdom’s heavenly army, but they still believe that these still cannot pose a big threat to Karachi, because from the photos they came back from reconnaissance, Karachi is just a damaged house.

"General, go to the air-raid shelter, the bombing will come right away. Your safety." A soldier said anxiously.

"Yes, General, we should leave here. If you don't let it, your life is in danger." Zhang Si persuaded. Although the number of aerial bombs does not seem to be large, who knows where this bomb will be dropped.

"I know, I will go, let everyone go to the air-raid shelter, air-raid shelter." Said that a few soldiers have pulled General Hasi out of the city.

"Damn it, there is something floating on the head of Karachi, it's a bit obscured." A bomber said from the airship. The bombing of the Qin airship was not carried out during flight. Even if the airship's navigation speed is very low, there will still be a large inertial deviation. The solution is usually to reduce the flying height and then stop in the air. In this case, the bombing effect will be very good.

The previous Qin State bombings all chose to bomb large targets, and they bombed the targets that were suspected to be military warehouses. But in this way, quite a lot of bomb deviations still fall among civilians, and such things cannot be avoided.

"These hot air balloons made it impossible for us to further reduce the altitude, and they fluttered back and forth, which would be more disruptive to our bombing." The bomber said helplessly to their captain.

"Hehe, I didn't expect that Karachi people could think of this." A second lieutenant said with a smile.

"Sir, I don't think they can think of this. They should be able to do it simply. These are all done by Koreans." The co-pilot on the side said.

"Anyway? These **** bombs must be dropped, I don't want to keep floating on this." said the bomber.

"That's right, see if there is no control?" the ensign said helplessly.

"Sir, only the port area does not have those hot air balloons. Why don't we drop the bombs there?" the co-pilot suggested. Karachi’s hot air balloon is actually just an oversized Kongming lantern. This kind of Kongming lantern is difficult to maintain for a long time, but it has caused certain interference with the bombing of the Qin airship. First of all, their aiming cannot be further effectively aimed. At the same time, these high-altitude sky lanterns limit the opponent's further reduction in height for precise bombing, but this kind of sky lanterns is not very simple to make, which requires sophisticated craftsmen to make, so the number cannot cover a large area.

"Just throw it into the port area, and it's better to throw it into the sea than into an empty area," the ensign said. The Qin army has carried out three bombings of Karachi, and the people of Karachi are already familiar with this kind of bombing.

"Woo." Then there was a harsh bomb roar over the port area.

"Heaven. There are airships in the sky." The South Korean merchant ship who was unloading cargo in the port area shouted in surprise. They believed that Qin’s bombing would definitely not go to bomb the port area, because they believed that the South Korean Ministry of Foreign Affairs had reminded Qin’s heavenly army. They will certainly not do this. This is why Korean merchant ships are still boldly unloading cargo even under bombing conditions, because they think they are exempt from bombing. But the situation now is that they watched the bombs fall from the sky.

"Run." Many people reacted after being shocked, but it was too late. The bomb fell into the port area all at once.

"Boom." A merchant ship was unfortunately shot. The bomb fluttered the sawdust from a sailboat on the spot. More bombs entered the warehouses in the port area, or on the docks, explosions continued to come, and a large number of goods were blown up and down.

"Boom." A huge explosion came. A cargo that had just unloaded ammunition was hit by a bomb, and they detonated all the ammunition. The huge explosion made the wharf very chaotic. The personnel losses were extremely heavy.

"Damn it. The bombing hit us. Lao Tzu is Korean, Korean." A crew member yelled to the sky, but Qin's airship had already left here.

What happened to Karachi was quickly telegraphed by the Koreans and sent to Han Shu's desk.

"The people of Qin are too bold, let's bomb Karachi. They dropped the bomb on our heads all of a sudden. How can this matter?" Han Shu said extremely annoyed.

The Karachi port area suffered heavy losses. According to preliminary statistics, seven South Koreans were killed in the bombing. In addition, a considerable amount of material was lost.

"My lord, we should calm down on this matter. I think the people of Qin may not know what happened there, so." Zhang Liang persuaded.

"I don't know. Yes, they don't. Our Ministry of Foreign Affairs did not have a clear contact with them, but they should clearly know that we have a trading base in Karachi. Their bombing has dropped the bomb on our heads. "Han Shu said very annoyedly.

"This matter cannot be left as it is. We must make Qin people apologize to us and make effective compensation. If not, this matter will not be over." Han Shu said.

Zhang Liang wanted to persuade Han Shu a little bit more and resolve this matter only through diplomatic channels. However, Han Shu was obviously a bit too impulsive. In desperation, Zhang Liang could only investigate it through diplomatic means.

Qin State, Prime Minister's Mansion. Shangwen was also very surprised when he received Zhang Liang's telegram. After all, he felt that this incident was sudden.

"Boom." Just then. Meng Yi rushed in.

"Our bombing airship accidentally bombed the Koreans. The Koreans' mood swings are relatively large. The most terrible thing is that a Korean newspaper has already reported this." Meng Yi said and handed a newspaper to Shang Wen.

Shangwen knew that something was wrong after reading the newspaper.

"Does the Ministry of Defense know about this?" Shang Wen asked.

"I think, I don't know, because I only came back from South Korea, the situation there may be out of control." Meng Yi said.

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