The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 3015: The role of silver coins

In fact, in Zhao State, there are also women who become technical backbones and apprentices. This is not just an individual case in Zhao State, but a widespread phenomenon.

Zhao Guo is a country developed with heavy industry, a large number of steel, glass, cement, and related coking plants are common. There is a large amount of high-quality coal in the northern part of Zhao State, and these high-quality coals provide sufficient energy supply for Zhao State.

Female workers were supposed to be suitable for light industry production, but Zhao Guo didn’t have such a foundation at all. Men entered the cities and factories, and it was impossible for women to live in the countryside. So they sold a lot of land and entered the industrial and mining areas. Or the factory area.

When men are engaged in manual labor, women are also forced to enter the factory to do the same work for their livelihood, but the ease of work is slightly reduced, for example. In some carriage parts foundries, women usually do the polishing work, and they also do the drilling of some important bridges and engineering beams. Measuring and testing working women are more talented than men.

In addition, there are some aviation departments that also need women. The subtle characteristics of women play a big role there. Without them, Zhao Guo Industry would lack a kind of soft beauty.

Like male workers, women have outstanding performance in some important technical industries, and some female workers have become students in some polytechnic colleges. It is relatively rare in Qin, because women usually do not study science and engineering, and there is less research into science and engineering. But in Zhao State, it is more normal, because a large number of jobs are provided, and women are competent for such jobs.

In addition to these, a large number of women working as apprentices were also sent to study in the State of Qin. In Qin and Xianyang, you will find that there are quite a few women in Zhao Guoli's research category. This is definitely a peculiar phenomenon in various countries.

This also explains why there are still some people in Zhao Guo who are willing to engage in dangerous jobs. The reason is to make their sisters have a better job of studying and studying. In Zhao Guo, technology has become a brand new life skill.

Qin State, Xianyang. Inside Wenyang Bank.

"The people of the Yue family opened two railway lines at once, but we think that these two railway lines are just one." Xiao He said to Yingyu.

"The railway can reach Simon directly, and then separate two straight lines, one into Indy and the other into Karachi. In this way, the difficulty of the project will be much reduced. Although the circulation pressure on the trunk line in the middle is higher, it only needs to be constructed. This problem can be solved." Xiao He said to Yingyu.

"How to construct, how to select the site, or how to build, whether they are building tunnels or erecting bridges, these are not what we can manage. We are banks and finance. The Yue people built one at once. Or two railways. It doesn't mean much to us. What we care about is how to solve their funds?" Yingyu said worriedly.

"The prime minister's residence of Qin State is to let us issue currency at the right time. Especially paper currency. However, for now, the only way for the Yue government to solve the financial problem is gold coins, paper currency, and a bond. Let the bonds become a pile of waste paper. If banknotes are being issued, it will be almost like toilet paper." Yingyu said at this time, shaking his head. For the Yue government to issue a large number of paper money to solve the financial crisis, Yingyu believes that it is impossible, because the previous land bonds have caused a lot of chaos, and a large number of officers and soldiers are dissatisfied with the government. Although they only expressed dissatisfaction, this sentiment has always existed. This has led to the subsequent issuance of banknotes, unless the creditworthiness of the banknotes is very high, otherwise it is difficult to promote it. Once it is promoted, Yingyu is very good. Knowing what will happen next, a lot of bonds will become waste paper, and those banknotes will be divided into pieces of paper flying in the air, worthless.

"Well, this is far beyond our expectations." Xiao He said.

"Unless the land bonds are fully recovered and the previous bond promises are fulfilled, the Yue government will not be able to issue paper money at all." Xiao He said.

"So, the crux of the problem lies in the credibility of the Yue's government, but the Yue's government needs a lot of funds to solve their financial problems, and we can only provide them with a lot of gold coins." Yingyu said.

"But in this way, our gold reserves will decline rapidly. In fact, our gold reserves have fallen. This is a disaster for us, and how to solve this disaster is the important thing before us. Topic." Yingyu said.

"This. I think we can also issue another currency. Metal currency." Xiao He said at this time.

"Well, what currency, is there any other currency that can be used in this way?" Yingyu asked puzzledly.

"Silver coins, only silver coins still have some value. In this way, we can convert into a large amount of silver coins, so that the gold coins can return to our hands. Increase our gold reserves, and at the same time urge the Yue government to recycle the bonds in their hands to further improve. The government credit of the Yue government, after the bond collection is completed, we will consider the possibility of issuing banknotes. Only in this way can all problems be resolved." Xiao He said.

"Silver coins?" Ying Yu asked.

"Yes, use one metal currency to replace another metal currency to solve all the metal currency problems, and at the same time let the other party release a large amount of debts, use new debts to repay old debts, and let debts continue to accumulate. In the end. The debt problem broke out, and we reap the final result." Xiao He said.

"Yeah. Silver coins, yes, just use silver coins." Yingyu decided. Xiao He is right. A large amount of gold reserves are used in it, which is extremely detrimental to the credit of the bank and the credit of the government. Under such circumstances, how to recover the large amount of gold reserves? , It needs to rely on another kind of metal. This kind of metal currency is silver coins, and silver coins have a large reserve. For a long time, Qin State only regarded them as a kind of discarded metal, but now his value has come out. The people of Qin need him to make new currency to re-enter circulation, and the purpose is to replace gold and make gold become a gold reserve again, so as to improve the creditworthiness of the bank and the government. This is the function of silver coins. If there were no silver coins, the Qin government, the danger of banks would increase again because of this borrowing.

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