"Can you figure out how many troops they can assemble?" Li Xin asked.

"Sir, the preliminary estimate is more than 80,000. If calculated based on the strength of the 100,000 people assembled by the Parths, I think they will launch an offensive soon, which will cause great losses to our attacks. But at present we only have less than 30,000 troops deployed at the border." The staff officer said.

"Abandoning the border is already something that must be done." Li Qi on the side said angrily.

"I was severely punished above, and his rank of major general became brigadier general. However, he will continue to serve as the border defense commander." Li Qi said helplessly.

"Haha." Li Xin said.

"Just to remove your post, I am afraid that things like this will still happen at the border. This is a fact that cannot be changed." Li Xin said.

"Yes, it is true, but they don't understand. Those **** legislators care about whether there is an army at the border. As long as there is an army, they will think that their safety will be greatly guaranteed. As everyone knows, their The situation is even more dangerous." Li Qi said.

"I'm very pessimistic about this." Li Qi said.

"I can understand your situation." Li Xin said to Li Qi.

"Our **** Ministry of Defense officials told me that there will be some new weapons to be supplied to me, and I inquired. They seem to be buying a batch of machine guns to be deployed on the border, because your staff recommended that a large number of barbed wire and The defense system composed of machine guns can effectively prevent the infiltration of the sabbath cavalry. It constitutes a lot of lethality to them." Li Qi said.

"If such a batch of weapons enter your line of defense, I think it's very good." Li Xin nodded and said. He also made this suggestion, but the other party thinks that the cost is too much. They simply cannot afford such a large expenditure of funds. Especially the bullet item is enough to make them spend a lot of money. This is very painful for them.

"But one of my former subordinates served as an advisory officer in the Ministry of National Defense. He told me that not long ago, a salesman in your arms factory promoted a hand-held machine gun. This weapon is very fast, but It just consumed too many bullets. In the blink of an eye, dozens of bullets went out. It may be called a submachine gun." Li Qi said.

"They used pistol bullets instead of rifle bullets. But those officials believed that such weapons were not needed on the front line. First, they thought the range was very short, with only a hundred steps away. Second, it was critical and costly. There were too many bullets. In the blink of an eye, a few gold coins went out. They thought that too many bullets were consumed. So, they finally rejected the plan, and then there was no more." Li Qi said.

"They are reluctant to buy pistol ammunition. I think there must be no way for machine guns. We only have old-fashioned flintlocks in our hands. This rifle has no rifled lines and can't be shot far. Moreover, in the absence of training and maintenance of soldiers , Let them play their combat skills. I think it is a miracle." Li Qi said with some complaints. This issue has been debated many times in the parliament, but the power of the parliament is so great that many people are helpless.

"It seems that they can only wait patiently. The war will teach them a lesson. What we have to do now is to retreat and make a retreat plan. We cannot let more people lose on the way to retreat. Otherwise, the situation will be bad. We are extremely disadvantaged." Li Xin thought about it for a while. It is true that too many hopes can not be placed on those damned congressmen.

South Korea, Qingcheng,

The Qingcheng fast frigate. This is a brand new steam-driven ship. The huge flywheels on both sides of the ship provide power for sliding. On both sides of the ship are equipped with twenty two and a half-inch rate-of-fire artillery.

In order to prevent this new ship from leaking secrets, they also specially equipped some fake artillery to cover up the role of this rapid-fire artillery.

The rapid-fire artillery did not use hydraulic brakes, but mechanical brakes. In this way, the artillery must be fixed on both sides of the ship.

"Bang." The artillery fired quickly after aiming.

"Ding Dang." There was a clear sound of shells being drawn out.

"The sound is very crisp. It sounds very beautiful." The captain said excitedly.

"The firing range is also long. At a distance of a thousand steps, I heard that a special armor-piercing projectile can penetrate half an inch of iron armor. Attacking at such a high speed. We won very easily." The chief officer was excited. Speaking of.

"These are the new-style warships and the new-style artillery technology. But we have to keep it secret, let those Qi people open their eyes, and let them see how good we are." The captain said excitedly.

Compared with traditional artillery, this type of breech-loaded artillery has a faster speed, coupled with the use of new propellant, so that the artillery has a faster speed, but the new artillery also has shortcomings, for example. Zhao Guo has not yet fully grasped such artillery manufacturing technology, and the artillery technology exported by Qin State has a serious technical defect. This defect comes from his artillery gate technology, because the artillery gate is not very good.

The technical department of the Ministry of National Defense of Qin State has long put forward relevant solutions. The Li's Armory also quickly adopted countermeasures, such as strengthening the robustness of the gun gate. Wenyang Arsenal is trying to use new technology to solve this problem. It was precisely because of problems that this type of artillery was exported to South Korea, and South Korea ordered 30 artillery pieces in one go. And got related technology.

South Korea’s new artillery manufacturing process did not take long before it began to manufacture such artillery. The results can be imagined. The artillery that originally had technical problems, if fired continuously, would cause serious artillery brakes to be knocked out.

"Boom." There was a sound of a shell exploding.

"Ah." The two gunners screamed loudly. Two other gunners were already lying motionless on the ground. Blood, one arm is lying on the deck.

"Damn, there was an accident. Medical soldiers, medical soldiers." The artillery commander shouted.

"Damn it." The captain cursed loudly after seeing this happen.

"Quick, save people first." The captain reluctantly ordered.

"Oh, this kind of artillery is fast, has a long range, and is more powerful, but it just can't shoot too much, otherwise, the position of the gun will not be able to bear it. This problem has been responded to many times. No one has solved it. . This simply allows our gunner to do such a thing with his life." The chief mate complained from the side. When such a thing happened, he looked distressed.

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