Outside Karachi, there are no Yueshi people. The Yue army had already retreated to their rear position.

Through the interrogation of the captives. They also got a shocking news. They also beat the opposing commander to death. This can be regarded as a surprise for them. However, Zhang Si was still a little unhappy for a simple reason. Because they did not launch a counterattack.

"If we launch it once, I think we should be able to expel those **** Yueshi people. In this way, we can win quite a lot of territory. In future operations, this will be very beneficial to us." Zhang Si said. He knew that only a counterattack could win the initiative.

"Sir, although the Yue people seem to be weak, I think that the military strength of the Yue people is still there. You must know that they have defeated the Indians, and they still have a lot of military equipment, and the army is there, even if it is We launch a counterattack, and the people of Qin will not see this situation continue to happen. I am worried." A lieutenant on the side cautiously suggested.

"What are you worried about?" Zhang Si asked.

"I am worried that if the Qin people participate, our situation will be further miserable. You must know that the Qin people have already carried out aerial bombardment on us in the air, but there is no defense above our heads. Such a rash attack will not In any defensive situation, the counterattack may be severely weakened." said the lieutenant. Zhang Si thought of this, and felt so. The Qin people have absolute control over the Yueshi. They don't want to see the Yueshi just get the situation, so they will suddenly change to them. Such things, they will absolutely not allow it to happen. Thought of this. He felt that his idea was still somewhat simple.

"Sir." At this moment, a communications officer found Zhang Si.

"This is a domestic telegram." The communications staff handed Zhang Si a telegram. The content of the telegram is the same as that analyzed by the lieutenant.

"Sure enough, the country does not recommend launching a large-scale counterattack. Moreover, the country is discussing relevant signals with Qin. They feel that it is not good for us to continue fighting with Qin at this time. The Korean government and the Qin government What is needed is trade growth. Only in this way can taxation increase. However, war will destroy peace. This is an unacceptable thing for them. Therefore, the result of the matter is peace talks." Zhang Si said. To. The lieutenant nodded in agreement.

Qi State, Tian Heng's general mansion. Tian Heng told Lou Jing about Zhang Yidao, but he concealed one thing, that is, the fact that Zhang Yidao was previously occupied by the South Korean government.

"If there is oil, that would be great. I think the oil can be done, but there are still some problems in transportation. We can't use a lot of wooden barrels to load it. If this is the case, it will be too troublesome. The only way is to use iron buckets. Although it is a bit more troublesome, some problems can be solved, and it can be transported after being mined." Lou Jing was very happy to hear this news, because then, the Qi government has a lot of money. Good income. The current Qi State Navy’s continuous expansion requires more and more funds. If a large amount of oil can be extracted and sold, this is definitely a good thing.

"Well. It can solve the transportation problem, not bad. Not bad." Tian Heng was also worried about how to transport this problem at first. However, Lou Jing proposed the use of iron drums, which is also what Qin must use to load and transport oil. A large number of iron drums can be easily manufactured, and it is easier to load and unload, so such ships are still acceptable.

"However, in order to increase the carrying capacity, I think we should build a special oil tanker as soon as possible. What I know is that the South Korean side is building a ship to transport iron ore, and we should also build such a ship in Qi. For us, it is a great advantage. Oil drums also require some cost." Lou Jing said.

"Wait for a while, but we should first see how the effect is? Otherwise, it will be useless to build the ship at once." Tian Heng said. In fact, what Tian Heng worries about is, what should Koreans do if they find Zhang Yidao's? He still doesn't know this.

Chu State, inside the staff.

"We have just mastered an amazing weapon. But there are still some technical problems." Xiang Liang said to Xiang Yan excitedly.

"What weapon?" Xiang Yan asked curiously.

"Mine. Mines that can be placed underwater are similar in principle to landmines, but they are used underwater. If the enemy tracks us or arranges them in some important areas, the situation will be very serious. The report said, As long as the mine explodes from underwater, the ship will be blown up on the spot. Iron armor can protect against shells, but not mine." Xiang Liang said.

"With such a weapon, we can launch an offensive from underwater, and the Qi people's iron-clad ship poses no threat to us at all." Xiang Liang said.

"But for now, we don't have a deep conflict with the people of Qi. Will the people of Qi treat us for the time being?" Xiang Yan said.

"But we must be prepared for this. After all, the Qi people already have a great advantage. If we don’t develop in this way, we will find it difficult to deal with them. When the Qi people’s warship is killed, we won’t have any. It's a way." Xiang Liang said.

"Yeah." Xiang Yan nodded. I feel that what the other party said is right, after all, some problems can still be solved with some assassins.

Bangla Port.

"I said, what's the matter with you Qi people? Not long after you came here, you rushed to do business here. Have you let us do business?" A Chu businessman was extremely dissatisfied with Qi Qi The Chinese businessman shouted loudly.

There is a booth between the two, they are buying a lot of cotton, because the country needs such things, the cotton business is starting to get better. However, there is a certain deviation in the purchase price.

"If we raise one cent, you will raise two cents, is this intentional?" Chu State businessman cursed.

"That said, you do your business, I do my business, we have not hindered you, you can also not raise the price." Qi State businessman said.

"You Qi country dogs, give you a face." Chu businessman scolded angrily. The Qi people did everything right, making them very annoyed, so they gave orders.

"Fight, beat these Qi country dogs, **** it, Mengla belongs to our country of Chu and South Korea, what are you people of Qi country?" Chu businessman shouted.

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