"The Tocharians can't count on it. Air support is affected by the weather." Shangwen said.

"Yes, Prime Minister, this kind of situation is more likely to happen. The weather in Dawan is abnormal. Meteorological experts believe that there may be a large-scale snowfall, but I just don't know when the time is." Liao said.

In view of this, Shangwen had to think of other ways to solve it.

Qin State Staff.

"Next, the Parthians will definitely adopt two-wing breakthrough tactics to form a huge encirclement, but what I want to know is whether they will eat the Dawan army in the encirclement at once, or directly rush to the back where the Dawan people are rich and rob Something?" Yang Duanhe said.

"If they are capable, they will definitely eat the Dawan army in the encirclement. I was thinking, how should the rest of the people eat the other Dawan army? What kind of weapons do they have?" Wang Jian thought of this question.

"This needs to see whether the Parthians have completed the specific encirclement." Yang Duanhe said.

Inside Xianyang Railway Station.

"What happened? It suddenly made us gather in an emergency. Does this mean that we should go to the front line immediately." Some Zhao Guo officers guessed.

"I don't know. I originally planned to leave in three days. I also planned to buy some gifts for my fiancee. I didn't expect it. I came here, and before I had a good rest, let us go to the front line immediately." Zhao Jun said worriedly.

"Yeah. Alright. Stop talking. Everyone is patient. I'll go and ask." Li Zuoche said. He is a lieutenant colonel. Naturally there is such a right.

"Lieutenant Ali." Li Zuoche asked a Qin Jun lieutenant. He is in charge of the liaison with the Zhao State Military Advisory Group. At the same time, he is responsible for the daily life of some officers. Of course. They are all soldiers, and there are many things they don't need to worry about, otherwise, they don't need to be soldiers at all.

"Sir." Lieutenant Ali asked Li Zuoche curiously.

"What happened? It made us assemble in an emergency, as if we were going to the Western Regions." Li Zuoche said.

"Yes, sir, I got some news that Dawan was attacked by the Parthians, and the situation of Dawan is not good. However, Dawan seems not to be worried, in order to prevent similar things from happening. So, you guys You must reach Dawan as soon as possible. Of course. We will guarantee your safety." Lieutenant Ali said.

"Well. I know. I want to know, do you know how far it happened?" Li Zuoche asked.

"I don't know about this. But I got the news that Dawan still hasn't determined whether the Parthians actually launched an attack. Therefore, everyone in this area is anxiously waiting." Lieutenant Ali said.

"Not sure yet?" Li Zuoche asked in surprise.

"Yes. Sir. It has not yet been determined whether the Parthians actually launched an offensive. All we know is that some of the frontier troops have lost contact. That's it." Ali said.

"Lost contact, doesn't this explain the situation? This means that the Parthians have launched an offensive. Otherwise, how could the frontline troops lose contact? Once they lose contact, they will know very well what will happen? In my opinion, The matter may have been very serious. The Parthians are nomads and are very aggressive. They will definitely choose two-wing breakthrough tactics to form a huge encirclement. In that case, the situation of the Dawan people is not good." Li The left car judged it.

"Yeah. So, now the chief has ordered you to rush to the place where the incident happened quickly." Lieutenant Ali said. Li Zuoche pondered this matter seriously.

Dawan, the frontline. The Division Headquarters of the 3rd Infantry Division of Dawan.

"Sir, this is the information we just got. The three companies we deployed along the border were all surrounded by the rest. The whole army was destroyed." A lieutenant colonel said.

"Damn it. The situation is not good for us." Li Mai said at this time.

"Yes, sir. Three infantry companies, the entire army was destroyed. This can only mean that the Parthians have launched an offensive. They are crossing our weak wings. We must send this news to the headquarters as soon as possible, otherwise things will happen. Further deterioration." The lieutenant colonel said worriedly.

"Wait, wait, it may not be as serious as it happened. I want to know, how did you know that such a thing happened?" Brigadier General Li Mai still asked such a thing without believing it happened.

"It was reported by one of our soldiers who escaped. Many positions were suddenly attacked by the Parthians. Many soldiers found the massacre, and quite a few people were captured. He escaped because he was worried that he would be killed. Said the lieutenant colonel.

"Desert." Brigadier General Li Mai said.

