The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 2981: How could there be a cable boat

"Sir, look, it looks like a cable ship?" The first lieutenant put down the telescope in his hand and said.

"Cable ship, is it the submarine cable when they arrived here? How come I don't know." The captain took the binoculars and looked puzzled. What he saw was indeed a cable ship, but the other ship was bigger than a normal ship. On the first issue, the large roller is obvious.

In fact, the submarine cable technology has been promoted. South Korea and Chu have cooperated on such projects. Coupled with the technical cooperation of the Qin State Lieutenant School enterprise, Qi has also initially obtained relevant submarine cable technology. This is because all countries are actively paying attention to this. If communication related to submarine cables cannot be achieved quickly, it will be difficult to further develop other things.

Therefore, the submarine cable laying ship has become one of the most visited ships after the expedition ship.

"Is it sent from above?" the captain guessed himself.

"No, sir, it was not sent by us, it was from Qi, and it was a cable boat from Qi." The lieutenant cried out in surprise at this time.

"What? People of Qi, what's going on? Why did the cable boats of Qi people appear here? What do they want to do?" The captain was surprised to see the Qi flag on the cable boat.

"What should I do? Captain, shall we follow up and see, I think they must have other uses for laying the cable boat, otherwise, the cable boat will not be dispatched to this place." The lieutenant suggested.

"Well, go, go up and take a look, there must be no accidents, be careful, and enter a state of combat. Quick. Quick." The captain ordered immediately. All the crew members enter the fighting state. They feel that a cable ship can easily have a big impact.

Jiaozhou, the border area of ​​Qi State.

"This oil, why can't it be produced?" An oil man in Jiaozhou said curiously, looking at his oil well.

"Oh, is there any oil in your oil well?" At this moment, a middle-aged man came over and asked.

"Yes, I don't know what's going on?" the oil man said curiously.

"I think our oil well is just like a water well. The terrain on our side is higher. You see, the terrain on the Qi people's side is lower. The water flows to the lower place. The same is true for this oil well. I think, It must be the one who has drained the oil from our oil well. Otherwise, such a thing will not happen, you say, is it?" said the middle-aged man.

"Fucking, these Qi people, why do they always have such a contradiction with us? This well was finally drilled out. Only then did I earn the money from this well, and they came to make trouble. This is not Deliberately?" said the oil man annoyed.

"Then what should I do? My well has only been drilled, and it is gone. I am even more unlucky. What do you think I should do?" the middle-aged man said helplessly.

"No, this matter can't be settled like this. We must ask the government to reason. I know a congressman, maybe he can talk about it. Anyway, this matter can't be settled like this. Don't let those Qi people think that we are Jiaozhou. People are easy to bully." He turned around and left. The middle-aged man nodded and followed.

Wei Guo, big beam.

"How is the training of those policemen?" Chen Yu asked the police chief.

"Well, according to your order, they are fully in accordance with military standards, and they lack a large number of police officers to be promoted. In addition, in terms of funding, are they more generous? After all, our situation is not very good. If the police lack a large amount of salary, they I still don't want to do anything." The police minister said to Chen Yu.

"I know that this problem will be solved. I am discussing related matters with the people of Qin and South Korea, and they will solve these problems. Don't worry, I just need some time, time." Chen Yu said. Chen Yu's plan is very simple. It is to train the army in accordance with the police method. With the army, it is easy to control the situation in the main beam. But the police chief doesn't know this. He just knows that if the police officers are not paid, they will riot. Although the salary is not very high at the beginning, it must be paid somehow. He was really worried. If he couldn't post it in the end, he must know what the ending will be.

State of Zhao, Handan, Admiralty.

Guo Kai came here in an unprecedented way, and Li Mu was the main person in charge of the military. In fact, Li Mu was only deploying some military situations, and Wang Zhao was still required to mobilize orders. This also distinguishes the commands of each command area very well.

"We currently only have 12 medium warships and 12 small warships, which are mainly used for patrols. There are only 30 artillery pieces for medium warships and 12 small warships, all with a caliber of less than three inches. Limited, we can’t go further on long-sea voyages, and we lack experience in this area.” The Secretary of the Navy reported.

"It took a long time for us to have such a small boat, too few." Guo Kai said angrily after hearing it.

"The main reason is that our funds are insufficient, we need to build railways, supplies are not in place, and we don’t know how to build ships. These ships were sold to us by the Qi people. Their warships were all converted from merchant ships. Our ships The same is true. If you want to expand the navy on a large scale, you must have your own special funds." The Secretary of the Navy said.

"I don't care about this. What I want is ships that can develop resources and bring great benefits. Now Zhao State lacks quite a lot of resources, you know? Resources, iron ore, coal, and more With a lot of labor, without these, Zhao Guo will face the problem of increased costs. Under such circumstances, what should we do?" Guo Kai asked.

"We can only rely on overseas markets to provide more raw materials. We can't watch the cost increase a little bit. This is something we absolutely do not allow. The next step, the navy's goal is very simple, it is to develop several colonies, Chu China and South Korea have their own colonies. We also have it in the country of Zhao. It must be fast. Now it is to seize the territory. Even if the navy is sitting on a merchant ship, it must also lay a piece of its own territory, understand?” Guo Kai said.

And Li Mu was looking at Guo Kai curiously. He didn't understand why the other party was so anxious and what made Guo Kai suddenly interested in naval affairs. However, rising costs are indeed detrimental to them, after all, such things cannot continue to happen. Otherwise, it is difficult for companies to bear, and the high costs will only be passed on in the end.

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