The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 3006: Find the drug seller

Western. A group of Chu State merchant ships are moving along the coastline.

"Oh. Uh." A group of Vietnamese soldiers in Chu military uniforms were throwing up on the boat gang.

"Really, these vietnamese soldiers. It's so **** disgusting, it's all on the deck." A sailor said to an old sailor in disgust.

"Hehe, there is no way, whoever asks us to transport military combatants." The old sailor said helplessly. Wiping the deck was done by these new sailors, and he did it step by step.

"Old sailor, how did we transport this kind of goods? It is better to transport some cans. At least the brothers can still eat something good. If we can transport alcohol, it would be much better." Said the sailor. All kinds of supplies are lost on the way. The last thing they are willing to transport is people, artillery. Arms, because those things cannot be eaten or drunk, what they are most willing to transport is sugar cane, or sugar and wine transported from other colonies, followed by rice wine is sugar cane. But too much sugar is not good. So they like to use those things to brew some wine to drink. Although the taste is not very good. But for them, it is the best drink.

"This is a military secret. I heard that we are going to expand the colony, but there are no soldiers, and the salary is not high. Think about it, a soldier is not as good as you, a newcomer, naturally no one wants to go. Become a soldier. Take money to do things. But these people are different. They can do it with less money. This is simply the best thing." The old sailor said.

"Oh. These people are going to die, just go. Anyway, I won't go. This sailing is much more interesting than being a soldier." The other party said.

Yizhuxiangjiao, in a small branch of Jintang, gathered here about 300 people, including more than 50 rifles, and the rest were holding machetes, the kind of cheap machete for cutting sugar cane.

"Brothers, those Pashtuns bully us, and don't let them believe in our Yixiangxiangjiao. For such people, what should you do?" a bearded man exclaimed excitedly.

"Kill. Kill. Kill." Many locals don't know what it means to kill, but they do. Today the church suddenly issued weapons to them, and they knew that something was wrong.

These locals are among the poorest in the area, and many of them are still alone in their middle age, even without a woman. Therefore, after the Yizhuxiang Sect arrived here and declared that as long as it joined the religion, there would be land and women, and it would become a nobleman. These people were the first to join in, but the problem also came immediately, because most of these people were escaped slaves. Or other guilty people. Because of the relationship between the State of Chu and the South Korean government, the local Pashtun government has nothing to do with them, but contradictions will always be aroused at this moment. The contradiction aroused. Pashtun didn't know who had killed one of the other's vice-masters, which incited a fierce revenge from the incense sect. In fact, Yizhuxiangjiao had already planned such a thing for a long time, but suffered from the lack of an interface library, and now they have their own excuses. They want to kill these Pashtuns because they have a lot of land in their hands.

"Okay. Very good. Drink." The bearded man waved his arms excitedly. The rice wine and sugar wine of Chu people are brought up. The locals also like to drink. But there are not many opportunities, this time enough to make them feel excited. Because there is a big bowl.

"It's done." The bearded man drew off the wine in his hand with excitement. The others looked around. I also learned how to do it.

"Okay. Bang." There was a crisp sound of a bowl thrown on the ground, and some local people also used simple tableware made of stone. The bowls are made of pottery, stone, wood, and a variety of materials, because they can't guarantee their living conditions at all. They can see the living conditions of the locals from a small tableware.

"Kill. Grab the woman. Grab the ground." The bearded man shouted loudly for the first time. He waved the machete in his hand and slew towards a nearby Pashtun village. When other people saw this, they picked up the machetes in their hands and killed them, muskets, machetes, and some local spears. This kind of spear is very big, so it is called a big spear. The locals were extremely excited and killed them.

"Kill." They shouted loudly. They didn't understand the word, and they didn't know the meaning of the word, but they knew it now. They just need to vent their dissatisfaction.

The killing immediately began uncontrollably. The hacked man let out the last scream. The woman shouted loudly, the cry of the child weeped in the fire, and then gradually there was no sound, or it stopped abruptly. The locals unceremoniously harvested their lives. For them, these things are too simple to answer. It simply made them unbelievable. Soon, these Yizhuxiang cultists got what they wanted. Women, land, and churches are being counted. I believe they will get more land soon, because they will get more land. That's how it was said at the time.

But now they want to enjoy the stimulation brought by women. Under the great effect of alcohol, women become extremely cute. A group of thugs. They are just a group of thugs dressed in the cloak of religious legality. But the people of Chu and the Koreans need so many thugs to do things for them.

Qi State, inside the barracks.

"Sir, this is the medicine. This caused Li Er to die suddenly." A corporal reported to a captain.

"Suddenly died, can you die with medicine?" The captain did not believe it at first, but now he sees Li Er lying naked on the bed, the bed is in chaos, and the soldiers behind are still laughing at each other. Because the other party asked more than a dozen women in one night, and finally died on the woman. This made Qi Jun's military style very bad, and he hurried to check after hearing about it.

"Sir, this is the medicine. After taking it. Li Er has always been very excited, so excited to his death. The brothers only later learned that this medicine is powerful, but. Li Er is already. It's already like this." The corporal report helplessly. thing.

"Yeah. I see. Excited, what kind of medicine can be excited. Go and find the drug seller. You must find it, understand?" The captain ordered severely.

"Yes, it's the sir." The corporal replied tremblingly. Then the other party left here.

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