Qin State, the General Staff.

"Li Xin's idea is right. It is of great significance to retreat Dawan's limited troops to their rear deployment, especially deployment in towns along the railway." Wang Jian said after reading Li Xin's report.

"However, the Dawan people will not do this. They believe that there can be no people on their borders. The most important thing is that their parliament does not agree to do this." Yang Duanhe said.

"Damn council, they don't know how to fight at all. If all the troops are deployed on the border, I think the speed of Dawan's destruction will be very fast, and the rest of the battle will be faced by the rest cavalry. Militia with weak combat power and extremely weak fighting willpower. As long as they have enough artillery, they will definitely be able to take down those towns." Wang Jian said worriedly.

"There is no such possibility? You know, South Korea does not have so many artillery for transportation." Yang Duanhe said.

"What I am worried about is the Qi people, they can do anything. Know? Zhao Guo retired a large number of artillery, the caliber of these artillery is very large. At present, the flow of these artillery is unknown, but if the Shaman buys it, the situation will be different. How is it?" Wang Jian said.

"Yeah. I just hope that the Anxi people will not launch an offensive prematurely. I hope that the deployment of Dawan's people is as correct as possible. We can only do this." Yang Duanhe felt very helpless about the deployment of Dawan's. , The main force will be wiped out all at once.

On the commercial wharf of Zhangxiong Island, a Qi State merchant ship is unloading their cargo quickly and with all their strength. Their cargo is a bit special, all of which are cannons wrapped in linoleum.

"These cannons are too expensive, and it is too troublesome for you to go to Seth. You need to travel more than 10,000 miles. This is absolutely an unbearable cost for your ships and sailing. Haven't been." A Korean businessman said with a smile.

"We know this, so we sold the cannon to the man. I just don't know if the man has been to the country of Seth?" The businessman from Qi country inquires about the situation of the country of Seth as much as he can, because he Zhang Xiongdao's businessman said. The Kingdom of Seth is full of gold, and the Seth and the rest are fighting fiercely. They need a lot of weapons. They are importing a lot of cannons madly. Unfortunately, they are too far apart. Moreover, the Qi State businessmen have just started their sailing trade. They don’t know where Seth is. The most important thing is that the risk is still great. They may not be able to get there. They need someone who can guide them to get there. Place people.

At this time, Korean merchants can provide such opportunities, but the prerequisite is that the entire ship of artillery must be sold to the other party. In desperation, the Qi businessman could only agree, because he wanted to open the business road to Seth. This is very important to them.

"Know, this country of Seth is very far away, and their demand for weapons has become extremely enthusiastic. These artillery passed by, just right. You will also follow, but it is best to load some other items, such as silk and tea. They have become extremely sensitive to these things. This thing is extremely popular in Seth. Although the artillery is also more valuable, as long as the goods arrive at that place, they will definitely be sold. You are guaranteed to earn it. Two ships when you return. You are not full of gold in the boat." The other party laughed and said. The Qi businessman also laughed, because he felt that this kind of result was the best.

Zhao Guo, Handan Iron Works.

"The only way to increase the speed of smelting is to use electric arcs like Qin people. In that case, the smelting speed can be accelerated by a large part." An expert in steel smelting said. He once went to the steel plant of Qin State, where the people of Qin State have used electric arc to smelt steel. This kind of technology is not only fast, but also efficient. Most importantly, it is a brand-new technology, which is better than that of Zhao Guoren himself. The technology mastered is much more advanced.

"But we don't have such technology. We have only a few power plants, which are not enough for us to consume. The most important thing is that we don't have the equipment in this area." A person in charge said worriedly. He is only in charge of a few major workshops. With the increase in demand, especially the massive infrastructure construction plan in the coming year, their production orders have been scheduled for the next year. Such orders are still increasing, which makes their production pressure become extremely enthusiastic. Many people feel that this will allow them to produce for a long time, but a large number of orders still exist, and some orders are gradually lost, because there will be some small steel plants in the private sector, and they are also accepting such orders.

The only way to maintain the current status of Handan Iron Works is to expand on a large scale and improve advanced production technology. But it is very difficult to introduce such technology. After all, their scale has only just expanded.

"Technical problems are best resolved early. If not, the situation will be very unfavorable for us." The expert said.

"When we are faced with this kind of production, and then think of a solution, the consequences will be difficult to proceed." The expert shook his head and said. But several main persons in charge shook their heads. They felt that it was too early to introduce new technologies at this time, mainly because it needed to flatten some technical costs.

Jiaozhou, Qingcheng.

Zhang Qing is carefully looking at the map. His eyes were all focused on Haizhou, a large island that South Korea bought from the people of Chu.

"Sir, it's time to eat," his assistant reminded.

"Yeah. I see." Zhang Qing still looked at the map.

"Sir, let this Haizhou matter temporarily, let's eat first!" the assistant said softly.

"Yeah. Okay." Zhang Qing said.

"There is a large amount of iron ore in Haizhou. If these iron ore are developed, our steel production will be more impressive," Zhang Qing said.

"Sir, in this way, the transportation problem becomes very big." The other party was still very worried.

"Now that the trade is so fierce, no ships are willing to transport such things. Unless we build some steel plants in that place, otherwise, the iron ore needs a very large amount." The assistant said.

"That's right, so in the next step, we need some new ore-carrying ships. These ships do not need to go on ocean voyages, as long as they have a big breakthrough in carrying capacity." Zhang Qing said while eating.

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