"But sir, this matter must be reported to the headquarters." said the lieutenant colonel.

"Okay. Let the news go like this. Now shrink back as many troops as possible, and no more such losses can happen." Brigadier General Li Mai said.

Inside Li Xin's headquarters. Li Xin has been ordered to pay attention to the situation in the rear. He is worried that the Parthians will choose to attack their rear. In that case, their back will be cut off and the three Dawan infantry divisions will be besieged.

"Is there any news from the rear?" Li Xin asked a staff officer.

"Sir, there is no news yet, but we have strengthened our guard. If we encounter a situation, we may have a countermeasure." The staff officer said.

"It's not good. It's not good. The Restoration really called." At this moment, Li Qi ran over quickly with a telegram and shouted loudly.

"Damn it." Li Xin scolded.

"Really, it's true, it really came over." Li Qi ran in panic and said.

"What happened?" Li Xin asked.

"According to today’s report, the Parthians have attacked our left and right wings. They are crossing our positions and may have reached the rear. This is a summary of several reports and should be true. Moreover, the Parthians have already ran to us. Go to the rear of the city. We may be surrounded, and the situation is very bad for us." Li Qi said.

"Okay. We must hold our position now. There can be no more big collapses. Let all people shrink their positions, as far as possible, otherwise they will be confused." Li Xin said helplessly.

"So, our back road. What about the back road?" Li Qi said to Li Xin.

"Don't worry, we will spend this time safely, don't worry." Li Xin was so calm. He felt very dissatisfied with Li Qi's panic, but it was just dissatisfaction.

Dawan, North, and Tongfang Town. This town mainly produces some copper mines. Qin's demand for copper mines has become very large. This small town has developed because of this, but they have not developed for long, mainly because there are only a few nearby. Industry and mine developed together. The town has a road leading to the outside world, and then the ore is transported out through the town of Huangshi, which is connected to several important mineral deposits nearby.

Life in the small town is peaceful and peaceful, because people are rich and in need for some life needs. The small town has only developed. There are all kinds of food delivered from the Qin State, as well as all kinds of beautiful clothes, and the living goods are quite affluent.

The town is ending last night's grand recovery. Many young boys and young girls have come to the nearby mines. They are very happy. They found it very unforgettable for the party yesterday. Many people live in small towns. They will return to their mines today, and some will become lovers. This is a good thing for the development of small towns.

"Puff." An old man walking on the street was suddenly chopped off by a flying knife.

"Yes, rest in peace, rest in peace." Some old people in the distance shouted loudly.

"Bang. Bang." Then there was gunfire, and the old man was killed. A large number of sabbath cavalry rushed in.

"The rest. The rest came in." Some people shouted loudly, and then many people were killed. The town mayor didn't know how these sabbath cavalry appeared, he hadn't received any warning at all, and the Dawan army from the front line did not issue an alarm. The slaying and robbery of the Parthians were frantic. The town was full of screams, gunshots, and the piercing sound of bone cutting. The sound sounded terrifying and piercing.

The town mayor felt that the situation was extremely serious and decided to send a telegram requesting reinforcements. So that the rear can protect them.

Within the Ministry of Defense of Dawan.

"Minister, this is a telegram from the front-line command. The war is really coming." the assistant said. By the time the confirmed news was confirmed, three days had passed since the date of the Parthian attack. Only then did Dawan get the exact news.

"What?" the Secretary of Defense exclaimed in surprise.

"Minister, really, the Parthians have launched an attack. We have been attacked." The assistant confirmed this.

"Minister, Minister." Just then. The deputy minister came over with an emergency telegram.

"It's not good. Our Tongfang town has been attacked, and the Parthians have been killed. The residents of the town have been killed a lot. There are corpses everywhere, and blood is everywhere." The deputy minister said at this time.

"What? They have already killed Tongfang Town?" The Defense Minister exclaimed in surprise.

"Yes, sir, something like this has happened. We must enter a state of war immediately." said the deputy defense minister.

"Damn it, the war really came." The Minister of Defense finally recognized the current situation, and his only way was to accept this fact.

"Well, I accept the fact that war has come. Let the Parliament declare a state of war." The Minister of Defense said calmly. He knew that he would have more trouble if he didn't accept this fact.

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