The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 2990: Walk the Queen Strait

Seth country.

"You have to go to the north, there are many dangers there, you have to be fully prepared." Seth businessman Suniwei said. He is an out-and-out Seth businessman. He has his own camel team as well as his own team. The business was very large, and he realized early on that the products brought by Korean merchants were of great value.

"Yes, I'm going to the north. I want to go there. Although it looks dangerous, I think I should go and see." Han Da said. He is from South Korea and is a merchant. However, the profit of the merchant is very high now. He wanted to go out and have a look, but only then did he find Suniwei, the largest local businessman, to help.

"My god. I think you know Korean merchants, they are far away from your country, far, far away, and they have to pass through war-torn countries in the north, where there are standing everywhere, and many accidents will happen. I really I don’t know, what will happen to you when you get there?" Suniway said.

"I'm not afraid of this. I just want to open up a business route. In that case, we can build a very spectacular business empire. I want to go along the way and rely on your strength to help me. , My friend, Baghdad first, I heard that the business there is very developed, I think this is very useful for us." Han Da said. He knew that since he decided to come here, he had to do something, otherwise, he would have come for nothing. Seeing that Han Da's decision was so big, the other party decided to take the other party to have a look. After all, the other party can bring a lot of commodities that they don't have, and the profit of these commodities is absolutely amazing.

The ocean area of ​​Chu State. A large fleet is slowly advancing. Qi is written on their banner. This shows that they are a fleet of Qi country. The speed of the fleet is relatively slow. This is because in the core area of ​​the ship, there are two relatively large Iron General-class warships. They are Flying Fork and Iron Fork. In addition, there are twelve **** ships that shuttle back and forth, because they are fast and flexible, so they can provide great protection. In the back, there are a large group of merchant ships. Their draft does not seem to be very deep, but their sailing speed is greatly suppressed. They are arranged in three rows and are constantly advancing, and they have as many as 22 ships.

"Sir, one day's voyage ahead is about to cross Queen's Island. Should we pass through Queen's Strait or bypass Queen's Island and enter the South China Sea area from near Song Island." The first officer asked the fleet commander. Rear Admiral Li Dong. He turned out to be a major general in the army. He spent a lot of money before entering the navy. Later he organized some merchant ships to go to Wadao. He made some money and spent money to unclog again. This is how he got this task. In fact, he He had no interest in the entire naval battle. He just knew that as long as he had enough ships and artillery, the problem could be solved. In his view, all the problems are very simple. Sea warfare is actually the same as land warfare.

"Is there a difference?" Li Dong asked the first officer. After all, he is an army officer. To be honest, if not for his extreme restraint, he still feels a little seasick. The commander of a fleet is still seasick, and it will definitely make people laugh at it. In that case, he doesn't need to be a Rear Admiral. Now he is still taking some remedies to solve this problem.

"Yes, sir, if we enter from Queen Strait, we will encounter South Korean patrol boats. If we bypass Queen Island, there are no other islands to the east. It is difficult for them to find us. So, between the two There is a big difference." The chief officer explained.

"Talk about it." Li Dong touched his head and said. He was a little dizzy, which greatly affected his judgment.

"Our mission is to **** the merchant ship south. The nature of the mission seems to be very secret, but I don't know how secret it is. So, for safety, we still bypass Queen Island. Enter from the sea to the east. It's just that. If it does, it will take a lot of time.” The chief officer said.

"But it's safe." The first officer said immediately.

"Oh. What will happen if you enter from the Queen's Strait?" Li Dong felt dizzy a bit, and at this time he exercised restraint.

“If you pass through the Queen’s Strait, you will inevitably encounter a South Korean navy patrol ship. Once we discover our movements, we will have no secrets. If the other party conducts patrol inspections, our situation may arouse the other’s vigilance. "The first officer said cautiously.

"Just kidding, how many ships do we have, how many ships they have, the artillery above us. One shot can sink them to the bottom of the sea, let them inspect our ships, just kidding." Li Dong said with excitement at this time.

"Sir, I think we should choose to take a detour. Although it takes more time, it can reduce some unnecessary troubles. Once it causes the other party's alertness or friction. Such things should be avoided as much as possible." The first officer is very aware of the due diligence of the Korean Navy. They can really do this.

"Just kidding, why do you take those roads more? We have time to arrive earlier. I'm afraid of them. We are the Qi State Navy. What are the Qi State Navy's fears. Don't ask. I've decided. Just take the Queen Strait and go more. Those roads that can save some time, it's so decided." Li Dong decided. In fact, he hates to continue like this, after all, seasickness is not a good thing.

"But, sir, if we really go through the Queen Strait, we'd better avoid friction with the South Korean navy as much as possible." The chief officer suggested at this time. They didn't know what was happening in the country, and they had no news about it. They set off from Laizhou Port and went south without stopping at all, and they didn't know the news from the outside at all. They can only know after calling at the port. For Li Dong, this was already a headache. He decided to find a port of Chu State to stay some after going south to make his head feel better.

"Okay. It's so decided. Nothing big will happen, that's it. I'll take a rest, I'm tired." Li Dong touched his head and said. In fact, he was a little more seasick, and he felt better. But as soon as he thought about the problem, something happened, so he didn't want to think about it. Go back and have a good rest, maybe it will be all right.

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