The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 2983: The role of iron barrels

Zhao State, Handan, in the army barracks on the outskirts.

"To join the Marine Corps, the salary is twice that of the Army, and the salary is very high, and every meal has meat dishes." A Corporal Zhao Jun said.

"Moreover, the weapons equipped are also very advanced. I heard that they are still new fixed-load bullets, all of which are copper ammunition, and are equipped with machine guns. This is the elite of the elite." Other soldiers said one after another.

"This is not the most critical place. The most important thing is that it is the Marine Corps. This is the army that is going overseas. When you go overseas, the spoils are all our own. Unless you want to sell it, it is fundamentally fundamental. Don't worry about anything." said a second lieutenant.

"The profit of this trophy is quite large, and the army has not had a war for a long time. Our brothers are all idle. If this continues, we can't stand it. So, the most important thing now is. Just go to the Marine Corps and find a way to survive." The ensign went to sign up as he said.

Others took a look and followed in and signed up. The Marine Corps is a new type of service. For them, it is a new way to survive. The Zhao government needs to expand the Marine Corps to effectively expand their overseas business. After all, there is no military force deployed overseas. No effective military deployment can be made.

Wei Guo Daliang.

"Do you know what those police officers are?" Chen Yu asked his finance minister.

"This is not clear, but I guess it may be the army." The Minister of Finance guessed.

"Yes. There are only militiamen in the Wei state, but the militiamen simply cannot quickly gather a large number of military forces that they should have. This is very unfavorable for us. Now all countries are actively expanding abroad. Haikou can go to sea. But what about our situation, there is no regular army, and the parliament does not agree to establish a regular army." Chen Yu said.

"Because the Taxation Council disagrees, this will increase their burden, but the big Liang also needs the army to strengthen their security. Therefore, these armies were established in the name of the police, and we, the State of Wei, must also act tightly. The development of our military career followed closely behind," Chen Yu said.

"However, in this way, a large amount of financial support is needed. Without financial support, there would be no such army at all. Also, if we want to go to sea, we need to have access to the sea. Wei Guo does not have such a thing. The only way to go to the sea is to rely on Jiaozhou in South Korea, or rely on Qi, this, what should we do?" the Minister of Finance asked.

"This, we need to look at the situation before we decide, but we still need support from various banks. We must issue a large number of bonds. Only with these bonds can we have sufficient funds to solve more problems." Chen Yu said.

"It's just that I don't think any bank can afford such a heavy debt." The Finance Minister said worriedly.

"Well, so we need to look at the attitude of Qin people, only Qin people can help solve our problems." Chen Yu said.

Menggla, the southwest region, is close to the southern tribal area, but there are also some civilized locals. They just form some scattered and loose villages. These villages are not disturbed at the beginning because they go deep inland. With the arrival of merchants from South Korea and Chu, the situation here has also changed.

For example, some Korean and Chu products arrived here, and some religious believers came here to promote doctrines, but the locals were extremely resistant. It's hard to spread for a while.

"Everyone, believe us, as long as you pay a bucket of rice, you can join the education, you can get the protection of South Korea and Chu, you can pay less food, and you can not pay the taxes in the north." A Korean from South Korea The hooligans pretended to be a missionary and shouted loudly. There is also an interpreter on the side to translate, because preaching can make money, for example, it can defraud the locals a lot of land, he can let the believers donate land in the name of the doctrine, and with the land, a large amount of land can be concentrated and sold to those merchants. Then let those who have no land to work, which is also a very reasonable thing.

These believers are supported by many farmers or businessmen. With such support, they can solve many problems.

After translating these words, the locals shook their heads and left. For religions from outside, no one wants to listen to them. Although they donated some medicines, food, and various commodities, they still didn't buy it.

"Damn, these people really don't know what's good or bad." The missionary cursed like this. He saw the locals who left. Obviously, they were waiting for the goods to be distributed instead of following their own doctrines.

But the translator on the side translated these curse words stupidly.

"Damn it, don't translate it. Translate a fart. Go back with you." The missionary scolded anxiously, then turned and left here. He was very annoyed by what happened here. The locals didn't. Appreciate, no matter what you say or do, they don't understand it. This makes him feel very annoyed, but he still calms down and thinks of other ways to solve this problem.

South Korea, Xinzheng, Korea Intelligence Agency. Business intelligence department.

"A large number of merchant ships carrying iron barrels in Laizhou Port leave?" An intelligence supervisor said while looking at the telegram in his hand.

"Yes, sir, we are also very surprised about this kind of thing. The role of these iron barrels is very obvious, or they are used to carry some valuable oil or other things, but based on what we found in the intelligence I didn't pretend. I think it's very strange, it's not in line with the routine." An intelligence officer analyzed.

"Well, I also find it very strange. Behind these strange things, there are things that are incomprehensible. Do you think the Qi people have discovered oil or something? You know, the Qi people have expertise in this area. They After all, there are oil fields.” That intelligence chief suddenly thought.

"Sir, there may be such a possibility, but where will they find the oil field?" the intelligence officer said.

"No, we must quickly let people track these ships. Only by tracking them can we find the place we want to find. Otherwise, we will miss some important information. We must not lose such an opportunity." The intelligence director said.

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