Chu State, Pengcheng.

"I heard that in the Queen Strait, the Qi navy and the South Korean navy did a battle. The Qi navy is great." After a Chu merchant ship docked, the crew from above began to excitedly talk about some things they saw. .

"As soon as one round of artillery fired, I saw a flash of thunder and lightning, the artillery shells roared out, and the South Korean navy patrol boat hit the bottom of the sea. Those people were too late to run." The Chu crew member said. To.

"Oh, there is a chance. I should really watch the naval battle in the true sense. It should be spectacular, right?" others asked.

"That's not the case. Several warships are all lined up, and there are too many artillery. I can't count them. When I was in the country, I felt that the thunder in the sky was not as loud as the sound of sea artillery. It's amazing." The crew continued.

"It's just nonsense. How could our South Korean Navy lose to the Qi State Warship is just a joke." A Korean businessman said dissatisfiedly.

"Hey, this is what I saw with my own eyes. The Korean warship was shot into the sea with a salvo of artillery. Unfortunately, you can read the newspaper. Maybe the reporter will cover this soon." Said the crew member.

"Ding Ding Ding." Just then. There was a sound of metal knocking.

"Everyone, come and bet. Is it the South Korean navy or the Qi navy? You guys hurry up. Bet. Let's bet that the navy can win the final victory." A man from Chu was standing. Shouted loudly from a high platform.

Gambling has become the most willing thing for people here. They gamble on everything. The most willing to gamble is wars between countries. Because all countries have great powers and all countries like their own country to win, naturally they are willing to participate. This may be the style of the Warring States Period, but in fact, this style has not been for a long time. But I don't know when it started, this trend began to wind up gradually, perhaps because people have some spare money in their hands.

"I am optimistic about the victory of the South Korean navy. After all, the South Korean navy developed early. Although the Qi navy is guarding the sea, don't forget. The navy of others called out early. But the navy of Qi is still a navy." Ming Chu people immediately bought the South Korean Navy Victory with money, and many people bought them one after another. The odds were one to one, but they won steadily.

"Just kidding, the navy has long been a veteran brand. Don't forget. In this world, the first navy was called the Qin State Navy, but the Qin State Navy should now be called the Qin State Water Army. They don't even have an exit to the sea, if not Yan If the national elementary school lent others a place to develop a port, maybe the Qin Navy should be renamed. It should not be a separate service, it should be called the Qin Navy. They can do things like collecting taxes and investigating water pirates." This is what a Qi countryman said.

"I bought the Qi State navy for victory. Although our Qi State Navy was born later, our Qi State Navy is not weak. We have Tiejun-class warships and a large number of armed merchant ships that can join them. It is definitely not a blow out. Bet, bet Qi Guo's navy wins." Qi businessman bet it up unceremoniously, one loses three, the odds are still relatively high.

This kind of atmosphere makes many people feel very excited, because they have never seen such a situation.

Inside Chen Ping's office.

"The battle between the Qi State Navy and the South Korean Navy, if one day our Chu State Navy encounters such a situation, what should we do?" Chen Ping asked his assistant.

"Sir, our Chu State Navy is also developing. I heard that they have recently ordered some ships. These ships rely on steam engines to provide power and can get rid of the trouble of wind direction. In this way, it is very advantageous to fight. The navy still uses sails. This is already very backward," the assistant said.

"Yeah. Very good, but we should take advantage of the war between the two countries, quickly mobilize a large number of troops, and all go to the places we should reach, such as Seth, countries like the Shah, and places where black people live. These are the things we should pay attention to. Let them fight the war between Qi and South Korea." Chen Ping said.

"But, sir, those ships cannot sail oceans. If they want to sail oceans, they seem to have to use propeller technology. Such technology must be achieved through the cooperation of some enterprises in the Qin State. Otherwise, it would be impossible to do this." Said the assistant.

"This is very simple. Money can solve many problems. As long as there is trade stimulus, are you still worried about these problems?" Chen Ping said with a smile. He knew that with the increasing trade distance, in fact, many Chu merchants could no longer bear the slowness of sailing ships. Despite the continuous use of new technologies, the speed still cannot increase. Coupled with the expansion of marine profits, for example, the silk business, a piece of silk, is not very valuable in Chu, and now ordinary workers can afford it as long as they work hard. , Affordable. However, if this piece of silk is shipped to Seth, ordinary silk clothes can be sold for five gold coins. And you may not be able to buy it with gold coins. The price is hundreds of times faster. The profit is quite large. Therefore, many people are willing to do this kind of business, after all, the price is very high. Money is easy to earn. However, the distance is very long. The sailing speed is very slow. The fastest, it takes three months to arrive, and the slowest. If the weather is bad or the storm is encountered, they must take shelter. Once they stop, it will take ten days or so. Time is simply torturing them.

The only way to solve this problem is to use new technologies, such as ships powered by steam engines. Such ships can get rid of the trouble of wind direction and allow them to reach their destinations more quickly.

And because of this demand, Chu's shipyards are allowed to use new technology on a large scale. This technology allows them to quickly expand to their ships and provide faster speeds.

And this demand for speed also stimulates shipyards to use a lot of new technologies. At the same time, they continue to use new technologies to make them seek more cooperation. For example, the improvement of the propeller propulsion device with Qin Guoren can make them become It became more swift, which greatly stimulated the promotion and application of new technologies. The second industrial revolution is rapidly spreading, which no one can predict.

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