Just as the Qi State warship trapped the pirate ship, a series of new warships were being launched in the Laizhou Port of Qi State to **** the warships.

"Sir, please see. These are our new-style **** ships for disembarkation. Given the slow movement of the General Iron Warship and the slower artillery rate of fire, these **** ships can effectively prevent opposition to the use of surprise attacks. Combining these warships, General Tiejun can provide huge and powerful fire support, while the **** warship can provide more flexible harassment tactics.” A shipbuilding engineer introduced.

Tian Heng has devoted a lot of effort to the navy, and he is very happy to see what he has achieved today.

The **** warship is a medium-to-weak warship. If the Iron General’s warship gets a great price for its protection and firepower, the **** warship is a warship that extremely weakens its protection. The firepower is not very strong, they are all small three-inch guns, and their main purpose is to harass the opponent. However, some changes can be made later, they can add some large-caliber artillery on it, but doing so will greatly sacrifice the maneuverability of the warship.

Because the warship itself is weak, it is mainly to increase maneuverability. The number of artillery carried on it is only 30. In addition to the small caliber of the artillery, their maneuvering speed is faster. In order to further increase the maneuverability of the ship, They crazily reduced the weight of the ship. For example, where iron beams should have been used as pillars, they used wood or perforated iron beams to reduce the weight, and the ship’s deck was as thin as possible. Perhaps dropping a hammer from the mast can smash a big hole in the deck.

Therefore, the protective performance of this ship has been reduced to a minimum. But such weak protection has a great advantage, low cost, and can be manufactured on a large scale.

"Sir, this time we launch, we can launch 20 such ships at once, and we can launch five ships every day. If the major shipyards can manufacture them on a large scale, I think, within a few months, we can achieve There are hundreds of these ships," the engineer said excitedly.

The Admiralty didn't give them much money, and at the same time they wanted more, better, and more powerful ships. There was no way. The engineers had to rack their brains to come up with such a way. The Navy Department also formulated the naval naval battle tactics based on the ideas of these engineers. That is, relying on the firepower of the General Tiejun-class warships, with a large number of such **** warships, they quickly stepped out to block the opponents and attacked their opponents by surprise. Because of the large number of these ships, although the firepower does not seem very powerful, they have great flexibility in close combat. With this flexibility, they think they can easily win naval battles. This is the wishful thinking of the Qi State Navy. Tactics, but they did just that. Who makes their military expenditures so much?

"Very good, don't worry about funds, the bank will give you more funds." Tian Heng said.

The Navy’s shipbuilding plan greatly stimulated the development of the banking business. The Navy became the largest customer of the shipyard. In order to attract such customers, they did not hesitate to borrow money from the bank to build ships, and the funds they consumed quickly entered these Among the banks, such repeated and large amounts of funds have entered the hands of the banks. However, the government has to shoulder a considerable amount of debt. As collateral, the Qi government temporarily pledged tariffs to these banks, because they are very clear that the growth of trade will Further stimulate the development of the shipbuilding industry. This is the effect of Lou Jing's economic policy. However, Lou Jing is even more troubled because he needs more financial funds to solve the increasing naval expenditure.

State of Zhao, Handan. Guo Kai's prime minister's house. Guo Kai's Prime Minister's Mansion is now quite a city, because the government will build multiple railways in the coming year.

The railway from Zhao to Qi and the railway from Zhao to Liang. In addition, they are discussing related matters with Liang, mainly the joint venture between the two parties, and then further negotiations with the people of Chu. They will build a railway from Handan to Chu. Guopengcheng and the railway in the south, the emergence of this railway line will further greatly increase the export strength of Zhao Guo's steel products. At the same time, more food from the south will be transported to Zhao through this railway. In this case, even if Zhao has solved their food problem, after all, they have been relying on Qin's imports to cause greater problems for their safety.

However, Guo Kai would not consider it at all, because the construction of the railway was funded by government financial funds. The funds came from Qin State Bank. Qin State Bank sold a large number of old bonds in his hands and exchanged them for more gold coins or new bonds. In this way, the government sold a considerable amount of bonds in exchange for sufficient funds, with such funds. The government has established related projects one after another, and these projects require a lot of construction. Many construction companies have seen this and they frantically bribed Guo Kai to get the right to contract for the project, so that they can earn a lot of money. Of funds.

"The prime minister, look at this, the best jade, this thing is invaluable!" his assistant whispered.

"I have a lot of this stuff. Will those merchants only give jade? This stuff is far less valuable than gold. Let them exchange it for gold." Guo Kai said.

"Yes," the assistant nodded and said. Guo Kai is very clear about the purpose of these businessmen.

"However, Prime Minister, the military has another requirement, requiring you to import some chrome-nickel ore as soon as possible. It is mainly for the manufacture of guns. Not only the military, but also more military factories need these mineral resources." The assistant continued. Speaking of. This matter is a matter for the military, and the military is also a major manufacturer of military supplies. The military factory exports a large amount of munitions. They earn a lot of gold and take people's money to help others. Of course the assistant is willing to say something of concern.

"CrNi? What is that?" Guo Kai asked puzzledly.

"Oh. It's a kind of resource that can resist corrosion. This kind of resource is extremely lacking. Our country of Zhao doesn't have such a thing at all. Only the Western Regions of Qin State have such a thing. Therefore, we need a lot of imports." The assistant explained hurriedly.

"Oh. With this thing, we can produce more guns, right?" Guo Kai asked.

"Yes, yes. Prime Minister, we have no problem," the assistant said.

"Where is it?" Guo Kai asked.

"Qin State, Western Regions, that place." The assistant reminded carefully.

"Oh. Import." Guo Kai said.

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