State of Qin, in Xianyang Palace.

"Yeah. Wei Liao is right. Now the widow has become a lot slower in understanding war." King Qin said to Feng Quji.

"The king is right. There are too many changes in this technology, so many of them make it difficult for us to comprehend. Especially this communication, such as before, our post station received more news, not as much as it is now. The old minister suddenly felt that in these In front of communication, it becomes difficult to cope with it." Feng Quji said.

"Haha." King Qin said with a smile. This is indeed such a change. Before Qin Guo always felt that the information was not fast enough, but the telegram appeared, especially after the telephone and long-distance calls appeared. Information is sent like an explosion, which makes many people caught off guard. The previous information was vague and elusive. Especially some information is difficult to explain the situation, but the current situation has undergone great changes. For example, in the most fringe part of the Qin Kingdom, King Qin knew what was lacking, because a telegram could be sent over, such as how much snow fell and how long it took. What the weather is like, and what kind of meals the soldiers ate at noon can be reported. This kind of report brings great satisfaction and a sense of security. This is why King Qin was able to let Shangwen do so boldly, because many of the messages sent from the border were so detailed. It was impossible for the officers on the border to rebel. With the help of telegrams and telephones, everything became so stable. Come down.

"This is not enough. Telegram and telephone can only keep communication in fixed places, but now, if you look at the current situation, a lot has changed. We can keep communication even in the airship in the sky. In other words. , It’s okay to move.” Qin Wang said to Feng Quji with a smile. The Qin military has begun to gradually promote the use of radio. These are mainly concentrated in the air force.

Because they found that performing aerial bombing missions, because of the inconvenience of communication will cause some accidents, for example. They often lose some of them because they cannot receive timely weather information, and some are because of weather conditions. After all, the weather forecast has not been forecast to the point of being very accurate. Once they encounter special weather conditions, the situation will become more complicated. Need to return, or the task encountered an accident, in short, things have become more complicated, this is the situation they face. With radio communication, they can guarantee that such a situation can be avoided in time. Radio can do this.

"What does the king mean?" Feng Quji asked.

"The form of war has changed a lot. Wei Liao is right. Our understanding of other countries is not very detailed. Therefore, we need to understand their form. To understand their views on war, if necessary, we also It can raise the importance of our technology and earn the money they earn." King Qin said with a smile.

"The widow heard that the colony of Chu in South Korea expanded a lot. They robbed quite a lot of gold, gold and silver, and various precious things in the colony. The widow wanted to take these things back to see." King Qin said with a smile. .

"The king is wise." Feng Quji said.

Chu State, Pengcheng.

"What is the general's opinion?" Xiang Liang asked Xiang Yan.

"Send people to see the situation there. After all, the changes in the form of war have far exceeded our expected development status. To be honest, the current war has changed too much, and personal courage can no longer determine anything, and , That is, many problems have been solved by the other party, such as aerial reconnaissance. In the words of Qin people, war has become one-way transparency. This kind of transparency is very terrible. You and I can feel this kind of transparency. Fear, so we still have to go and take a look. Let the young people go and take a look, let them realize that the great changes in the war, our generation. Forget it. It’s over.” Xiang Yan said.

"Oh." Xiang Liang felt that Xiang Yan's words were a bit too much. But now that it is said. He felt that it was still necessary to do so. As for who to choose, he thinks he should think about it.

Qi State, Tian Heng's general mansion.

"Sir, those Zhao Guo's navies are very seasick. I heard that their marines have been unable to get up several days after boarding the ship. In this way, Zhao Guo seems to have established a navy." A navy lieutenant colonel said to Tian. Reported horizontally.

"Haha. After all, Zhao State is a landlocked country. The sea is more dangerous than the Yangtze River in the south. They are not used to water warfare. They want to get used to naval warfare all at once. Zhao Guohai is still too reluctant." Tian Heng heard Zhao Guo's navy said with a smile after a lot of seasickness during training.

"Sir, do we help Zhao Guojun? After all, they are very weak now. If they can develop, it will be of great help to us." A navy commander said in a low voice at this time.

"This." Tian Heng hesitated, because after he heard about the current development of the Zhao State Navy, he felt that the Zhao State Navy had not considered it enough. After all, they couldn't even solve the seasickness now. Talking about going to the sea to fight, this is something he doesn't want to see.

"Sir, after all, the current situation is still unfavorable to us. We still need the help of the Zhao State Navy. Especially in terms of technology, if we can provide relevant assistance, the Zhao State Navy will also be a great help to us." The lieutenant commander suggested. Compared with the size of the South Korean navy, the more the major believed that the Qi navy should unite with the Zhao navy, so as to avoid being defeated by the powerful South Korean navy.

"We have iron-clad ships, and the Korean navy’s warships may not pose a greater threat to us yet. How about their rich combat experience? They can’t penetrate our warships and pose no threat to us, and they are still useless. Yes." The lieutenant colonel retorted.

"But, sir, the technology is developing so fast now. I think the South Korean navy may already know the characteristics of our warships. If they launch a surprise attack on us, or take some preventive measures, we are helpless." The Lieutenant Commander said worriedly.

"Okay. Don't say it. The specific situation has not happened yet. We might as well see how it happened and how far it happened. We don't know yet. It's too anxious now and it's of no use." Tian Heng said. Speaking of. He was worried about the South China Sea, but he felt that he shouldn't worry too much. After all, he still had a great advantage.

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